Shards of Darkness | Teen Ink

Shards of Darkness

September 24, 2021
By FurryZForever, Norfolk, Virginia
FurryZForever, Norfolk, Virginia
0 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"People run in Packs because they don't feel safe alone. I run alone because I don't safe in Packs"


Silver Vixen the Warlord of the Rogue Pack, a ferocious empire of foxes and wolves, is in a desperate search after Gear the Fox, his best fighter, turns coat and leaves. Now, he must find Gear and re-recruit him into the ranks. He meets a folf named Shadowshard and decides to let him join the Hunt, but is Shadowshard an ally or enemy lurking for his own greedy gain? Find out in this anthropomorphic fantasy fanfiction!


Shards of Darkness

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