Friendship | Teen Ink


December 18, 2015
By Anonymous

Friends are a huge part of someone’s life.  Everyone has a friend whether they realize it or not.  Friends are people that are trustworthy and dependable.  If no one had a friend, they would be lonely and sad.  Everyone needs a friend.

Friends help each other out.  In the book Surya and Rosco , an orangutan named Surya gave a dog named Rosco some of her banana, because she knew he was hungry.  When Surya and Rosco went for a walk, Surya would hold Rosco’s leash.  When they went swimming, Rosco would let Surya hang onto his back, because he knew she didn’t know how to swim.  If animals can be friends with each other, so can humans.

If someone is sad, their friends’ first reaction should be to help them and try to make them feel better. “If my friend was sad, I’d try to help them up,” says Gabrielle.  Friends cheer each other up when they’re sad.  In the J.J. Watt video, J.J. Watt helped the Barry kids get over the loss of their parents. He became their pal and best friend.  He took them to concerts, football practices, and even did a live dance on television for them.  Friends take the weight off of each other's’ shoulders.

“Sometimes I get lonely,” says Kazu.  Everyone gets lonely sometimes, and that’s why they need a friend.  Just think, if no one had a friend, they would be sad and lonely.  They would have no one to play with, no one to have fun with, no one to laugh with; everyone would be down in the dumps.  Now, someone might think,”Well, why do people need friends if they have their families? As long as they have families, they don’t need friends.”  While that is true, if it is given thought, family members are friends too.  They comfort each other, and they make each other laugh when they’re sad.  They have fun together, they share their sorrows and trust each other.

Everyone needs at least one friend in their life.  Buddies help each other with problems, help them up when they’re sad, and have fun together.  They can tell each other secrets and be confident it’s safe with who they told.  If a “friend” isn’t trustworthy or dependable, they aren’t a true friend.  Without friends, everyone’s life would be empty.  Try to be the best friend in the world.

The author's comments:

I always had friends when I was growing up.  As I grew up, I realized that I was the only one contrubuting to the friendship.  I realized they were my friends because of what I had not because of me. I wrote this article to tell people about what a true friend should be like in my opinion

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