The Epic Adventures of Milo and Shea: Book 1 | Teen Ink

The Epic Adventures of Milo and Shea: Book 1

June 17, 2013
By PiperBloo GOLD, long Island, New York
PiperBloo GOLD, Long Island, New York
12 articles 0 photos 54 comments

Favorite Quote:
"there are 2 types of writer's: one that makes you think and one that makes you wonder"Brian Aldiss
"Some things i cannot change but til i try i'll never know" Wicked the musical


Shea is an orphan with a blank past. When she meets Milo they both discover that they are looking for adventure. They make a pact to find it together and they do.
In the faraway land of Zaybxc, the thirteen-year-olds find that they aren't who they think they are, their parents weren't who they thought they were, they've known each other all along.
It's like they've been living a dream.
But it's time to wake up...


The Epic Adventures of Milo and Shea: Book 1

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This book has 2 comments.

PiperBloo GOLD said...
on Jul. 18 2013 at 10:03 am
PiperBloo GOLD, Long Island, New York
12 articles 0 photos 54 comments

Favorite Quote:
"there are 2 types of writer's: one that makes you think and one that makes you wonder"Brian Aldiss
"Some things i cannot change but til i try i'll never know" Wicked the musical

thanks so much!

MadisHeart said...
on Jun. 28 2013 at 11:38 am
MadisHeart, Norman, Oklahoma
0 articles 0 photos 38 comments
I love the creative names of the people and places :) I also love the title, it definietly makes me want to read it!