Money: A Temporary Satisfaction | Teen Ink

Money: A Temporary Satisfaction

December 8, 2015
By Anonymous

Money: A Temporary Satisfaction

“Money has never made man happy, nor will it; there is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. The more of it one has the more one wants.” - Benjamin Franklin. He exemplifies the fact that there is little relation between money and the sensation of happiness, and that people desire more money, when society around them has more of what they covet. Money is a short term solution that conceals emotional joy within people. I want people to understand that money is not everything and the world does not revolve around paper.

Society has created a constant cycle of people who crave money that is out of their reach, and those people forget about the genuine meaning behind money. The basis would be economic inequality, which creates tension between different statuses in society and is the root of greediness. Also, people believe money is represented as a symbol, which anything and everything can be bought with.

The value behind money should be a source of pride, once received through hard work and dedication. Sadly, having money as your top priority slowly distorts you as a person, as days and memories in your life pass that you will never have the opportunity to relive.

For instance, Tom Stafford from pointed out, “Winning the lottery isn't’ a ticket to true happiness, however enticing it might be to imagine never working and being able to anything you want.” Honestly, if you wish to never work again, you will grow lazier by the day and waste time spending money for which truly is not deserved. Somebody else could earn a substantial amount of money doing what they love, and end up happier and more satisfied at the end of the day.

Stafford also informs, “Happiness isn't’ a quality that can be easily measured and given a number. It’s a complex, nebulous state that’s fed by transient simple pleasures.” Happiness is a state of mind which is not a trait acquired from having money, it is the little things such as laughing and smiling with the ones you love, which makes life worth living for.

Together, the quotes from above provide a basic explanation behind the true meaning of happiness and how there is a lack of correlation between money and a mental state of one's well being. Winning the lottery for example, is not a token to achieve happiness, no matter what you may gain from spending your newly received cash.

As a matter of fact, I vividly remember when I visited my grandmother in India, she mentioned to me that spending time with your loved ones was priceless. Time is more valuable than the any amount of money the world can offer. Money will not satisfy nor keep you happy forever.

In the words of researcher David McRaney, “No matter how you turn it, research says, once your basic needs are taken care of, money and other rewards don’t make you happier.” It is important to realize that once your needs are met, money holds less significance in your life, and diminishes the value of happiness. I feel that you should use your money wisely, without letting it contradict your emotional and physical state in the process.

In addition, McRaney also mentions, “Money alone doesn't have the motivational power to make you feel competent, it doesn't encourage you to strive for greatness.” Money on its own does not make you feel as if you have worked hard enough to become successful in your life. The extra push you need to accomplish your goals will not be gained through money.

Given these points, having the familiarity of how money alone will not give you the urge to achieve higher, money holds less significance to a person. Furthermore, once satisfied with your lavish lifestyle, you will overlook being grateful and appreciating what you have.

On the other hand, celebrities are depicted as living in a luxurious fairy tale, because of their wealth, so this perpetuates a false image in society’s eyes. In reality, having money becomes a distraction, making it difficult to spend time to enjoy yourself and the ones you love. I believe you should balance your career and family life, in order to enjoy your moments and pleasures that will keep you happy.

In all seriousness, this issue carries importance, because you only have one life to live. You should surround yourself with what you love and who you love. Money is paper thin and is in efficacious once it meets your needs. If you spend your whole life concentrating on money, you will miss out on the remarkable moments and memories in your life. Put that money of yours aside, cherish and enjoy the life around you, and do not waste this precious time because it only comes around once.

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