Social Media | Teen Ink

Social Media

February 16, 2015
By Jonah Luther BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
Jonah Luther BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Right now in our country, an issue that is being hotly debated can affect youth and parents all over America. Social media. Some say it’s bad news because of cyberbullying and people are being left out, while others say it’s great because of how fast you could get ahold of someone and find out how they are doing. Social media might not be the best way to relieve your stress or bad things that have happened in your day. Overall, it’s a positive idea. So social media should be something that everyone should try and experience because it makes the majority of teens relationships with their friends better, teens are more peer based, and it can help you when you're in trouble.

The majority of teens relationships with their friends are better because they can communicate more than at school or seeing each other at Walmart. Other people say that they can get into more fights over social media and might send mean things or not talk to each other at school. This can be true, but this quote shows otherwise. states “73% of teens are on some sort of social media, and 37% send messages to their friends everyday. This shows that those teens have better relationships with their friends.” They are right. This is a very credible source because they are a review site so they have been on statistics sites and rated them. They also have taken many surveys for other websites and took credible evidence.

Teens are more peer based because they have the option and opportunity to do so. They want to know more about their peers and friends. Some people say that teens to that to target and hurt people, but this quote shows that it is not the only things teens do. says “Teens are more peer based because they use social media to find out things about new people that they meet to find things in common about you and them. They interact and receive feedback from one another. They are motivated to learn more from each other than from adults.  Teachers and adults are no longer the only sources of knowledge”. This source is credible because it is written by parents that recognise the good and bad effects on social media. Also they have asked their kids and other students that have helped with the teen answer.

Social media can help you when you’re in trouble because if you were in a burning building you could send a cry for help or if you got out tell everyone that you’re okay. Also it’s a fast easy way to see if others are okay. some people say that you could fake being in trouble to trick someone or tell people that someone is okay even though they are not, this quote shows that they are wrong. According to “Individuals in crisis situations can use social media in a number of different ways. Perhaps the most obvious is to say “I’m okay.” While status updates are often jokingly associated with mundane life updates or more seriously associated with significant life announcements, in the wake of a terror attack or natural disaster taking a second to write “I’m okay” on social is an incredibly quick and easy way to relieve your friends and family from worry.” This quote shows that people have a quick and short response for a cry for help or a ‘I’m okay”. This is a quote right from the page click on the link to see it on the webpage. “We craft campaigns, websites, apps, animations, social strategy and multi-day festivals. Everyday, we invent solutions that make for happy clients. Take a look for yourself.”

As we looked at all this information, we cannot help but see that social media has a positive impact on youth lives. It is hard to imagine that people are still trying to disagree with all the facts of social media for youth. So lets change the youth lives for the better so help young people can stay on social media.

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