Women's Rights | Teen Ink

Women's Rights

May 12, 2014
By amosc989 BRONZE, West Melb, Florida
amosc989 BRONZE, West Melb, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Women have always been behind men. Not able to shine, but always standing in a man’s shadow. People still think women are not as good at sports, doing their job occupation, or even not as smart. However, statistics would show that this is not true.

It is proven that woman can still be better than men at sports. With hard work and dedication, which woman tend to have a lot of, woman can be just as good as men. Girls should be able to participate on the same team as men, with the same rules. Women have always been on the back burner, but it is time to be able to be completely even with men.

Likewise, men get paid more than men. A woman could be doing the same job with the same amount of outcome or even a better job than a man. However, the woman will still get paid less than the man. Even if the woman is working really hard and is working better than a man, sometimes women get paid less.

Women typically are smarter than men. Statistics show that women are getting into college more often than men. Women have a higher acceptance rate, and more women are going to college. Women are becoming more educated ever since the woman rights movement. Women will hopefully continue getting more credit.

To conclude, women should get treated the same as man, for something as little as sports, to getting equal pay. Women have become more educated and should be treated the same. Ever since the women’s rights movement women have gotten more chances to be equal, but there are still things not equal that should be.

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