Collection of Thoughts From a Young Mind | Teen Ink

Collection of Thoughts From a Young Mind

August 31, 2014
By thomasstern SILVER, Rio De Janeiro, Other
thomasstern SILVER, Rio De Janeiro, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The music is not in the notes,
but in the silence between.”
― Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Betroth by this amorphous life, all-purpose has slipped away from my tedious grasp, and solely left to wither is the inception of a putrid and monotonous feeling, somber and lugubrious in its superfluous existence… Closing my eyes, I drift opposite my previous subdued and despondent entity. Lacking feeling and aspiration, all that is left for me is to hypothesize on the shortcomings of man as my mind beseeches me to understand that which has troubled the ever so susceptible man. My conjecture leads me to understand the secret function that has always been enigmatically at my disposal yet eluding me all the same; to reach out at the finest details of my surroundings and bask in their grandiose radiation, to live the privilege of life with eyes wide shut, and nothing more.

Brooding at my misconception of humanity’s existence, I am left pondering, no, apprehending the unwanted, masked truth that has haunted my own existence in the short time I have tread this fine Earth. This juxtaposition of ideas would insinuate any sane man his dementia, but my willing acceptance of such lunacy has wrought me to be less keen on the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’, and more enamored of just being.

And finally, I breathe the miraculous air of sentience for the very first time. Endowed by such strange yet bewitching consciousness, my body is aflame with—however ephemeral the feeling may be—tingling extremities as inexplicable warmth permeates from core to periphery. The only lesson left for me to bequeath: dare not make the egregious mistake of taking for granted that which is the beauty of life.

-November 4th, 2013

The author's comments:
Humanity's micsonception of why we are here as left me thinking of purpose and existence. I came to a sudden realization that we are not on this planet with a purpose or reason. It is troubling to accept, but once comprehended, we can finally understand that it is important not to try to decipher our existence, but to merely exist. We must find gratification in the gift that is life and just live it axiomatically and to full extent.

I made this realization come at a time of death because I feel that all humans will realize this at the same time--when it is already too late; thus, this small prose serves as a conveying of my thoughts so that we don't suffer indefinitely. 

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