The pro's and con's of writing | Teen Ink

The pro's and con's of writing

January 20, 2009
By Anonymous

Many people think writing is important to your education and, in all, your well-being. They think it can help you mentally as well. Others? Well, others do not. They think it is boring and very time consuming.

Writing can help you overcome boredom. When you get bored you can grab a pen and a piece of paper, find a cool spot to relax, and just write. You can write about anything. “What did you do today?” “Whose that one boy or girl you like?” “How much are you dreading tomorrows test?” you just write about anything that comes into your head, or you could write a story.

Some people get mad because no one will listen to what they have to say. Writing listens to you. When you write, you can vent. Paper listens to you, as long as you talk to it with your pen. Some people write only to get a grade for it so they do not fail a class.

This is not good, if you want a good grade on that piece of writing you have to want to write. Writing can be time consuming, yes, but in the end you will be thanking yourself when you feel better emotionally, or when you get that “A” on your paper.

One thing that can help someone with a boredom issue is when they write so creatively that you feel like you’re in that story. Now if you feel like you’re in a story you obviously won’t be very bored anymore.

Judging form these ideas it seems, to me, that writing can and will benefit your education and well-being.

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