Personal experience essays written by teens | Teen Ink

Personal Experience

Top voted Personal Experience Articles

#6331voted by our readers
By Coco Bartlett BRONZE
New Orleans, Louisiana

"One!" yells Uncle Tom, the so-called "ref" of the game. "Seven!!" Michael calls as he quickly catches and then lobs the ball back to clouds. Every...
Coco Bartlett BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

#6332 Nonfiction
fahrisaislam143 BRONZE, Dhaka, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#6333 Nonfiction
By dontstop GOLD
Vriginville, Pennsylvania
dontstop GOLD, Vriginville, Pennsylvania
10 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You only get one chance to live your live do not mess it up&quot;<br /> &quot;Ah Teen love, full of hope and happiness, but ignorant of reality&quot;

#6335 Nonfiction
By KingKazma BRONZE
Sacramento, California
KingKazma BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 1 comment
#6336 Nonfiction
By Anonymous
#6338 Nonfiction
By slevorchick GOLD
Stony Brook, New York
slevorchick GOLD, Stony Brook, New York
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together."--Marilyn Monroe

#6339 Nonfiction
By BoobooBeetle DIAMOND
Jacksonville, Florida
BoobooBeetle DIAMOND, Jacksonville, Florida
74 articles 1 photo 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author.&rdquo;<br /> G.K. Chesterton<br /> <br /> &quot;And you, you ridiculous people, you expect me to help you.&quot; <br /> Denis Johnson

#6340 Nonfiction
By alongmore1 SILVER
East Carbon, Utah
alongmore1 SILVER, East Carbon, Utah
7 articles 1 photo 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Just because I laugh everyday doesn't mean life is easy, Just because I have a smile on my face doesn't mean that somethings not bothering me. I just choose to move on with the negative instead of dwelling on the past."