Letter to the World | Teen Ink

Letter to the World

April 25, 2014
By tunocomply BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
tunocomply BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
be happy

Dear World:
I write this today in hope to open your eyes. I want to tell every person from the pope. To the struggling Christian that doesn’t know what to believe. To the most dedicated atheists. That god is real. He is really there.

The complex human being wants everything to be good. To be very happy and well kept. People say that gods not real because there are so many evil things happening every day and if there was a god, well he just wouldn’t allow it. The thing is that god gave us the amazing thing, the right to choice in our daily lives and if we don’t want to believe we don’t have to. Life is full of choices god is not a wizard all the bad things that happen make us stronger, but we are human and we will make mistakes and they may not be good ones. To destroy evil is in god’s plan and he is working on it. The devil is very strong though and is so very good at making people think that life is all there is, so let’s live it how we want to and not how we should be living. The road to happiness is not easy. But science! It proves that god is fake doesn’t it? The big bang theory, water, life how light formed. Science supposedly proves that the bibles creation was wrong. Science and god actually work together. The bible was not meant to be a science book, explaining everything would just take up to many pages to read so it is summed up a little. 7 days it took to create the world according to the bible and scientists say that the big bang theory took about the same. The big bang also states that well there was a bang and that’s proves the point. Let there be light. The world around us works so well. Just a simple leaf has a long story. The universe is amazing and the human being is perfect. There is no way that all this just happened by accident.

Some people challenge that the devil is also fake. Some of the worst and most atheist people live the best lives. And some of the best and most Christian people live the worst. A man may be rich and not believe and could be very easily confused because the Christian is poor. Well the devil sometimes allows for a person to live in ease so that they won’t have to reach out for god. The presence of the devil is like a jail cell, but it’s kind of comfy. The gates always open but you want to stay awhile, and one day it’s too late and the gate closes. Some people take that risk but me I shut the gate on the way out.

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