Freedom | Teen Ink


March 24, 2016
By Gunnar116 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
Gunnar116 GOLD, Sussex, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

July 4th, 1776. This marks the start of what red, white, and blue represent. It's in this day that our nation became united as one in order to celebrate our freedom from other countries -- along with freedom within our own.

This is the basis that the American people live and conform our lives around, that fine line that distinguishes us from others. Whether you're a soldier behind enemy lines fighting to his last breath in order to defend what we have earned or a citizen soldier who stands up for what's right and defends those in need. They do it not because they have to but because they live in a land where they can and want to.

In America, we are always given a choice. From the little things like what kind of clothes we want to wear, to the big things like being able to choose who is in charge of our nation. Along with all the other things that fall in between.

The Fourth of July is a day that shall never be forgotten nor taken advantage of. It was the start of that freedom that lies within all of us who proudly sit under that red, white, and blue.

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