Just Say Thanks | Teen Ink

Just Say Thanks

May 4, 2014
By mk_loveswriting BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
mk_loveswriting BRONZE, Amery, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"You will succeed because other people are lazy" -unknown

I want you to stop and think for a moment about the people in your life who mentor, and guide you.

My biggest mentors are my parents. Today I was reminded just how lucky I am to have two wonderful people in my life who love me. I know not everyone is so lucky.

In the spirit of the upcoming holidays, Mother’s Day and Father’s Day I would like to propose a challenge. Stop and take a moment to thank the people that have helped you to become the person you are today. You don’t have to say much, just say thanks. Deep down they will know what you are trying to say.

It’s easy to forget how you got to where you are today. Our lives are crazy, most people never sit still. It does not matter if your days are full of sports or art and music. Everyone needs to spend time doing homework. I hope you find time to sleep. I know I would not be able to survive the school year without my parents. It’s important to remember that without the people who love you, you would not be the same person you are today. You would not have the same skills or values and you would not have the same experiences to shape your life with.

I know that sometimes it is hard to get along with your parents. Just because we argue does not mean we don’t love our parents. I know deep down when my parents say no, it’s just because they love me. It is not because they want to destroy my social life. They say no because they care.

My Challenge to you is to take a second to thank your mentors, whether it’s you parents, grandparents, teachers, coaches, or your best friends. Please, please, please, remember to say thanks and keep in mind what is really important in life this upcoming Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.

The author's comments:
I hope people take this to heart and try to thank the people they love.

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This article has 1 comment.

classof2014 said...
on May. 6 2014 at 12:26 pm
This is the most touchable article I had ever read in this site. I have just forgotten about Mother's day and Father's day. I am living far apart from my parents and i will graduate  by this June. What I am thinking is this is the best time to tell them my simple thankful words. I very agree that it is little embarrassed and not an easy thing to say thankyou to them, but this article gave me courage.