When You Are Thirsty All Day and Finally Take a Sip of Something | Teen Ink

When You Are Thirsty All Day and Finally Take a Sip of Something

June 1, 2016
By HannahJoPro SILVER, Atwater, Ohio
HannahJoPro SILVER, Atwater, Ohio
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We all know that feeling where you need to take a sip of something right now. If it is at school, at work, in a store, or even at your home it is a horrible feeling to have.

You see everyone have a drink near them and your mouth just wants to start watering but it can’t because it is so dry. Sometimes you even ask people because it is so dry.

When you finally have a chance to get a drink, you rush to go to the water fountain, vending machine, fridge or sink to get one. It finally finishes filling up or dispensing and you go to grab for it. Just the feeling of grabbing it satisfies  you. You raise it to your lips and take the first refreshing, cold sip of your life!


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