Chasing Dreams | Teen Ink

Chasing Dreams

May 18, 2014
By Anonymous

My mother does not have my best interest at heart. I’m currently on a mission in following my dreams and nobody understands my point of view, unless they are in my shoes. Since I’ve never had a male role model in my life, she believes that I will never understand how to become a man. However, her opinion is wrong. I have two brothers that live in Virginia, one is a newspaper boy and the other one works at a call center. They live in a 2 bedroom apartment with 3 people living in it. Plus they are involved in illegal activities that I’m not trying to be a part of. My mother has no idea what they are up to there. However, she thinks she knows them and what is going on in their lives by talking to them every day and by keeping in touch with them – but she doesn’t. Unfortunately, I don’t talk to any of my family members because they all have crushed my dreams and believe that it is impossible for me to achieve my goals all because they couldn’t. None of my family members took me seriously because I was the baby in the family. Although, there are benefits of being the baby, and that is that I’m able to see the mistakes my family members have done. I have noticed that I am on a different path than most of them regarding plans after high school. My older brother has a job that works from 9 am to 5 pm and gets paid 10 dollars an hour, not a job that I’m impressed with. I’m working on being a successful entrepreneur with one company that I’m finished with, and with 4 others that I’m currently working on. I do understand my mother’s point of view, but I don’t agree with it. I’m much smarter than she thinks I am, because I’m always very quiet and I don’t give her much information on things. The main reason is because I believe that actions speaks louder than words. I could tell my mother the whole plan but that wouldn’t accomplish anything, because in the past when I try to tell her about it, she would shut it down and would crush my dreams. She says: “If it is that easy then why isn’t every teenager doing it?” This is because teenagers are not willing to put all their energy and effort on focus on a specific goal. Most teenagers let society tell them who to be or what they should do. It’s either going to college or joining the military. Life isn’t always black and white, there’s also grey but nobody notices it. I have always trained myself to be in a mindset that when trying to focus on achieving my dreams, I must get rid of all distractions. This includes my friends, family, my phone and anything else that could potentially become a distraction. I’m not an average 18 year old, and I have found that out when I talk to the elders about my dreams. They find my dreams to be unbelievable, and wished they had my dreams at the age of 18. By knowing that I could go far in life, and achieve all my goals. I have worked so hard to solve a world problem that was needed, I had took it upon myself to find the possible solutions to solve this problem. During that process I had people that would try to take my dreams away from me, but that didn’t stop me. I remember when I came to Bob’s office with my idea. He said it would be extremely hard to accomplish the idea I had in mind. My first plan was only 8 pages long, and I thought I was done. But who was I fooling? It took me 7 months to finish the plan and another 1 year to place myself into an entrepreneur state of mind. Now, my plan includes 3 power points, 7 pages of executive summary and 22 pages of the plan. I have worked so hard to prove people wrong especially those dream crushers, and I am most definitely not stopping here. I have a voice and I’m capable of accomplishing anything no matter what they say.
In the future, I would like to buy my mother a new car and a house for all the trouble I have put her through. She has been through so much. I am capable of giving her the things she wants and had always wished she had. I will never forget about my mother, she was the one that raised me when my father had walked away. The only way I can put a smile on her face is to continue doing what I do, and that is not hesitating from achieving my dreams.

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