Oh Impatience | Teen Ink

Oh Impatience

December 15, 2017
By Anonymous

I'm sitting in the doctor's office. I take a big gulp of nothing as I await my final destination. I'm annoyed as two whole hours have passed since I first arrived to this hell hole. I know those doctors are working hard in their noble work of saving lives. But I can't stop that feeling of displeasure. It's not like these doctors are drinking mimosas and partying to Beyonce. They're working hard, but for some odd reason, that reason alone won't stop my impatience from consuming me.


That experience made me reflect on impatience. Impatience comes in my top ten list of the worst emotions known to man. I hate that feeling of irritation mixed with a bit of fear. The fear that the object  of desire will never arrive. In that scenario mentioned earlier, the "object" was the doctor. I genuinely felt that the doctor wasn't going to ever call my name. I know that sounds crazy because my doctor was going to eventually get to me even if I had to wait for three more hours. After all, that's her job. But that clearly illustrates the power of impatience. Impatience invades your mind with irrational thoughts and you may end up actually believing them.


Then there's the other aspect of impatience-irratation. Who likes irritation? Who actually enjoys that horrid feeling? Nobody in their right mind enjoys irritation, especially as it pertains to impatience. When I was at the doctor's office, the irritation I felt was just building up. It felt like a bomb that was about blow up except for the fact I couldn't.


No matter what, we cannot let impatience win. We can't let anger and frustration get to ourselves. Obviously we will feel those emotions because that's a part of being human. But we shouldn't let impatience cause even more mistakes. It's bad enough that impatience causes irrational feelings like getting mad at hardworking doctors doing their jobs. Don't let it get to you. I know that's easier said than done. But think about what would have happened if I allowed my impatience to consume me. I would have lashed out at those doctors who were already stressed out from the huge boatload of patients present that day. Impatience sucks, but you're better than that.

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