That Number | Teen Ink

That Number

October 30, 2015
By Muricaa__ BRONZE, Cicero, Illinois
Muricaa__ BRONZE, Cicero, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In high school there's a majority of the students who believe they can do anything, be anything, achieve everything. In some cases there's students who come because they have nowhere else to go, we have been fantasizing about our future, being focused on getting an A on the next big test that's 20% of your grade, too worried who likes who and who's hooking up with who, too focused on other people's lives instead of ours. The majority of this generation are too busy caring on how they look or too focused studying instead of living life. Some people are just lost looking for a way out and they may think drugs is the way out. I on the other hand find weed very pleasureable, just needing it when I want to distract myself from my surrondings. We're all being judged by the number circled on the top of the test, we all judge one another " He got he top score on the final, wow he's so smart" "She failed the final, she's so dumb", but why do we let our GPA define who we are, a number on our test doesn't mean we are dumb, we have knowledge that we have yet still to understand. They say " The higher your GPA is the better future you'll have", we're letting a small number define who we really are, will that number matter once we're 6ft under the ground? Will heaven not accept us for our GPA or ACT score? In life are we ever going to use the Pythagorean Theorem? Will we ever use the square root of Pi? Letting a number define who we are will probably make you doubt what your knowledge is about, that one student who is getting straight A's is probably stressed out to the point where he doesn't know what to do anymore, that one student who failed the test probably thinks he's the dumbest person ever. That number at the end of your report card can drive someone to the point of wanting to kill themselves because they think they're not worthy of living because they don't have the best GPA. Is it worth it? Is it worth losing ourselves for a number that will no longer matter in the next 6 years, will that numbr matter once we're 6ft undergroud?

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this piece was that I saw myself struggling on everything, saw my friends sturggling try to balance out social life and school life.

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