Darkness | Teen Ink


December 19, 2013
By Alex m, San Jose, California
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Alex m, San Jose, California
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Author's note: ...

The wind howls as the elders of Aragel file into the frosted marble building. The elders wear thick velvet robes to reflect the blistering cold, the hoods draw over their heads casting a dark shadow over their faces.

As they file into the room a low crackling sound resonates through the silent room, the walls of the room are pure white. The center of the room holds a large round wooden table with thirteen seats. The walls are illuminated with torches making soft popping sounds. At the seat farthest from the door sits an old man with heavy eyelids, a pale wrinkled face, and a long silver beard. The elders walk slowly toward the remaining twelve chairs. A chair for each of the four elders representing their clans. The old man says” The elders of Aragel, as the humble leader of the Council I welcome you!” The twelve elders make a slight bow removed the cowls of their hoods before taking a seat around the large wood table.
All the elders boast different body compositions, the elves slender and graceful thin pale faces and long elvish ears, each with long silver hair. The human knights of Olker with lean but muscular bodies, and just above the rim of the v-shapes of the cloak glittering silver armor was visible, the small fires reflecting light off it. the men of the Borris mountain chain huge and chunky with long braided hair and huge gruff beards.
The old man spoke with a loud voice as two guards closed the heavy wooden doors.
” This meeting is for the three clans of Aragel to meet in peace, to discuss the problems in our land.”
The old man continues” The issue at hand is that “The Darkness” is on the move again, the last time this happened was a mere two hundred years ago, the armies of darkness trampled any village or city they came across, threatening to wipe out all life on Aragel. Only with the combined efforts of all three clans could we push back the armies of darkness.”
A elder of the borris mountain chain made a chuckle that echoed in the enclosed room “Then this problem is resolved, we only need to repeat what our ancestors accomplished.”
A different elder of the same clan spoke with evident bitterness” I reckon, that over two hundred years of developing new weapons, technology our clan has improved enough to complete the task without the need for those….. knights.”
A elder from Olker chuckled before saying ”Oh, there will be no need for your barbaric race to join this war, our clan will be more than enough to wipe the darkness from the face of this earth.”
The third elder of Borris spoke ”Silence knight, your clan is too weak and fragile that the army of darkness would destroy you in one fell swoop, if you cannot defend your own villages what makes you think you can defeat “The Darkness”?”
A different elder from Olker spoke ”We have defended our villages from you barbaric people for many hundreds of years you speak of a miniscule amount of successful raids compared to the amount of times we have defeated you.”
The fourth elder of Borris stands up from his chair and says ”If we fought army to army the clan of the Borris Mountain Chain would emerge victorious in a matter of days.
The third elder from Olker spoke loudly, his words resonating off the walls” If our king had not disliked war so much we would have wiped you off the map!”
A elder of the elves spoke with a quite but commanding tone, ”instead of boasting about the superiority of each clan, let us discuss the real issue at hand.”
The elder of Olker that just spoke, spoke with an angry voice, “You elves have been living in harmony and peace for the past millennium you wouldn’t understand the problems that we have.”
The old man stands up abruptly his chair clattering to the floor beginning to speak with a loud commanding voice, “We came here to speak in peace and solve problems, not the create them. I ask that the elders of Olker and Borris to agree to speak in peace and not argue.”
A deep silence draws across the room.
The old man continues to speak as he bends down the prop his chair back up, “may the meeting re-commence.”
The same elder of the elves began to speak again but with a slightly louder voice, ”I have lived for millenniums the terror of darkness is not something I would like to experience again, the first time too many countless of millions of lives were lost, if we wish to prevent the terror we must work together.”
The fourth elder of Olker with a deep voice spoke, ”I agree with the elf the army of darkness is not something one clan can defeat on their own, we require the power of the Borris clan, the Tactics of the Elves, and the tenacity of the Olker. Without them all we will not succeed. ”
A elder of the elves with a clear and pure voice spoke, “ I have gotten intelligence that even if we destroy the armies of darkness they will continuously reproduce and continue attacking until we are overwhelmed. We must send a party of our greatest heroes to eliminate the heart of the darkness.”
The old man spoke, “A team of three, one from each clan, if we have too many people in the party they will not be able to slip past the ranks of darkness un-noticed.”
The elders of Borris grunted in agreement, although seeming slightly reluctant. The Knights nodding that this was the correct choice. The elves sitting unwavering, but faces slightly relieved that the other clans were able to reach an agreement. The cowl of the cloak making it hard to see their faces.
The leader of the Council smiled and said, “Then we have arrived at an agreement, may one hero of each clan come to this island on the next full moon, prepared for what hardships may come but ready to jump in to the heart of enemy territory. For now the one hundred and thirty fifth Council meeting is adjourned!”

One month after the council meeting the three heroes, one from each clan slowly arrived at the small island.

The sun was shining soft beams of light, the hard packed ground was wet with the melting snow, small sprouts were emerging from beneath the ground. Green specks littered across the island. Waves washed across the sandy beaches where three ships were embarked. Each embroidered with different insignias. The insignias of the Borris two blue stout axes crossing each other, the symbol of the Olker an iron shield with a lion clad with golden fur and the symbol of the elves a great tree whose roots spread deep and wide.

The previous ice covered temple, is now glistening under the sun, pure white marble glamorous and seemingly perfect. Light creeps into the dark temple throwing beams of light across the floor and walls. Inside sitting on the oak chair propping his feet on the large oak table, the champion of Borris, covered with pieces of deer hide but unable to cover his bulging muscles, raggedy jet black hair flowing down to his neck. Across his back lie two polished axes, blades made of pure steel. Sitting silently the champion of the elves wearing a simple tunic and long skirt, her long silvery hair flowing down to her waist, sharp eyes like those of an eagle missing nothing in sight, slender build with lean muscles and the stereotypical pointed elfish ears. A four-foot long bow strapped across her back along with a quiver filled with arrows. Two stout hunting knives strapped across her waist.
A deep silence envelops the marble room, neither of the two people in the room making a single noise. Suddenly a small clinking sound appeared, breaking the silence.
The noise got more and more frequent until the clinking sound sounded like running footsteps. Crashing into the sunlit room was a boy with crew cut jet black hair, wearing full armor except a helmet, a shield with the insignia of a golden lion strapped on to his back, along with a sword on his left hip. Crashing into the room at such speed he tripped on the last step and stumbled across the room until he tripped and landed face first on the cold ground.
The room was silent again the barbarian and elf staring at the boy lying still. With a burst of energy the boy springs up and with a confident loud voice says,” Hello people! I am the champion of Olker! My name is Arlon!”
The barbarian with a deep but loud voice says,” You? The champion of Olker? I would believe the champion of Olker would be someone I have crossed weapons with at least once… But you? I reckon, I have never seen you before….. Nonetheless you have given me your name, so I will give you yours, I am Grell Champion of Borris.”
Standing up from the stiff wood chair the elf spoke soft but clear,” Seeing how you both spoke your names, it is only right if I state mine, I am Elluel champion of the elves.”
Then the old man, the leader of the Council entered the room and said,” All three of you have endeavored long journeys to reach this small island. You will have one days rest before you must embark on your trek to the Valley of Corruption.”
Arlon immediately asked with his loud confident voice,” Can’t we have three days or even a week before we leave? My body is aching from crossing the ocean to reach this place.”
The old man looked at Arlon and said,” We have no time. The army of darkness has already made their move. In one week they will reach one of the cities of Olker. While the people of Aragel hold them back you three must sneak past the army and destroy the heart of the enemy.”
Arlon looking crestfallen muttered an ok.
The old man then continued to say,” Night is falling quickly you guys better get some sleep before heading off tomorrow.”
The old man led the three heroes towards their sleeping quarters. The sky was dimming rapidly and the air drastically falling in temperature.
The old man said,” you boys to the left and you miss to the left.”
The heroes then split up and went to their respective rooms. The small rooms were adjoined with the huge marble room; the walls were made of maple wood showing a colorful display of orange and red. There was a small window in the back of the room, showing the bright orange sky as the sun sets. As soon as Arlon and Grell entered their rooms and closed the door, Grell spins around to come face to face with Arlon.
“I will just say this now knight… just because we have an important task to complete which for some odd reason requires your help, I will abide what my elders tell me and I won’t kill you.”
Arlon looking surprised said,” Wow, wow take it easy man just because our countries are at war dosen’t give you a reason to hate me that much.”
Grell with a low angry voice said,” My father and countless of my brethren died fighting your clan, that gives me all the reason to hate the likes of you.”
On one of the walls there was a light tap,
“I intend to get some sleep tonight, I would like it if you would act like the heroes you are and stop arguing.”
The sun set and darkness was starting to creep over the island. Grell turned away from Arlon gently laid his twin axes on the ground. Brought the blankets over his shoulder and began to sleep. Arlon sighed, before removing his armour and propping his sword and shield on the bed post. Then went and laid on the bed parallel from the bed Grell was on.

Dawn broke at around 5:00 am. The small island was bathed in sunlight two hours later. Arlon groggily rose from his bed and made a long yawn. Arlon looked over at Grell’s bed and saw it was empty. Arlon swund both of his feet off the bed and began to put on his armor. Swinging his shield on to his back and whipping his sword on to his left hip. The room was relatively dark with only a small amount entering the room from the small window. When Arlon opened the door he turned right walking towards the huge marble hall. As he entered the huge room he winced from the shear amount of light suddenly within his view. Grell was sitting at the huge round table, with both axes lying across his back. Elluel was sitting silently on the opposite side of the table sharpening her hunting knives, her unstrung bow and quiver leaning on the side of the chair leg. Arlon went to a chair perpendicular from the other two and sat down.
“This is quite a fine morning!” Arlon said cheerfully.
Elluel looked up from her knife and sharpening stone and said,” Well it took you a while to get up, now we can finally leave.”
The old man walked into the room from the huge wooden doors that were ajar and said,” The boat is ready, when you have all collected your possessions take the boat and make for the main land.”
Grell got up from his chair and headed outside, Elluel hastily sheathed both of her knives and slipped the sharpening stone into her pocket, then picking up her bow and swinging her quiver over her back. Arlon still groggy lethargically got up from the chair and followed Elluel out the door and into the blazing sunlight.
The “boat” was actually a small boat just enough to fit all three of them. All three of them were sitting on the boat attempting to find balance so the boat didn’t tip over. The old man walked over to them and said,” here is are some provisions before you set off on your journey.” Then handed Arlon who was in the back a sack filled with items. Then the old man tapped the boat of into deeper water.
”Good luck on your journey! If you ever feel that this quest is impossible, just remember that the fate of this continent rests upon your hands!”
Grell picked two of the small oars and handed the other two to Arlon then said,” Main land is four miles west if we have to be quick so we can reach man land by noon.”
Arlon received the two oars dipping them into the crystal clear water, and began to row.
The sun was in the center of the sky by the time they reached the shore. Grell got out of the boat landing in the water with a great splash. The slowly pulled the boat to shore. When the canoe was safely stationed on the moist sand Elluel jumped out of the boat and began to stretch. Arlon climbed out of the boat and did the same. Grell pulled a map of Argel out of the sack. Rolling the worn scroll open he said,” The valley of corruption is north, but he will need to pass through the forest of serenity which is still three days from here, but otherwise it only a broad plain.”
“Can I see that map?” Arlon asked, Grell handed Arlon the map, then Arlon said,” Hey you know on the plain there are a few cities we can pass through for provisions.”
Grell snatched the map out of Arlon’s hands and said,” However those cities are part of Olker and I would not like to visit them.”
“Lets get going then we have six hours before sunset we should make some distance before then.” Elluel said.
They turned around, there was an endless plain as far as the eye can see, the ground was covered in greenery with tiny specks of pink, yellow, and white dotting across the vast landscape. The blue sky was free of clouds, birds flew overhead the sun bea down on the three heroes as they journeyed across the plains.
After two hours of walking in the same direction Arlon groaned and said,” The landscape was beautiful in the beginning but now it feels so mundane.”
Grell said, “Get over it, we aren’t even close to our destination.” Arlon sighed as they approached a large hill that obstructed their view. While slowly trekking up the hill until they reached the top where Elluel said,” Duck!” and grabbed Grell and Arlon by their heads and pushed them to the ground.
Arlon said,” Ouch! What was that for?!”
“Shh!” As she slowly peaked over the peak of the hill where she slowly rose and said,” you two better see this.”
Grell and Arlon got back on to their feet and looked over the enormous hill.
“What in the world?”
The green field was painted red, bodies, horses, weapons strewn across the plains. Arlon rushed down the mountain and lifted up the shield of a fallen warrior. On the shield was the emblem of a lion. Arlon thought,” No.. this isn’t possible.”
Elluel yanked out a arrow from the body of a fallen soldier. Elluel said,” I don’t recognize these arrows.” Grell picked up a sword and said “I have never seen a sword quite like this...” In the midst of the sea of bodies Arlon pointed at a flag still flapping in the wind.
Arlon said,” a black horse, the invasion of the army of darkness has already begun.”
Elluel suddenly started frantically looking around. Grell asked,” What’s wrong?”
Elluel said,” I think I hear someone.”
Following her ears Elluel took off sprinting and stopped in front of a wooden cart and starting to lift it. Grell and Arlon ran over to where Elluel was. “Step aside.” Grell used his enormous strength and pried the cart off the body under it. It was a soldier. “Uhhhg” “He’s still alive!” Arlon exclaimed
The soldier slowly opened his eyes “What happened here?!” Elluel asked with a commanding tone. “Stop, give this guy a break he just woke up.” Arlon said. ” Who, who are you people.” The soldier said laboriously “We are here to help” Elluel said “Tell me what happened here.” The soldier started shivering out of fear and said,” An army made of shadows pouring over the hills. We fended them off for two days however they are an army that never tires, their numbers are endless, they destroyed our defenses and obliterated out army as if we were a mere pebble on a pathway. Then they started heading towards our city… Our City!! Our king is an fool..” *Coughs* “After the previous king died his son took over he knows squat about fighting a war” *wheeze* *cough* “ you must mobilize the army to defends the city..please””
Elluel looked to her left and said,” The city is a day away from here and the army of darkness is already one fourth of the way there. We must hurry!”, Elluel starts running towards the general direction of the city.
Arlon said,” Wait! What about this man!”
Grell said,” That man has no time left, by the time we arrived here he was already on the verge of death.”
“I refuse to leave this man; he fought hard in this battle, serving his clan!” Arlon exclaimed
The soldier managed weak smile and said,” Arlon, hero of Olker go save your people, out people, only if I know you are on the way will I ever rest in peace.”
Arlon reluctantly started running, then turned back to look at the soldier. The soldier was smiling with his eyes closed, and they were never to open again.
Arlon caught up to Elluel and said,” Elluel can you see the army of darkness from here?”
Elluel said,” The army of darkness has countless of men and large war machines to siege Bilgard so they are moving relatively slow. We may be able to reach the city before they do.”
“Wait where is Grell?” Arlon spun around and saw Grell standing not moving muscle.
“Grell what’s the matter? We need to hurry!”
Grell bluntly said,” The Valley of Corruption is in the opposite direction.” There was a long silence between the three heroes.
Arlon turned back towards the city and said,” Even so I must save my people, I must go.” Arlon began to run towards the city.
Grell turned to Elluel,” What about you? Are you going to follow him as well?”
Elluel thinking for a while and said,” Yes I am, I believe that even if we destroy the enemy. What difference will it make if what we are protecting is already gone.”
“Do you not have faith in your own people? Do you not believe that they cannot protect themselves?”
Elluel paused to think. “We are the heroes, champions of our clans, we earned these ranks of prestige because we have all done great acts of justice. Without us there who will be there to boost the soldiers’ moral? Who will be there to pull through during times of crisis? No one better than us.”
Grell sighed and said,” No matter what I say I will not be able to persuade you. I will continue towards the Valley of Corruption and complete the task without failure.”
Grell started walking towards their original destination, the Valley of Corruption. Elluel whipped around hair flying in the air,then she broke into a sprint and ran to catch up to Arlon who was already running towards the city of Bilgard.

The author's comments:
incomplete chapter

Arlon sprinting towards huge city, surrounded with high white walls that looked like they could fend off any attack. Arlon thought,” There is no army that could penetrate those walls!” Arlon took a long detour to evade the army of darkness. Slowly crawling up a steep hill obstructing his path Arlon cautiously looked down, looking left, then right. On the right of him he saw the army of darkness running in unison simultaneously each step shaking the ground. Each soldier clad in black armor, some rode on horses and other running on foot. In the center on army were several huge catapults. Arlon stared in horror,” Even if they are going slow at the pace they are going they will reach the city in two days, I must hurry!” Then Arlon ran down the hill and continued towards the city.
When Arlon arrived at the city the city it’s large wooden gates were ajar and traders and travelers filed in and out of the city. Arlon briskly walked past the two guard standing at the doors and started walking up the spiraled roads leading up to a huge castle at the peak. The city was beautiful small white houses lined the roads, in a huge plaza traders set up small stalls to sell the good they brought from far away lands. Children ran around the plaza happily playing.
Arlon kept walking up the spiraling walkway, in such a hurry Arlon accidentally bumped into a large buff man, spilling fruits and other groceries all over the streets. Arlon said,” Sorry! but I really need to get going.” and continued to walk.
The man said,” Hey! get back here.” “Argg. I really need to tell the king that the army of darkness will be here soon.” Arlon thought. Arlon turned around and said,” What do you want?” The man said,” I want you to pay for the things you just spilled.” “I don’t have any money on me at the moment..” Arlon was about to open his mouth then suddenly a girl with a long brown cloak came from behind Arlon and said,” Sorry but we are really in a hurry right now please excuse us.” Then she took Arlon’s hand and dragged him away. The man yelled,”Hey get back here!”
After they turned the corner. Arlon asked,” Elluel is that you?” Elluel removed the hood on her cloak and said. “Who else? Lets hurry we need to warn the country.” They began to run up the spiraling stone path. Arlon asked,” why are you disguised right now? Its not like we are in danger here.” Elluel said,” Elves rarely appear in these cities so far from the forests, I do not wish to create unnecessary issues. Let us make haste.” Elluel put her hood back over her head.
They pathway got steeper and steeper as they kept walking towards the looming castle. When they finally reached the top of the hill Arlon walked up to the two guards standing in front of two great wooden doors.and said,” As the hero of Olker I demand a meeting with the king of Bilgard.” The guards looked at each other the on the right said,” The king is busy right now so we must deny your entry.” Arlon said,” This is very urgent. The army of darkness is coming we must mobilize the army immediately to defend the city.” The guards looked at each other again one whispered something into the others ear and then the guard on the right said,” Haha, if you are trying to make a joke kid you should try harder! There is no way our elite army could get destroyed by them. Plus the hero of Olker should be on his way to the Valley of Corruption why would he be here?” Elluel removed her hood and said,” I am an ambassador of the elves I demand to meet the king.” The guards gaped for a second and said,” We will notify the king please follow us.” The two guards opened the huge wooden doors and walked briskly on the stone path towards the huge white castle.
In a huge room with several paintings pure white walls a velvet floor and two couches the guards said “please wait here.” Then went and talked to a man at the door. The man nodded and walked down a different path.
Arlon asked Elluel,” I thought you said elves rarely came here why would they let you enter?”
Elluel said,” The few time elves did come here it was for important reasons so they are accepted as what you call nobles.”
The man the left returned to the room and said,” Follow me, the king is waiting.”
Arlon and Elluel rose from the couches and followed the man. The entered a large room with a height ceiling and stained glass windows portraying great battles fought by the Olker. There was a long staircase, on top of the staircase the king of Bilgard sat on his glamorous golden throne. The king was a plump man with a long cloak with fur linings and in his had a long golden scepter with a shimmering gem on top. The king said,” Elvish ambassador and knight what important news do you bring me? “
Arlon thought,” This knight.. has a name and title.” Elluel began talking first,” The army of darkness has defeated the army you sent out. You must ready your defences. They will arrive in a days time.” The king said,” What makes you think I will believe you?” Arlon said,” We saw the remains of the battle your majesty. Your army was utterly defeated. O yeah I’m the hero of….” Elluel suddenly interjected and said,” Anyway you must ready your defences.” The king laughed and said,” guards take these lying hooligans away.” Arlon looked shocked and said,” Wait you need to protect your city! “ The king said,” You kids are wasting my time, guards throw them into the dungeon!” The four guards came taking them each by their arms, confiscating their weapons and began to walked them out of the room. Arlon turned his head and said,” You must believe us!” The king said,” take them away.”
Now on the way to the dungeon Arlon murmured to Elluel soft enough so the guards wouldn’t hear them “What are we going to do now?”
Elluel murmured back,” We can’t seem to persuade the idiot of a king to mobilize the army.”
Arlon murmured back,” I have some connections within the army maybe I can mobilize them myself.”
Elluel said,” Lets do that.”
One of the guards gave Arlon a rough shove in the back and said,” you two stop talking to each other. “
Arlon thought,” Well we need to get out of this situation first.”
Arlon whipped his arms out of the guards hands and swung his clad armored fist smacking the guard’s helmet knocking that guard out. Arlon pivoted on his right foot stepping away from the other guard and stepped forward fist hitting the other guard on the side of the other guard’s helmet knocking the unready guard out.
One of the remaining guards yelled,” Stop this instant.”
Arlon lunged forward kicking the guard in the chest and spinning around using the back of his hand to knock the remaining guard out. All four guards were knocked out, Elluel looked at the four knocked out guards sighed and said,” Well I thought we could talk our way out of this but I guess this was an option too.” Elluel bent down to retrieve her weapons from one of the knocked out guards and handed Arlon his sword.
Arlon looked up at the placement of the sun,” We wasted too much time here its almost dawn.”
Arlon and Elluel ran around the castle until they reached they reached the large wooden doors dragging the doors open they rushed down the stone paved path.
After a minute of running Elluel said,” So do you know where we are going?”
Arlon said,” Not the slightest.”
Elluel stopped right in her tracks and said,” So we are running aimlessly around this city with no designated destination? what were you hoping to happen?”
Arlon shrugged

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