Clinical Depression | Teen Ink

Clinical Depression

June 4, 2014
By Anonymous

Last year in seventh grade I use to get depressed all the time, people would always ask me what’s wrong and I would never tell them, I use to think it wouldn’t go away but it did. I found a solution. (

The causes of depression may include bullying, being judged, abused, and etc. It is a mental illness disorder that takes your happiness away. Many adolescents end up doing bad things to themselves such as, using razor blades to damage their skin, or they choose to commit suicide. Some may do drugs also to release the pain and their feelings. Teens may put things online such as tweeting while being depressed. I know lots of people who have been depressed, or who are still going through depression, some go to a therapist and some have tried suicide before but didn’t succeed. Sometimes people get depressed but don’t know why, that is why it is an illness.

With the disorder, they may have been through a lot in life to make them that way. Society judges them based on their looks, what they wear, sexuality, or for trying to be themselves. ( Also they may blame their problems on others. Some parents schedule their children to go to a therapist, or even get subscribed for medication.

( You just need to get the right treatment. Over the year of 2014, 27% say they have “extreme stress”. 34% expect it to increase (WebMD). When I was depressed, I started cutting people off and sometimes not talking to them. Most times when I was depressed I was angry, I didn’t know who to trust. Is still get mad a lot over that kind of stuff because people are so annoying and always got something to say to judge someone, they talk about how you dress, walk, you act, or just for being yourself personally. All I do is being nice to people and be helpful but most of the times I don’t get anything in return.

Even though many believe teens will out-grow depression, there should be more support available because they may endanger themselves or others. ( I endangered others when I got depressed, meaning ignoring them. I thought they were excluding me and not really being a real friend to me. Some of them I apologized to but half of them have a reason they are still cut off. When your depressed you over think and when that happens, you kind of start to over think about your friends and the people you hang out with, whether they are real or temporary. From that I feel like I have found out who my real friends are from the way they have been treating me.

The author's comments:
This is an article / Arguement that talks about depression, how people feel, what it does, and how it effects you life.

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