Remembering Sunday | Teen Ink

Remembering Sunday

March 13, 2011
By smilemaddysmile BRONZE, Laguna Niguel, California
smilemaddysmile BRONZE, Laguna Niguel, California
4 articles 3 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The function of music is to release from the tyranny of conscious thought." -- Sir Thomas Beecham


Emily has been best friends with Alex Gaskarth for her entire life. But that has never really been what's she wanted; somewhere along the way she fell for her best friend. Now, as she finds herself supporting him through a terrible loss, she wonders if he feels the same. She'll find that the truest emotions are revealed in the direst of situations.

Madeline F.

Remembering Sunday

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This book has 2 comments.

on Sep. 9 2019 at 12:09 pm
RenesmeeRenee BRONZE, Sa, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Norman Bates: You know what I think? I think that we’re all in our private traps, clamped in them, and none of us can ever get out. We scratch and we claw, but only at the air, only at each other, and for all of it, we never budge an inch.
Marion Crane: Sometimes, we deliberately step into those traps.
-Psycho (1960)

I read this book last year and I'm going back to read it again. I remember when I copied and pasted it just in case my school blocked the site. I fell in love with this and I would love it if you transfered it to a pdf. <3

on Oct. 6 2012 at 8:52 am
SamanthaJames, Polangui, Other
0 articles 0 photos 2 comments
where can I get a PDF File? so i can put it on my phone and be able to read it anywhere :)