School Uniforms | Teen Ink

School Uniforms

June 5, 2015
By Anonymous

We should not wear school uniforms
       Did you know that most controversy in public and private schools concerns the issue of uniforms and dress codes? We as teenagers need to be free, creative and independent. Even though 79% of schools encourage diversity and independence they also want them to not express themselves through clothing and force them to wear uniforms and the want of being creative and themselves is automatically gone.
       You’d think that uniforms would have a greater and more influential impact on us in school today, but shockingly enough it doesn’t.Parents of every generation but this generation specifically go against school uniforms. If we as teenagers, children and young adults act out in school and that school influences and forces us to wear uniforms it won’t look good on the school. As a kid has a conflict at school and the conflict gets to other ears such as people outside of the building and we wear uniforms or things to represent our school as one, parents or even other kids will think not only low of us as teens, but low of the school because that is where it’s occurring and not being dealt with in the proper way. Uniforms can also cause racial,sexual and major controversy issues.  Not only child controversy but parent controversy, money is a big deal with uniforms and they have other issues, if they aren't willing to pay it they will start a large argument.
    Some may say that uniforms are less distracting to schools, education and how this students present themselves. Proven that they may be less distracting it doesn't help learning. Too many are focused on girls bra straps, high shirts, and shorts, and guys butts hanging out of their pants. Some teachers at school have been fired or have been deeply in trouble for saying things to kids about their outfit and not saying a lot a out the lesson that was being taught that day. Us as teenagers, kids and young adults should be able to dress freely and not have to worry about being dress coded in school for something we feel comfortable in and that our parents know we are wearing. If they aren't worried, we aren't worried, the school shouldn't be worried either. As many teachers are against this and say they "need" uniforms, the rest go against it because they know it's wrong. Proven by some education departments, they have found that us being uncomfortable will distract us from work, education and learning than us wearing what we want.
   Another main reasons uniforms shouldn't happen is because so many parents are against it. "I believe that my child should wear what he/she wants to express themselves and not get in trouble for it. Parents don't want to pay the $90 that the uniforms will cost either if they don't have the money. Some parents send us to less expensive or free public school so we don't have to have to pay for anything unless necessary and they force uniforms on us. Parents don't always have the money seeing as though they are single, poor and or have very little for their kids but still provide for them the best they can. Growing out of the uniforms and not having enough money for the next year for $90 uniforms will be an issue too, especially if there is a money issue, like previously stated.We want to be free,individual, and creative as much as our parents want us too and that's another part of the issue, we can not fully express who we are with just words, we need visuals and it can't be just a simple accessory, it takes much more than that.
    67% of children in 6th grade and above, will get bullied because they are "the same as others". Believe it or not, we have a greater chance of being bullied if we match someone "cooler" than us or who doesn't like us, because they don't like us to dress like them,this is where harassment comes into play. They tease you because you are the same but they tease you because you're different, we can't win and neither can parents. Bullying can come from different things but because the bully is the same thing as the victim and wears the same thing they don't like it. They feel victimized because they can't be themselves all because the school has rules that no one wants to listen too.
    "Kids can wear jewelry and uniforms will be free, that will solve everything." Although that sounds like a better idea, it doesn't represent individuality, it's not fair to force them into things,parents will still be mad and kids can't be creative. Even seeing or knowing kids uniforms that people think they are "better" is wrong because we need freedom, creativity and a voice. Many arguments prove school uniforms are right but their are many to prove that they are bad and us as students shouldn't wear them. 

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