Stand By Me | Teen Ink

Stand By Me

November 30, 2015
By UkeCanDoIt BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
UkeCanDoIt BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Don't tell me the sky is the limit, when there are footsteps on the moon."

Stand by me

Everyone has a friend who would stand by him or her in a time of need. I know that I would not have to ask any of my friends to support me, because they already know that is what they should do. Part of being someone’s close friend is being able to understand when you are needed and when you should have someone’s back. I am young, so I know that I have a lot more of my life to live. I have an uncountable amount of times where I know I will have to count on my friends or family to be there for me. Some occasions sad, some scary, and maybe even some where I am so excited that I will need someone close to hold me down. The point is that everyone needs someone to stand by him or her. That same someone should be the kind of person that they can count on.

I can remember when my dad was with my step mom, prior to the one I have now. I can remember knowing my friends would have my back no matter what I went through. My friends would not have to ask me how I was doing because they already knew. They knew how I was on the outside in relation to how I was really feeling on the inside, because of how close we all were. These friends stood by me as my family waited for the judge to call. These friends stood by me as my family waited for the doctors to call. Now these friends stand by me as my family puts the Band-Aids on our un-healable wounds. We all have a constant flowing river of patients, meant specifically for sentimental situations like these.

There will always be a reason for someone to not support you, even though you need it. Sometimes there will be excuses but other times there will be effective, maudlin times of advice giving. It is in those moments when you should know if you have the right peers or not. Everyone already knows that nobody is perfect. That being said, you always risk something when you rely on someone. When you get so close to a person, you risk being hurt or let down. It is because of this un-spoken fact that people can sometimes hesitate getting close to people. We are afraid of being hurt or let down. This is why it is so great to know when you have someone you can count on. Unfortunately it is not the easiest thing to find someone like this. It really is something special to have someone that wouldn’t hesitate to help you in a dire time of need.

Having a paucity of people that you can depend on would result in a rough and bitter life. Without having a stable acquaintance to relate with, a person would be forced to keep all their true feelings inside. In doing so, one would only think it would result in a horrific and grotesque outburst of ones pain that they have been forced to hold in. They keep every last feeling inside, not by choice but by the pressure to be coercing. With this being the result, it only makes sense that everyone should have someone to stand by; someone they trust, and someone they can rely on. 

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