Hannah Tanner Year One | Teen Ink

Hannah Tanner Year One

July 26, 2011
By FaithSnyder16 ELITE, Metamora, Ohio
More by this author
FaithSnyder16 ELITE, Metamora, Ohio
180 articles 8 photos 97 comments

Favorite Quote:
Write what you know, and dream of. - Jane Austen
People throw rocks at things that shine - Taylor Swift
Just Keep Swimming! Just Keep Swimming! - Ellen DeGengeres as Dory

Author's note: I do not own ANYTHING of the Harry Potter at all. I am just a huge fan that wrote a book about a girl similar to herself and added characters that are her friends. :) I warn people that this is not like the real Harry Potter books, some characters are dropped, some dramatically changed (Such as Draco) and I also warn this is not finished, and it was written a long time ago. I'd like feedback and maybe I'll finish it along with it's other sequels! :) I tried to keep Jo's characters in the book tho. :)

The author's comments:
I'd like to add that I am aware of spelling and grammar mistakes, I warned you of my 4th grade education when writing this! :D I promise this book gets SO much better as I aged.

Chapter 1

“Hannah! I need to talk to you about Hogwarts.” My father said to me looking into my eyes. I gulped.

I am a witch yes, a witch. I had known since I was a baby that I had magical powers. My father, Brian Tanner is an auror for the Ministry of Magic. The Ministry of Magic is basically the government of the wizarding world. As the head auror of the Department of Magical Law Efforcement my father is the head official. He calls the shots! My mother is a famous witch also. She is an author of many spell books! One of the books I am taking to Hogwarts are written by her. She is Karen Tanner. My parents are loving and awesome. I get to do so much more stuff than if they were muggles. I have gone to the ministry with my father almost everyday since I was a little baby. I meet a lot of great wizards and witches that way so I am far more advanced than my friend Remy.

Remy Clark is my best friend her father and my father work together in the ministry and my mother and her mother have been best friends since they were both in Hogwarts. That is how my parents met, they met at Mr. and Mrs. Clark’s wedding when my father was the best man and my mother was the bride’s maid.

I stared silently at my father. We were sitting in his office at work and I was trying to listen to the stuff I would have to know at Hogwarts. But it was difficult. I was thinking about Remy walking into the ministry and coming up so we could hang out together. I smiled and nodded at the words that were coming out of my father’s mouth. I had no idea what he was saying; I was just letting the words go in one ear and out the other.

“Do you understand?” My father said signaling that the conversation was over.

“Yes, Dad, I understand.” I said. I had only heard that speech a thousand times.
‘Remember Hannah, no students out of bed after ten o’clock’ my father would say. I would nod with a response.

There was a small knock on my father’s office door. I jumped up and begged my dad with pleading eyes as I seen Remy’s face peer through the window.

“Go, Have fun and please stay out of trouble, I don’t know how many more exploding toilets I can take!” My dad said laughing.

“Hey! I never meant to do it on purpose!” I said running out the door. I heard laughter as I shut the door.

“What’s so funny?” Remy asked, pulling her brown hair up into a pony tail.

“Nothing, my dad won’t let the toilet incident down.” I laughed. Remy rolled her eyes. Her tan skin was beautiful and her warm brown eyes glinted in the light.

“So, how’s it going?” I asked as we walked down the hallway. She laughed.

“Nothing, mom is shopping down in Diagon Alley now, for my school stuff. I can’t believe we get to go to Hogwarts this year! I’m so excited!” Remy squealed. I laughed.

“I know, my mom said she loved it there, of course she never knew she was a witch until she got her letter so everything was more shocking than what it will be for us, but my dad says it was amazing even though he was born into a wizard family. I’m so excited though!” I squealed.

“I know it’s, Oh my god, Hannah you once told me you knew every person in the ministry right?” Remy said staring off into space.

“Yes, I do, I think, there might be a few people that I don’t know.” I said. She grabbed my shoulder and turned me around. There stood a blond haired boy; it was so blond it was almost white. He had green dazzling eyes and they gleamed in the lights. He was standing beside Lucius Malfoy, an auror.

“Well, I think that he may be Luicus’s son, but I’m not sure.” I whispered as we both took in his amazingly good looks. He seemed to catch out stares and smiled faintly. I smiled back my face turning a deep red. He slowly turned his head and looked right at me. Remy looked at me and smiled. I lowered my head and looked at my shoes.

“He’s coming over here!” Remy whispered. I looked up and my red hair fell into my eyes. I brushed it away and tried to hide my blushing face.

“Hello.” The blonde boy said.

“Hi!” Remy said smiling.

“Hey,” I said quietly. This boy was so cute!

“I’m Draco Malfoy.” Draco said.

“Hey, I’m Remy.” Remy said and stuck her hand out to shake. He shook it and I brushed my hair back away from my face and bit my lip.

“And you are?” Draco asked.

“Hannah!” Lucius said walking over.

“Hello Mr. Malfoy!” I said smiling.

“I see you met Draco, He’s available if you know what I mean.” Mr. Malfoy said winking. Draco’s face froze with horror.

“Dad!” He said elbowing him. I smiled and looked down again.

“Are you girls excited to be going to Hogwarts?” Mr. Malfoy said laughing.

“Yes! I can’t wait!” I said smiling.

“Snape is going to have a field day with your potions scores! I have never seen a more cleaver witch.” Mr. Malfoy said smiling. Draco looked at his shoes. I smiled.

“Thanks, but, I haven’t really had much practice, dad doesn’t like me doing magic without being properly trained yet.” I said laughing.

“Well, Draco here is a great flyer, seems like he’ll be a good seeker next year.” Mr. Malfoy said.

“Yeah, I’m going to try for a chaser position, dad wants me to do something than read all day, it’s not my fault I’m more like my mother, always have a book with me.” I laughed.

“Well, your mind may be your mother’s but you sure have your father’s spunk!” My father said walking up behind me. I laughed. Draco straitened up and looked at me with a shocked face.

“Dad, I was just telling Mr. Malfoy about trying out for the Qudditch team next year.” I said.

“Yeah, Draco is trying out for seeker next year also.” Mr. Malfoy said smiling.

“Draco! Wow, I haven’t seen you in ages! Boy you’ve grown!” My father said smiling.

“Thanks,” Draco said smiling small.

“You know, I was just telling Hannah that Draco was available but, they didn’t seem too interested.” Mr. Malfoy laughed. Draco buried his hands into his pockets and gave me an apologetic smile that looked like he had really meant.

“Why? Why must you father?” Draco asked. My dad began laughing. I looked at Draco with an apologetic look.

“Okay, Lucius, I have a few papers on my desk, I think that you can help me with a few of them.” My father smiled.

“Sure, Draco, roam around, do what you want just please, no more exploding toilets.” Lucius said. I laughed and the two men laughed and left.

“I’m sorry; my dad can be, weird.” Draco said.

“I love your dad, he used to carry me around on his shoulders when I was really little and he would make all kinds of jokes. He’s like my second dad!” I laughed. Draco smiled.

“He’s cool sometimes but, he has his moments.” Draco chuckled. Remy laughed.

“Do you remember that time we were trying to run up the wrong side of the escalator in the main hallway and Lucius started running with us! I remember that!” Remy squealed.

“Oh my gosh! That was so much fun! I remember now, he almost fell down!” I laughed. Draco laughed with me.

“Yeah, like I said good and bad moments.” Draco said.

“You know something? I’m going to call you Drake for short.” Remy said smiling.

“Fine, I guess?” Draco laughed.

“Okay?” I asked.

“What? It suits him!” Remy laughed. I laughed. I looked down at my shoes.

“So, Drake, Hogwarts is going to be fun huh?” I said quietly.

“Yeah, I can’t wait. Did you here Harry Potter is going to come this year?” Draco asked.

“Yeah, that’s all my dad is talking about, protection, it gets annoying after a while because I mean, he’s a kid, it’s not fair that he doesn’t get a normal life because of Voldemort.” I said. Remy flinched when I said his name.

“I know, Voldemort is pretty powerful but I don’t think he would ever try anything at Hogwarts. He fears Dumbledore.” Draco said. He smiled at me. I felt my face turn red and looked down at the floor.

“Yeah, you’re probably right.” I said. I looked back up and Draco was smiling at me still. Crabbe and Goyle walked into the hallway and Draco turned around to see who was coming. I rolled my eyes when they came to a complete stop. Crabbe was on Draco’s left and Goyle on his right. The two boys were a bunch of oafs and all they ever did was eat, sleep, and bully people.

“Hey!” Draco said smiling.

“Hey Draco.” Crabbe said pulling out a cookie from his pocket. I rolled my eyes.

“Well, we have to go, I am supposed to be meeting someone, it was really nice meeting you, maybe we’ll talk some more at Hogwarts?” I said smiling.

“It’s a date.” Draco said. He caught his mistake.

“I, I, I mean, sure.” He said clearing his throat. I laughed lightly and Remy and I started to walk away.

“Dude! She’s so hot!” I heard Crabbe say.

“I know.” Draco said before the boys were out of ear shot. I smiled and Remy wrapped her arm around mine and we skipped down the hallway.

Chapter 2

“There is no way!” I said when Remy and I were talking on the phone later that night.

“Hannah, you know he totally liked you! Ask him out!” Remy said.

“What? Are you crazy? Has Fred and George got to your head?” I laughed.

“No, The Weasels haven’t gotten in my head, yet.” Remy laughed.

“You know I’m so telling them you said that!” I laughed.

“Hey, they’re your cousins; it must run in the family!” Remy joked. I rolled my eyes.

“My dad is so freaking out right now; he’s like driving mom mad! He’s worried about Voldemort going after Harry Potter on the train tomorrow.” I laughed.

“I don’t think that will happen. Oh my god! Do you think he’s cute? Have you ever seen him?” Remy asked. I was lying in my bed staring at the ceiling into the eyes of Victor Krum’s latest poster.

“No, but, he has a scar on his forehead I guess…” I said trailing off.

“Well, I knew that!” Remy said. I heard my dad walk past my door on the way to his study.

“I’m like seriously wondering if he is hot.” Remy laughed.

“Oh my god, I just thought of something, what would happen if you and Drake fall in love and get married and have kids, you would so totally have to name one Remy!” Remy squealed over the telephone.

“Oh my god! You are so gross!” I said rolling onto my stomach.

“Well, you never know it could happen!” Remy laughed.

“You wish!” I laughed.

“That will never happen.” I added.

“Well, a girl can dream can’t she? Or at least make a love potion.” Remy muttered.

“I swear I will murder you.” I laughed.

“Jeez!” Remy laughed.

“Hey, I have to go; I have to get up early my dad’s taking me to the train station tomorrow so I’ll see you there!” I said.

“Okay, goodnight! Sigh, Hannah Malfoy!” Remy giggled and hung up on me. I tossed the phone aside and crawled under the covers of my bed. I soon fell asleep.

Mourning came too soon for me.

“Hannah, wake up, we need to get to the station. Do you want to miss the train?” My mom said shaking my shoulder. I groaned.
I thought about the dream I was having. A man, a man with so blonde hair it’s almost white, was standing at the end of the isle, me in a white dress. I shuddered at the memory of the wondrous green eyes. I sat up. My mom sighed.

“I’m going to miss you so much sweetie” My mom said. I smiled weakly.

“Well, I can come home for Christmas, but, I don’t know, I mean the exams are right after Christmas break, there at the school I’ll have the library. I promise I will write every so often!” I said smiling. I stood up and walking to my dresser and pulling out the last pair of jeans and the one t-shirt that my mom didn’t pack in my trunk.

“Sweetie, I got a note from the Malfoy’s,” My mom began.

“What?” I asked pulling the t-shirt over my head.

“They invited us over for Christmas break, so you and Draco can get to know each other.” My mom said. I stared at her in horror.

“Mom! This is a set up! I don’t like Draco Malfoy!” I said shaking my head.

“I know but we still should go, I mean they are nice and it was kind of them to invite us.” My mom said. I sighed.

“Fine, but I swear, one word about me and Draco, I’m coming home!” I said. My mom shook her head yes. I put my shoes on and slung my duffle bag over my shoulder. My dad stuck his head in the room.

“Hey! How are we doing in here? The cab’s out front so let’s get a move on!” My dad said then walked away. I smiled and followed him out and carried my suitcases and trunk out to the car. I loaded them into the trunk and climbed into the backseat beside my father.

“I’ll see you at Christmas break!” My mom yelled from the porch.

“I love you!” I said a lump rising in my throat.

“I love you! Have a good time at school.” My mom yelled back. I smiled and waved as the cab drove away from the curb. I stared out the window and watched London pass me by. Rain pattered on the window. I sighed.

“Don’t worry, you’ll have fun.” My dad said smiling at me from the driver seat. I smiled weakly. We pulled into the train station parking lot and my dad parked the car and he ran out into the rain and lugged my luggage inside with me following. Inside it was warm and dry. I saw Remy leaning against the pillar nearest to the barrier.

“Hannah!” Remy squealed. She ran over and we hugged.

“Jeez, you would think you haven’t seen each other in a year! You just saw each other yesterday!” My dad laughed. I saw Hagrid walking next to a dark haired boy.

“Dad is that?” I asked.

“Harry Potter.” Remy squealed.

“Hey, no suffocating him, if he talks to you talk to him back, say hello, but don’t get in depths about the boy who lived crap.” My dad said.

“I wasn’t planning on talking to him.” I said smiling. I noticed his green eyes and messy hair. A thin lightning bolt scar on his forehead was covered slightly with his messy hair. I smiled and looked at my dad.

“Go ahead.” He said smiling. I walked over to Hagrid.

“Hagrid! How are you?” I squealed and hugged him.

“Hannah! Look at you! Getting big!” Hargid laughed. I laughed and looked at the giant man with a scraggly beard.

“Harry, this is Hannah, probably the cleverest witch I’ve ever met.” Hargid said smiling.

“Hagrid, I’m not the cleverest.” I laughed.

“Hey.” Harry said. I smiled.

“Hi, Hargid is overselling me. I’m just normal, well, minus the magic powers…” I said trailing off. I felt my face blush.

“I am doing no such thing. You should see this girl whip up a potion! Amazing!” Hargid smiled. I rolled my eyes. Remy walked over.

“Hi Hagrid!” Remy said smiling.

“Remy! How are you?” Hagrid asked.

“I’m fine, excited to get on the train.” Remy said laughing.

“Oh! Train! You better get going.” Hagrid said. I smiled and waved goodbye and went back to my father.

“So, how did it go?” My dad asked me.

“He didn’t say much.” Remy said.

“He must be nervous.” My dad said. I nodded.

“Okay let’s go.” My dad said. I groaned when I felt a tug on my hair.

“Ron! I will murder you!” I said whiling around.

“Hey! Don’t yell at me!” Fred laughed.

“You guys are a pain!” I said smiling.

“Thank you!” Fred and George Weasley said. I laughed and walked back to Aunt Molly.

“Hannah!” Ginny said running to me.

“Hey! How are you?” I squealed and hugged her.

“I’m upset; I want to go to Hogwarts!” Ginny huffed.

“You will go next year Ginny!” Aunt Molly said.

“Aunt Molly!” I said and hugging the plump redheaded woman.
I looked over her shoulder and seen Ron talking with Harry Potter.
I smiled at him. Harry took notice and looked at me and smiled a little.

“Go ahead.” Aunt Molly said winking.

“Aunt Molly, it’s not like that.” I said shaking my head.

“Sweetie, you are almost a young woman, boys are no longer icky, go talk.” Aunt Molly said winking and pushed me toward the two boys. I took a deep breath and walked over to the boys.

“Ronald Weasley!” I yelled right behind him.

“What do you want?” Ron asked turning around. I laughed.

“Hi!” I said.

“Hello,” Ron said lifting his eyebrow.

“This is Hannah, my cousin, a real twit if you’d ask me.” Ron said shoving me lightly.

“No, I’m not a twit; I am cleaver, according to Hagrid! Isn’t that right Harry?” I asked tugging hard on Ron’s earlobe. Harry laughed.

“Come on! Help me out here!” I whispered. Harry smiled at me. Ron gagged.

“Dude, don’t even bother, walk away, she’s not worth it!” Ron said pushing me.

“Shut up Ron!” I said my face turning red.

“See, she likes you, she blushes a lot when she’s around cute boys.” Ron snickered.

“Ron!” I said looking shocked.

“Well, it’s true!” Ron laughed. I shoved him again and he laughed.

“Harry, really, she really does like you, she’s like totally flirting right now.” Ron laughed.

“Ronald! That’s so mean!” I said my face turning another darker shade of red.

“Well, am I right?” Ron asked.

“I’m leaving,” I muttered and walked away.

“Aunt Molly, you’re wrong, some boys are just too retarded.” I said and walked through the barrier onto platform nine and three quarters. I took a few steps forward taking in the beauty of the Hogwart’s express. I ran right into Draco Malfoy. I fell to the floor and laughed my head off.

“Oh my god! Are you okay?” Draco asked laughing.

“Yes.” I laughed. He took my hand and helped me up.

“Thank you.” I said dusting my pants off. I smiled at him.

“So, how are you?” I asked smiling. He smiled and looked down at his shoes.

“Perfect.” He said smiling.

“Great, I’m sorry about running into you, and for leaving you at the ministry; I don’t really get along with Crabbe and Goyle.” I said. Draco looked at me shyly.

“That’s fine, where are you sitting?” Draco asked. Someone walked up behind me.

“Uh, Hannah, we’ve saved you a seat.” I heard Harry’s voice say. I turned and smiled.

“Thanks, I’ll be there in a minute.” I said. Harry nodded. Draco watched Harry walk away with his hands in his pockets.

“You and Potter?” Draco asked nodding toward Harry waiting for me a few feet away.

“No,” I said laughing.

“Oh, are you sure, he sure looks at you funny,” Draco said.

“Draco, he’s a friend, nothing more, why would you care anyway?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

“Uh,” He said. I smiled.

“I’ll talk to you later. Bye!” I said smiling. I turned and walked to Harry.

“Hi,” I said.

“Hello,” Harry said smiling.

“Ron is a little jerk.” I muttered.

“Oh,” Harry said and scuffed his foot on the pavement. I blushed.

“Uh, let’s go.” I said when the train whistled. We ran all the way to the compartment. I saw my dad waiting there.

“Dad!” I said running into a hug.

“I’m gonna miss you kiddo.” He whispered.

“I’m going to miss you dad.” I said a tear falling from my eyes.

“Don’t cry. We’ll talk to each other soon.” He said. I nodded and he wiped my tear away with his thumb. I smiled.

“Now, I want you to go and have fun. Write as soon as you can, and do, have fun.” My dad said. I nodded and climbed into the compartment and waved out the window. He took a hand out of his pocket and waved. I smiled and waved goodbye. The train jolted forward and we pulled away from the train station. Remy smiled at me from across the seat.

“I’m so excited!” I whispered. Draco walked past the doorway and stopped and stuck his head.

“What do you want Malfoy?” Ron asked snotty.

“I want to talk to Hannah.” He said.

“Okay.” I said and walked out of the doorway. Draco led me to an empty compartment. He looked me in the eyes. I smiled and blushed.

“I was wondering, if you would like to do something later.” Draco asked.

“I’d love to.” I whispered. Draco smiled. I looked at him in the eyes. He looked at me.

“Does this mean?” He asked.

“I don’t know.” I said quietly.

“What do you think?” I added. Draco smiled and I smiled too. I looked at the refection in the window. We were a good couple, at least, in looks. I smiled.

“I have to go, I’ll see you when we get to school, Remy is probably wondering where I went to.” I said and looked at Draco’s face.

“Okay, let’s meet at the court yard.” Draco said and we walked out into the hallway and I went into my compartment.

“So, how’d it go?” Remy said grinning.

“Remy, not now,” I said glaring at her. I sat down next to Harry. He smiled and looked down.

“So, is it true then?” Ron asked.

“About what?” Harry asked.

“About the… Scar?” Ron said whispering the word scar.

“Oh,” Harry said laughing and he pulled up his bangs showing the thin lightning bolt shaped scar. I stared at the light night bolt scar. I smiled when Harry flashed me a smile. Remy seen the smiled and nudged me with her foot. I got into my purse and pulled out my journal. Remy rolled her eyes. I smiled and began to write down the experience with Draco. I watched the green hills roll by the window of the compartment. I watched as the sky darkened and rain began to patter the windows. I smiled at Ron and Remy who fell asleep.

“So, Harry, do you like being a wizard?” I asked whispering.

“I guess I haven’t done too much, I’m just really happy to be away from my Aunt and Uncle.” Harry said smiling at me.

“Muggles, huh?” I asked laughing. Harry laughed.

“Muggles, yeah, they really are awful.” Harry said shaking his head.

“Harry, Ron is a little mean, but, I don’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, I mean I don’t like you, I mean, I do like you. I mean, not like that, I mean you are cute, I mean,” I fell silent my face blushing. Harry laughed quietly and looked at his hands. “I’m a babbling fool.” I added quietly. Harry laughed.

“It is fine, I guess.” He said looking at me. I smiled. “So, your dad works at the ministry?” Harry said changing the subject.

“Yeah, how‘d you know?” I said smiling.

“Ron. That must be great, having a wizard as a father.” Harry said.

“Well, you do,” I said.

“Yeah, but, not like you, I mean, he’s still alive.” I said.

“Oh,” I said blushing. Harry coughed fake.

“Anyway, Hargid seems to like you.” Harry said.

“Yeah, Hargid is great; he’s a really nice guy.” I said smiling.

“Yeah,” He said.
I looked out of the window. The sky had grown darker and the rolling hills of green had turned to rocky outcrops of mountains and boulders. I watched as the rain spotted the windows. Lightning flashed and a rumble of thunder echoed in the distance. The train began to slow down. I looked at Remy excitedly. I shook her awake.

“Remy! Remy wake up! I think we are here!” I squealed. Ron woke up.

“What?” He asked.

“I said we are here!” I squealed. Ron rolled his eyes but I knew he was just as excited as I was. I stood up and Remy and I left and went to an empty compartment while Ron and Harry changed into their robes. Remy and I changed into our robes and walked back to the compartment slowly. I smiled at Remy.

“I’m so excited!” I squealed.

“I know!” Remy squealed back. Remy snickered really quietly.

“What are you laughing at?” I asked.

“Drake is coming.” Remy said looking down the hallway. I looked at Remy nervous.

“What do I say?” I asked.

“I don’t know.” Remy said. Then train had stopped and we began walking to the nearest exit.

“Hannah! Wait up!” Drake yelled. I looked at Remy panicked.

“He’s your boyfriend!” She snickered.

“No he’s not!” I said rolling my eyes. I turned around and he smiled. Crabbe and Goyle were walking beside him. I looked at Drake. He looked apologetic.

“Oh, uh, well, I guess I’ll see you tonight.” He said. I nodded. I walked off the train Remy looking at me.

“I told him I’d do something with him tonight.” I said rolling my eyes.

“Uh-huh, and he’s not your boyfriend?” Remy asked sarcastically.

“First years over here! First Years!” Hargid boomed over the noise of all of the students. Ron and Harry hopped off the train and Harry smiled at me. I felt my heart lurch. Harry Potter, I have a crush on Harry Potter! Oh my god! I smiled back and he sort of looked at me with longing. Ron seemed to notice us looking at each other and elbowed Harry in the arm. Harry turned his head and didn’t look back. His hair was messy and it stuck out in every which way. I smiled and turned back around and stared strait ahead. Hargid lead us to a lake. The black water didn’t look inviting and it looked very cold.

“Alright four to a boat!” Hargid said taking a whole boat for himself. I smiled and Remy and I grabbed a boat. A blond haired girl and a black haired girl joined us in the boat.

“Hi,” The black haired girl said quietly. She was light skinned and had freckles on the bridge of her nose. She wore designer glasses and she carried a long wand in her hand.

“Hello, I’m Marissa Monahan” The blonde girl said smiling.

“I’m Remy Clark.” Remy said smiling back.

“I’m Chelsea Overly” The black haired quietly said.

“Well, I’m Hannah Tanner!” I said laughing. The boat glided forward propelled by magic. I sighed.

“I’m so excited to get to Hogwarts! My brother is already there he’s a fifth year; he’s always teasing me he says that I’m going to be in Slytherin. I doubt that, I’m probably going to be in Gryffindor or Hufflepuff.” Marissa said. I smiled.

“I would never want to be in Slytherin!” Remy squealed.

“Why not?” I asked.

“Not a witch or wizard who hasn’t gone bad who were in that house.” Remy muttered.

“Oh, come on, Professor Snape was in Slytherin!” I argued.

“Exactly, Charlie said he was evil!” Remy said. Charlie Weasley was my cousin. He’s in Romania currently studying dragons. All of the Weasleys are my cousins. My mom is Aunt Molly’s sister. I’ve known my cousins all my life and I usually spend summers with them. I gasped as a rocky outcrop came into view. Perched high on the cliff was a castle, towers jutting into the dark sky. Light poured out from windows and some were flashing. We stared at the castle. The boats glided silently across the mirror waters of the black lake. The stars hung low in the sky and twinkled brightly. I seen Harry and Ron gapping at the wondrous sight. Harry seemed to be under a spell. He was probably shocked that all this was happening. This is all new to him. He’s never met a witch or wizard before, and knew about it, now he’s surrounded by them. Magic everywhere! I turned around to look at Chelsea she smiled.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” I said.

“Amazing!” She whispered. I smiled and looked back at the sight, but we were heading into a dark damp tunnel. A sudden change from darkness to a lit room made my eyes burn. I squinted until I could see clearly again. A strait figured woman with glasses dressed in all green stood at the top of a stone stairway.

“Everyone! Out!” Hargid yelled. All the first years scrambled out of the magical boats and onto the stone landing. I watched as the witch drummed her fingers silently on the stone railing.

“Welcome, if you will please follow me.” She said in a sharp voice the first years clambered up the stairs and through a wooden door. We were lead down a stone hallway lit with torches. The witch led us into a small room.

“Wait here until I come back and get you, then we will make out way to the feast.” The witch said. She walked out of the door. We stood shoulder to shoulder.

“Ugh!” Remy said.

“What?” I asked.

“I think someone farted.” She gagged. I laughed and we began laughing loudly. I seen Harry look at us and I blushed putting my head down.

“Why don’t you just ask him out?” Remy asked.

“I can’t, I’m scared.” I whispered.

“Oh, like I’m scared because I have a huge crush on your cousin and it’s totally obvious but he doesn’t see it?” Remy asked looking at her nails.

“George is like two years older than you!” I laughed.

“So?” She asked. I laughed.

“Well, if you think George’s cute, you must think Fred is too! They are twins after all!” I said laughing.

“Nope, I can tell them apart they look totally different.” Remy shrugged.

“Remy, you need to tell Aunt Molly that she’s always getting them mixed up.” I said.

“Yeah, but they look so different like George has a bigger smile and in the sun his eyes twinkle, Fred’s doesn’t do that.” Remy sighed. I gagged.

“I’m telling him.” I laughed.

“You tell him and I tell Harry.” She snickered.

“He already knows, god, Ron is suck a jerk.” I said shaking my head.

“Darn, now what will I use as pay back?” She asked.

“I don’t know, but did you ever think that if I did tell George he might actually consider you?” I asked.

“Yes, but, now, why would I take that chance?” She asked.

“I don’t know, but I’m telling him.” I laughed.

“Hey Harry!” Remy yelled. Harry turned around. I looked at her in horror.

“Hannah,” She said pointing to me. “Hearts” She said using her fingers to make a heart. “You!” She said pointing at him. I looked at her in shock

“Remy!” I screamed. Harry looked at me smiling a little. I hid my face with my brilliant orange hair. I sighed and looked around the room. Just as I looked at the door it opened and the green robed witch walked back in.

“Follow me.” She said. The first years walked out of the door in single file into a large great hall. Students were already sitting in long rows of tables. I took notice of George looking at Remy as we walked by. I winked at him and his face turned slightly pink. We walked all the way to the front of the great hall and lined up in front of the teacher’s table. Dumbledore sat in the middle of the table. I had seen Dumbledore once before at the ministry. He and my father like having long chats together when ever they had the time. My father thought Dumbledore was the greatest wizard of all time, as did I. He had a crooked nose and sparkling blue eyes that were behind half moon spectacles. He looked at me and smiled. He had a long white beard that eventually joined in with his long white hair. I smiled back somewhat nervously. The green dressed witch had pulled out a ragged hat from her cloak. I gasped it was the Sorting Hat! My father had told me about it when I was a very little girl.

“When I call you name, please come forward and sit on the stool.” The witch said.

“Remy Clark.” She said. Remy gulped and I took her hand and squeezed and let go as she climbed up the few steps to the stool. She took a seat on the stool and looked at me. She looked rather nervous.

“Gryffindor!” The hat screamed. I cheered as Remy skipped over to Gryffindor’s table and sat down beside George who hugged her. I winked at her and she blushed.

“Hannah Tanner?” The witch said. I almost screamed. I slowly walked up to the stool.

“Oh, wow, a brilliant mind, I see, potions is defiantly you strength, so is flying, but where do I put you? Slytherin or Gryffindor.” The hat mumbled. I heard whispers echo around the room. I want to be with Remy Clark! I screamed in my head.
“Remy Clark you say? And she’s in Gryffindor?” The hat debated. I gulped. He could read my mind! I heard the hat chuckle.

“I’ll say, Gryffindor!” The hat sat. I relaxed with relief.

“You would have been great in Slytherin you know.” The hat whispered to me before the green robed witch took the hat off. I walked silently down the isles to the Gryffindor house where I sat down next to a handsome fifth year boy beside Remy. She smiled at me.

“Aw, how sweet, wanted to be with me!” Remy said hugging me. I smiled nervously. Slytherin, does that mean I’m an evil witch? I sighed and laid my head down on the table. I jerked my head up when I heard Draco’s name being called. He had just sat on the stool and the hat had just barley touched his head before it screamed.

“SLYTHERIN!” Loud cheering came from the Slytherin table. Remy raised her eyebrows.

“Uh-oh.” She said.

“McGonagall’s robes look as if a troll blew its snot all over them.” Fred snickered. George laughed.

“McGonagall?” I asked.

“The thin lady in the green troll booger robes.” George said pointing. Remy snickered.

“She’s head of Gryffindor, really strict also, she teaches Transfiguration.” Fred said. I nodded.

“Harry Potter?” McGonagall said. The hall fell silent whispers began echoing around us. Dumbledore sat up in his chair as if suddenly interested. I watched at Harry made his way over to the stool. He looked frightened. I stared at him.

“Ha! Famous Harry Potter! Alas we meet! A good mind, bravery I see, a fair flyer, and loyalty, but where to put you?” The hat asked. I saw Harry’s mouth moving softly, although I couldn’t make out what he was saying.

“Not Slytherin you say? It could help you on your way to greatness, there’s no doubt about that, it’s all here in your mind, no, well, better be…. GRYFFINDOR!” The hat said. The whole Gryffindor table stood up as Harry made his way down shaking hands and smiling. The hall was cheering and clapping. Finally once the hall had settled another name echoed in the hall.

“Neville Longbottom!” McGonagall said reading the name off of a list. A short pudgy boy walked up to the stool trembling.

“Wow, pathetic one you are, although, you do seem to be very well in Herbology.” The hat said. I sighed, poor kid.

“Gryffindor!” The hat said. We clapped and Neville tripped on the way down the stairs sending a wave of laughter around the Great Hall. I buried my hands into my face. There was no doubt about that one, he was a klutz!

“Ronald Weasley!” McGonagall said.

“Put him in Slytherin!” Fred and George and Remy screamed in unison when the Hall fell silent. The Great Hall once again erupted with laughter. I smacked the back of George’s head.

“Ouch!” George said laughing. I glared at him.

“Another Weasley I see, I know just what to do with you, Gryffindor!” The hat roared. Fred and George groaned as did I. Ron made his way to the table and sat down beside Harry.

“Hermione Granger?” McGonagall said. I looked at a bushy brown haired girl with rather large front teeth walk up to the stool confidently.

“Boy, aren’t we confident.” Remy muttered.

“Clever! I know, Gryffindor!” The hat said. Remy shot a glance at me.

“I know.” I said.

“Hannah Abbott?” McGonagall said. I zoned out the cheers and names and waited for the food to arrive after a while, Dumbledore stood up and I realized that the sorting was over.

“Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts, or welcome! I would like to go over a few of the start of term rules; Magic in the corridors is not aloud. The Forbidden Forest is out of bounds, not a bunch of friendly creatures and such in there, and lastly, I would like to announce that the third floor corridor is off limits to anyone who does not wish to die a sad and painfully tragic death. Let the feast begin!” Dumbledore said and clapped his hands and food appeared on golden platters. I gasped totally forgetting about the frightful warning. Harry looked up from his plate at me and I blushed a deep red. Remy noticed.

“Hannah likes you!” Remy said loudly. Fred and George looked up and started snickering at Harry. Harry looked at me his big green eyes shimmering. I looked up and seen that Draco Malfoy was staring at me from the Slytherin table. I smiled and he smiled back small and began eating again. I looked around the room; Draco Malfoy was almost the most handsome boy here other than a third year Hufflepuff, who had once made me blow up a ministry toilet. Draco was unconditionally the most handsome first year, next to Harry. I smiled again at the thought of me and Draco Malfoy. My thoughts flickered to Christmas. I would be spending it with him all Christmas! Remy must have seen the daze I was in because she was now waving her hand in front of my face.

“What? Huh?” I asked snapping back into reality.

“I asked you if you were still going with Drake tonight.” Remy asked her mouth full of crackers. I laughed.

“I don’t know who you are talking about!” I said confused.

“Drake, you know, Draco.” Remy said rolling her eyes.

“I know Draco but who’s Drake?” I asked.

“I made the name up because Draco is just a pain to say.” Remy sighed. I laughed. I looked up at Draco.

“He’s so handsome.” I whispered.

“Okay! Too Much Information!” Remy laughed. We laughed. Draco was still staring at me. I smiled a little at my plate. I heard someone sit down across from me.

“Hi,” Harry said. I looked up. I licked my lips nervously.

“Hello.” I said quietly.

“Um, Hogwarts is amazing huh?” He said slowly.

“Yes, It’s amazing,” I said smiling.

“Percy was talking to me about all the classes, and I have no idea how to do any of this stuff.” Harry smiled. I laughed.

“Neither do I, well, some of them I do, potions, and transfiguration,” I said.

“Oh,” Harry said. I bit my lip. I hope I didn’t sound like I was bragging.

“Uh, the food’s great.” I said changing the subject.

“Yeah, it’s nothing like at my Aunt and Uncle’s house.” Harry said flashing me a smile. I laughed.

“She’s not a good cook?” I asked.

“No, I just, don’t eat a lot there.” Harry said flushing. I bit my lips and nodded.

“I was wondering,” Harry began his hands folded nervously.

“Yes?” I asked. Harry asked something quickly.

“Sorry? I didn’t catch that.” I said.

“I was wondering, what you were doing tonight.” Harry said clearing his throat. My eyes flickered to Draco.

“Well, I was going to talk with a friend.” I said. Harry’s face fell.

“What time did you have in mind?” I asked.

“Um, any time really.” Harry said. I smiled.

“Well, we were just going to talk, I’m sure after we are done, I have nothing else to do.” I said biting my lip. Harry smiled.

“That’s great,” He said smiling.

“Um, Eight O’clock?” I asked.

“Of course!” Harry said. I smiled.

“Um, Harry, I have to go.” I said. He looked around the room. The hall was almost empty.

“Oh, of course, sorry.” He said standing up almost fall over the bench. I hid my smile. He was blushing and walked away. I stood up and walked to the Great Hall’s doors. Standing right outside the doors was Draco.

“Hi.” I said smiling.

“Hey,” Draco said. I looked down at my feet.

“So, how are you?” Draco asked laughing softly.

“I’m pretty good, how about you?” I asked.

“I’m good.” He said. I looked at his beautiful face. We walked across the entrance and looked out onto the lawn. Hermione and Remy were outside talking with Hagrid.

“What’s Remy doing with that Mudblood?” Draco asked.

“What?” I asked.

“What’s Remy doing with the Mudblood?” He asked again.

“Mudblood?” I gasped. He looked at me confused.

“Yeah, Granger,” He said.

“Draco Malfoy, that is disgusting! I can’t believe you!” I yelled.

“What?” He asked.

“Hermione is my friend!” I said. Draco looked at me. I rolled my eyes and pushed him. He stumbled back a tiny bit, from shock.

“She’s muggle born!” He said.

“So, and she’s one of the best witches here! Your point would be?” I asked. Draco looked at me.

“Draco, that is the worst word you could ever say!” I whispered.

“I didn’t ask you out to get a lecture Hannah!” Draco snapped. I stepped back. He looked at me.

“And I don’t have to stand here and listen to you insult my friends.” I said. He looked at me.

“Hannah, wait, please, don’t go.” Draco said. I shook my head.

“I have better places I could be at right now.” I said. He looked at me.

“I’m sorry.” Draco said. I shook my head and walked away. I walked past the main entrance and up the marble staircase. I followed an older Gryffindor to the portrait hole. I clambered through the hole. Remy was already up in the common room.

“What are you doing here?” She asked.

“I left Draco, he called Hermione a Mudblood.” I whispered. Remy gasped.

“No way! What a pig!” She yelled tossing a magazine across the room hitting a second year in the back of the head. The girl turned around and Remy was too interested in what I had to say to notice.

“I know right?” I said. She looked at me frustrated.

“I thought he was cooler than that.” I said. She nodded. I stared at her.

“So did I. Do you think I should tell my dad?” I asked.

“What? Why?” Remy asked picking up her magazine and tossing it back onto the coffee table. We stared at it for a minute.

“Well, I mean, he said Mudblood, don’t you think that Lucius should know?” I asked. Remy laughed.

“You do not want to be the tattle tale, do you?” She asked.

“What he said was wrong anyway.” I said. I flopped down onto the couch. Remy sat down at my feet. I looked at Remy. We stared at each other then burst into random laughter. We were laughing when Harry walked down the stone stairs.

“Hi,” He said.

“Oh, hey.” Remy said smiling.

“I thought you were talking with a friend.” Harry said putting his hands into his pockets.

“Um, well, I was, I just got back.” I said.

“Wow, that didn’t last long.” Harry said. I laughed.

“Um, well, he was sort of rude.” I said. I looked at Remy. She smiled.

“Oh,” Harry said.

“Yeah, I can go with, you, now, if you want.” I said quietly. Harry smiled.

“That would be great.” Harry said. I smiled.

“Okay,” He said. I stood up and Harry and I walked out of the portrait hole.

“So, it must be cool having your dad famous as he is. Not that I know him, or anything but I‘ve heard whispers about him.” Harry said after a few minutes of silence.

“It’s actually really tiring, I mean, everyone expects me to be this great witch now, I’m a little nervous about that.” I said smiling.

“Well, at least you knew you were a witch,” Harry said looking at me. I smiled.

“Well, a lot of people don’t know that they are magical until they get their letter so you aren’t alone.” I said. Harry looked at me and smiled.

“Thanks,” He said.

“For what?” I asked.

“For making me feel better, like I’m not alone, you know?” Harry asked smiling then looking ahead.

“No problem.” I whispered and looked away from his handsome face. We walked in silence. I began to feel awkward.

“So, you live with your aunt and uncle?” I asked trying to spark up a conversation.

“Um, yeah. They’re not exactly, the best though.” Harry said smiling.

“Well, they’re probably better than having Ron as a cousin!” I said smiling. Harry laughed.

“Actually, compared to them, Ron is like a saint.” Harry said smiling and putting his hands into his pockets.

“Oh my god, never thought I‘d here that in all my life, Ron a saint.” I laughed

“Your family seem nice, at least your cousins.” He said smiling.

“They are annoying though.” I said laughing back.

“I never met many of members of my family.” Harry said.

“My father said that he went to school with your parents.” I said. Harry looked up at me.

“Oh,” He said.

“Yeah, my dad said your father made everyone laugh, all the time, and that your mom was the cleverest witch he know,” I said smiling. Harry laughed.

“I wish that I could have met them, just talk to them, even just for a minute.” He whispered. I smiled.

“Well, you can always talk to them.” I said looking at his face. He smiled small.

“Yeah, I know, but, it’s not the same.” He sighed. I looked down at the floor. I felt Harry’s hand brush against mine. We walked down the marble staircase. I felt his hand brush mine again. This time it stayed. His hand was touching mine. I moved my hand over and touched his palm with my fingers. He tried to hide a smile. I slowly took his hand. Hagrid walked in through the large doors.

“Hannah! Harry! How’s the first night?” Hagrid asked. I hid our hands in my cloak.

“It’s really great. It’s so much more amazing then I imagined.” I said smiling. Harry smiled.

“It’s brilliant.” Harry said. Hagrid looked at us.

“What’s that your hiding?” Hagrid asked. I froze. Harry slowly began to take his hand away and I looked at him. He smiled and stopped.

“Nothing,” I said.

“Mhmm. Lemme see.” He said. Harry looked at me.

“Hagrid really, it’s our first night, would we really do anything to get expelled? I really don’t think Harry wants to go back to his aunt and uncles, and I would be killed if I ever got expelled.” I said. Hagrid shook his head.

“Show me.” He chuckled. Harry sighed. I bit my lip.

“Come here.” I said motioning for Hargid to bend down. He bent down and I whispered in his ear.

“It’s our hands.” I whispered.

“Your hands?” Hargid asked loudly. We shushed him.

“Yes,” I said. Hagrid looked confused.

“Our hands.” I said. Hagrid shook his head. I sighed and let go of Harry’s hand.

“Nothing, see just our hands.” I said holding my hands out. Harry copied me. Hagrid looked at me.

“Oh, I see now!” Hagrid said.

“Harry, would you like to come to tea tomorrow?” Hagrid asked.

“Of course!” Harry said smiling. Hagrid nodded.

“See you then.” Hagrid said. He walked into the great hall.

“Geez.” I said laughing. Harry smiled and took my hand again. We walked down the hall. It was raining outside. We stood in front of a stained glass window. We sat on the ledge facing each other. Harry smiled nervously.

“I don’t want to be like, I don’t know, like a lot of people might be asking you this but, your scar?” I asked. Harry laughed.

“I don’t mind.” He said reaching up and held his hair back.

“Does it ever like hurt?” I asked raising a finger to the scar. I traced it.

“No, it’s just a scar, not like a cut so it doesn’t hurt.” He said. I dropped my hand.

“You know I have a scar that looks like a line, why am I not famous?” I joked.

“You just don’t know the right people, I on the other hand happen to know the Brian Tanner‘s daughter.” Harry said smiling smugly.

“Oh my gosh! That’s amazing!” I gasped. We began laughing.

“I know!.” Harry said smiling.

“Oh, well, I heard she’s a brat.” I said smiling.

“No! She’s different, she’s smart and funny.” Harry said. I laughed.

“So wait a minute! I know Harry Potter?! How am I still not famous!” I laughed.

“Because, I’m just naturally cooler than you.” Harry said serious. I chuckled.

“Right,” I sighed. He patted me on the shoulder.

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you are, some-what cool.” Harry said laughing. We sat there laughing quietly. I stopped laughing.

“Can I ask you a sort of personal question, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” I said.

“Okay,” Harry said.

“Are you ever scared, that Voldemort might come back?” I whispered.

“You said his name!” Harry said shocked.

“What? I’m not scared of saying his name, it’s dumb to say You Know Who. I grew up with my parents saying it anyway.” I said smiling.

“Oh, well, I was shushed when I said it around Hagrid.” Harry frowned.

“A lot of people think that when you say his name it automatically shows Voldemort where you are but my father says that even in dark magic there’s not a spell that he knows of that can do that so, I’m not scared to say it.” I said.

“Oh, I see. Well, I guess, I mean, Voldemort killed my parents, he tried to kill me, but, somehow he didn’t, if I were him I’d be angry.” Harry said looking up at the window. I took his hand.

“Well, as long as you’re here you don’t have to worry. Voldemort is scared of Dumbledore.” I said. Harry nodded.

“Hagrid told me.” Harry said. We sat in silence for a minute. I heard the clock in the school chime nine o’clock.

“We better get back, we have an hour to be in the common room.” I said. Harry nodded. We stood up. He was taller than me, but only by a few inches.

“What?” He asked. I looked away.

“Nothing, I was thinking.” I said. Harry looked at me.

“About what?” He asked.

“I don’t know.” I said. He laughed. We walked our hands swinging. We laughed.

“Hannah.” Harry said when we were climbing up the marble stairs.

“Yeah Harry?” I asked.

“Is Ron afraid of spiders?” Harry asked. I laughed.

“Terrified.” I said laughing. Soon we were at the portrait hole. We climbed in with ten minutes to spare. We were alone in the common room.

“Well, It was nice talking to you.” I said when we had walked across the common room and up the stairs. We had reached the girls dorm door.

“Yeah, and thank you for coming.” Harry said. I nodded. We fell silent.

“Well, um, goodnight.” I said smiling. Harry looked at me. I turned and reached for the handle to the door.

“Hannah.” He said I turned.

“Yeah?” I asked. He walked over and kissed me! Yes! Harry Potter, the boy who lived was kissing me! I felt like I was slowly being turned to Jell-o. I kissed him back. He broke away.

“Um, right, um Goodnight.” Harry said smiling.

“Goodnight Harry.” I whispered. I turned and walked into the girls dorm. I shut the door and rested my head on it. I felt dizzy.

“Oh my god!” I whispered.

“What are you ‘Oh my godding’ about?” Remy asked. Hermione and her were standing behind me.

“Um, nothing.” I said smiling. I walked to my bed my head spinning. Remy laughed. Hermione climbed into her bed.

“Lights out!” I heard McGonagall call up. Remy blew the lantern out and slowly walked to my bed.

“Okay, dish.” She whispered quietly. I pulled my curtains around my bed.

“We talked, he took my hand, and just now, he kissed me!” I said and plopped back onto my bed my head hitting my pillow.

“Oh my god! What was it like!?” She squealed.

“Like, Magic.” I said.

“Yeah, plenty of that around.” She said laughing.

“No, like, I felt all Jell-o legged and I was dizzy. I can’t believe it! I kissed Harry Potter!” I whispered laughing. Remy laughed.

“Well, does this mean he’s your boyfriend?” Remy asked.

“I don’t know it was just one date, I guess.” I said.

“Yeah, too soon to tell. I’m going to go to bed, I’m like really tired.” Remy whispered. I nodded and she slid out from my bed and walked to the one beside me.

“Goodnight.” I whispered.

“Night Hannah.” Remy said.

Chapter 3

I opened my eyes. I was staring up at a red velvet curtains around my bed. What the heck? I sat up, and remembered I was at Hogwarts! Last night was amazing and I was kissed by Harry Potter! I wanted to scream and jump on my bed. I jumped out of bed and threw some clothes on. I looked around the room. I was the first one up. I ran across the room and down the stairs into the common room. We were to report to breakfast in the mourning. I crawled out of the portrait hole and into the hallway. I was quiet. I walked down the hall my shoes making an echo down the empty hallway. I passed sleeping paintings. Wow, why is everyone still asleep? I wondered down into the Great Hall. Only the teachers were inside.

“Hannah! You are up early!” I heard Hagrid say.

“Am I? I thought I was on time, I must me nervous, I have an tendency to wake up really early when I’m excited or nervous, I also talk a lot, and…” I cut myself off blushing. A tall man with black hair and a long pointed nose snickered.

“Well, it’s always the early ones who study the hardest.” He sneered. I swallowed.

“Professor Snape, this is Hannah Tanner, the one I told ya about.” Hagrid said. Professor Snape looked down at me.

“It’s a pleasure, I’m sure.” He said looking at me. I smiled small.

“Actually, I have a question for you, I was reading my potions book and I think there is a typo, on the Fog potion, it says one half ounce of Wolf hair, but in every other book I’ve read they’ve called for a full cup.” I said pulling my potions book out of my handbag. Professor Snape looked at me shocked.

“Um, Professor? I believe Hannah asked you a question.” McGonagall said. Professor Snape’s cold face turned to a warmer and happier face.

“Well, the reason for the mistake, as you call it, is, in the other books you were reading they also called for Newt blood, with this potion, it makes it just as the same effective, but it’s quicker to brew.” Professor Snape said.

“Oh I get it, that’s why the Frog Legs, aren’t in there!” I said to myself.

“Yes,” He said.

“Oh, well, that clears up the fog potion.” I joked. Snape smiled.

“Thank you.” I added.

“No problem. Can I ask you a few questions now, just to see the level you are on?” Snape asked. I swallowed.

“Yes, but I only studied the first eight chapters, on the train last night, so I might be rusty, I read my book when I got it, but I just began studying on the train.” I said quietly.

“What do you get when you mix Wormwood with Hair of a bee?” Snape asked.

“The potion called, Fear in a bottle, uncap it and you fall into a deep sleep and have only nightmares.” I said. Snape nodded. I seen Dumbledore watching and I felt pressured.

“What does a stone from a goat’s stomach do?” Snape quizzed.

“It can save you even from an inch of death from most poisons.” I said blushing.

“What’s another word for Earwig dust?” Snape asked. I looked at him blank.

“It’s in the eight chapter, I know this, Harry-Wiggle dust, or more commonly known as Wiggle dust,” I said biting my lower lip. Snape glanced at Dumbledore who smiled.

“Hannah, after the feast tonight can I see you in my office, I would like for you to take a potions test, just to see what level you truly are on, from what I can tell you’re far more advanced than I expected.” Snape said.

“Potion’s is what I love, it’s mostly what I read about, and now, I can actually try them out.” I said smiling.

“Well, if you score high on this placement test, I might put you in advanced potions, or a higher grade in potions.” Snape said. I smiled hugely.

“Really?! I’d love to do that! Can I study before the test or do you just want me to go with what I can remember? Because, I remember a lot, but I’m afraid I might forget it.” I said.

“No, no studying, just do what you can, I’ll see you then.” Snape said. People were beginning to come into the Great Hall and take a seat at their house tables. I gathered up my potion’s book and walked to the Gryffindor table. Remy walked in looking groggy.

“Figures you’d be up this early.” She said laying her head on the table.

“I might get into a higher grade in potions.” I squealed.

“What? How?” She asked.

“Snape, he’s testing me after the feast tonight.” I said smiling.

“Wow! Do you know what that means? You like a freaking genius in Potions Hannah!” Remy whispered.

“Don’t tell anyone.” I whispered back. Remy nodded and we sat down at the table. I seen Draco talking to Crabbe and Goyle looking sad. Hermione, Ron, and Harry walked in. They were whispering stuff to each other.

“What’s going on?” I asked. Ron shot Harry a nervous glance.

“Nothing.” He said.

“Harry, she has a right to know.” Hermione said. Harry sighed.

“We ran into Draco out in the court yard, and someone told him about us walking together last night, just talking.” Harry paused, “And, he pulled out his wand and Hermione tried to shield it but, it hit me, and I was sent flying back.” He sighed. I felt my face grow red.

“He did that?” I asked.

“Yes.” Hermione said. I stood up knocking the bench over.

“I’ll be back.” I snapped.

“Hannah, no.” Harry said grabbing my arm.

“Let me go Harry!” I yelled. I sprung free and made a beeline for Slytherin’s table.

“What are you trying to prove Draco Malfoy?” I asked. He looked up at me confused.

“Nothing?” He said.

“You can’t just go around cursing people because they are my friends!” I said. Draco sighed.

“It was an accident!” He said.

“Accidents don’t happen from now on, or I’ll make an accident myself, got it?” I snapped. Draco looked away from me.

“What ever.” He said.

“Your pathetic.” I said.

“And you are annoying.” He said.

“Not nearly as much as you are.” I said.

“You wish.” He said looking me strait in the eyes.

“Just leave me and my friends alone.” I whispered and walked away. I walked back to the table and began to get food.

“What did you say?” Remy asked.

“Nothing, he won’t bother Harry or any of my friends anymore.” I said. I looked up and Draco was looking at me. I seen him smiled slightly. I couldn’t help it, I gave him an evil glare. This was not over.

“You totally like him!” Remy whispered only loud enough to hear me.

“I like Harry.” I said smiling. Harry glanced up from his plate when I said his name. I smiled into my plate.

“That was a little loud.” Remy whispered.

“You think.” I chuckled. Owls began swooping through the Great Hall. Nutmeg swooped in she had two letters attached to her leg. I caught the bird in my arms. She hooted a thanks and I untied the letters and gave her a cracker and she swooped back out of the Great Hall. Remy was opening a package from her mom.

“Oh, my god.” She whispered and lifted out a pair of high heels from the box. George choked on his juice and I had to smack him in the back.

“What are those for!?” He asked.

“She didn’t say.” She said to me. I shrugged with a large smile on my face. She rolled her eyes. George glanced at Remy. I smiled at him and he blushed and began eating again. I looked at my letters. One was from my mother and the other.

“Oh my god.” I said burring my head in my arms.

“What?” Remy asked. I held up the letter from Mrs. Malfoy.

“Oh my god, a whole week!?” She whispered. I nodded.

“What are you going to do?” She asked. I shrugged and opened my mother’s letter.

Dear Hannah,

By now you must have gotten the invitation to the Malfoy’s for Christmas. We’d like you to come home and go, because Lucius has been asking how you were. I heard that Professor Snape will be there, along with a few other people, but just for a day, we have the pleasure to stay for a week. I hope you and Remy are well, and I hope that school is going well. Your father has been very busy at work lately. He says it’s because you aren’t there to help him. I say he just misses you so much he can’t focus correctly. He’s been moping around the house since you left. A muggle came to the door yesterday, and she was selling vacuum cleaners, and your Uncle went a little crazy. (We had Molly and Arthur and Ginny over) The muggle was nice, but she left soon, I wouldn’t blame her, Arthur was a little…creepy. Ginny told me to tell you that she misses you and that you have to tell her everything when you come home for holidays. Yes, I know, the first week of holidays we will be spending at Molly’s then the second week we will be at Narcissa’s. Unfortunately, I’m sure you and Severus have bonded quiet well. I’m kidding, by the way. Have you seen the papers lately? Oh jeez, the Quibbler is reporting you have gone missing, and that the dark lord has taken you away from us as a bribe to hand over the ministry! Your father and I had quite a good laugh over that. Any smart wizard or witch would know you were at Hogwarts! Your father has asked me to tell you that everyone at the ministry says hello. Send Remy and family our love, and we will see you at Christmas.



I laughed and laughed at the letter.

“What? Remy asked. I handed her the letter and she choked on pumpkin juice.

“The dark lord captured you Hannah! Oh no!” Remy screamed laughing. Harry looked over at us confused and I handed him the letter. He too, also laughed.

“Are people really seriously believing that?” Remy asked. I shrugged.

“I don’t know, but if I ever was captured by the dark lord, my dad probably wouldn’t hand the ministry over.” I laughed. Remy nodded.

“He’d find a way to keep both of you.” She laughed.

“I’d never get kidnapped anyway, I’m always around an adult wizard, I’ve never been alone.” I said laughing.

“Exactly!” Remy said. We laughed and I picked up the invitation.

“Yup.” Remy said stirring her mashed potatoes.

“Hey, are you going to Aunt Molly’s for holiday?” I asked. I seen George turn his head slightly too see what she said.

“I don’t know, my mom and dad are going on vacation to like Africa or something, I was supposed to say with Great Aunt Lydia,” She said frowning.

“You have to stay at Home.” George said laughing.

“She smells like moth balls.” Remy whispered.

“And cats.” I said winkling my nose.

“Lots of cats.” She said.

“I’m sure mum won’t mind you staying Remy.” Fred said. I smiled.

“Just write your parents.” I said. She nodded. George looked at Fred angrily. Fred rolled his eyes and began eating again.

“A whole week with Malfoy.” I whispered pounding my head on the table. Remy put her hand under my head.

“It wont be that bad, Hannah.” Remy rolled her eyes.

“Sure, you get to stay with Aunt Molly and everyone! I’m stuck with Draco!” I cried. She shrugged.

“It’s not like you’re going to die!” She laughed. I sighed. I looked around the room and stared at a third year boy named Cedric.

“Hey, have you seen him fly?” I asked. Remy turned and looked at Cedric.

“No, but I heard he was good,” Remy chuckled.

“There’s only one thing that’s good about him, and that’s his looks,” Fred said nodding toward him. I laughed.

“I believe you just insulted him!” I said. Fred snickered. Harry looked up at me and smiled. I smiled back and opened my potions book beside my dinner plate.

“Not at the dinner table!” Remy said reaching across the table and taking my potions book away. I looked at her shocked.

“Give it back!” I yelled. George burst into laughter.

“What a nerd!” He laughed. I looked at him.

“I want my book! I’m not a nerd!” I yelled loudly. Remy’s jaw dropped and she handed me my book. I nodded and walked away. I heard them all roaring with laughter after me. I walked out the great hall doors and smack into the one person I wouldn’t mind not seeing. Draco Malfoy’s books flew from his arms scattering all over the ground. I choked back a laugh.
“I’m sorry!” I said helping him pick them up.
“No problem.” He said laughing. Then we looked at each other and my heart skipped.
“Um, I gotta go.” I said.
“Wait, my mother told me that you and your mom and dad are going to spend Christmas at my house.” He said.
“Yes.” I snapped. I walked away up the stairs and around the corner before I stopped and asked myself what had just happened. My heart had skipped like that only when I seen him! I shook my head and continued walking up to the dorms. I ran up the stairs and tried to ignore the feeling to turn back and run to Draco Malfoy. I made it to the Gryffindor dormitory. I sighed and sat down in the chair nearest to the fireplace. My head was spinning. Maybe a week with Draco Malfoy would officially kill me and then I won’t have to worry about exams.

Chapter 4

“Transfiguration is the way of taking one thing,” McGonagall said waving her wand at her toucan and making it turn into a string of pearls, “Into another.” She whispered smiling. I was fixated on the pearls. I wanted to do that, very badly. She walked around the room and made sure that everyone had the right materials. She smiled and nodded once at me as she checked. She quickly moved on.

“She’s amazing.” I whispered to Hermione.

“Quite, I’ve decided she’s my favorite class.” She whispered back.

“Hermione, we’ve only had one class, how can you say she’s your favorite?” I giggled she shot me a smile.

“You’re not the only one who reads her books before hand.” Hermione said smiling. I glanced at Remy who was across the room sitting next to Susan Bones. She smiled and just as she waved the doors of the transfiguration room burst open and Harry and Ron ran through.

“We made it!” Ron breathed out relieved.

“Could you imagine McGonagall’s face if she seen we were late.” Ron said unaware that McGonagall was an animagous and was sitting on her desk, as a cat. Hermione rolled her eyes as McGonagall transformed back into herself. Of course Ron said the stupidest thing you could say at the moment.

“That was bloody brilliant!” He said shocked. I think Harry’s eyes were going to fall out of his head from awe. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

“Thank you, now if you don’t mind, maybe I should transfigure you two into pocket watches do you will be on time for my class.” McGonagall said.

“We, we got lost.” Harry said.

“Then perhaps a map, I’m sure you don’t need one to find your seats do you?” McGonagall said. They shook their heads no and walked over to their chairs. Draco Malfoy sniggered and elbowed Crabbe who began sniggering with him. He seen me looking and immediately stopped. Harry glanced at me and I waved. He waved back small and I couldn’t help but think about last night. McGonagall stood at the front of the room.

“Open your books to page five. I want you to copy down the definitions and study them because we will be having a test tomorrow over them.” She said. Hermione and I flashed each other a smile.

“We got this.” I said and we did our little handshake thing slightly beneath the table. As Hermione and I copied the definitions into our notes I heard Draco and some girl whispering to each other. I turned in my seat to see that Pansky Patterson was flirting with him. My heart stopped and I felt mad, he said he liked me the other night but he already has a new girlfriend?! I turned back around giving Pansky a evil look, which she told Draco and I turned before he could look.

“What a jerk.” I whispered to Hermione.

“Who?” She asked.

“Draco! He’s already got a girlfriend! After he told me he liked me.” I said.

“But, don’t you have Harry?” Hermione said.

“That’s different.” I said suddenly aware of where she was going.

“Not really Hannah.” Hermione chuckled. I smiled and nudged her as she wrote making a large streak over what she had already written. She looked up at me her jaw dropped but a smile on her face.

“You slug!” She whispered as I laughed quietly.

“Hannah, Hermione is there a problem?” Professor McGonagall asked.

“No ma’am.” We said together.

“Good, then keep working.” She said. I sighed and got back to work while Hermione started all over an a new piece of parchment. I was so happy, I could feel the time flying as we neared the next class. My next class was sure to be my favorite; that was potions! There was a loud gasp from the back of the room and Remy stood up. Neville had walked by and dumped over her whole ink well on her paper and desk and it had splashed all over her.

“I’m sorry Remy! It was an accident!” Neville yelled as he tried to help but he just smeared the ink that was on her face. She froze.

“NEVILLE! Just stop!” She screamed. Professor McGonagall ran over and used some sort of spell to clean her off.

“I’m sorry.” Neville said.

“Mr. Longbottom, please go back to your seat.” Professor McGonagall said. Remy was red faced, I felt her about ready to blow up.

“I was almost done with my notes!” She said under her breath. McGonagall sensed the tension in her voice and calmed her down.

“I have a paper you can use, it had the definitions already copied you can just attach it into your notebook.” McGonagall said. I sighed and watched as Pansky and Draco laughed together. Hermione tapped me on the shoulder.

“Harry’s watching.” She whispered. I turned and put my hair over my shoulder blocking the view of Draco and Pansky and cleared the view of Harry. I smiled at him and he smiled back but went back to taking notes.

“Potions is next, George said it was really hard, Snape’s mean.” I heard Ron say. I leaned over.

“He is not!” I argued.

“Is too, mind your own business Hannah.” Ron whispered back. I stuck my tongue out and he copied. I rolled my eyes and finished my notes just in time for the clock bell to ring signaling the end of this class. Hermione and I stood up and I walked over to Remy who was slamming her books on top of one another because she was furious.

“Neville is such a bloody klutz. I hate that kid!” She told us as we walked out of the classroom.

“Hate’s a strong word, he’s nice!” I said standing up for him.

“He maybe nice, but I don’t understand what he’s doing here, all he does is mess everything up. I mean come on, the dude is a disaster waiting to happen.” Remy said as we walked down the main stairs. I felt someone brush past me. Draco looked at me as he passed.

“Can talk to you?” He asked.

“Why?” I asked.

“Just, come on.” He said. I stopped and Hermione and Remy walked away silently.

“What’s your problem?” He asked.

“My problem? My Problem!? What’s your problem!” I yelled back.

“My problem is you! Pansky and I were talking and you give her the death glare.” He said.

“Oh really? I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare your little girlfriend, then again she must be brave. I mean, she has to look at your face all the time, so I don’t think a little glare is going to kill her.” I said. Draco laughed fake.

“Oh, good one Hannah, good one, real mature, why don’t you and your little Potter run off into the sunset together and leave me alone.” He said.

“Leave me alone!” I said.

“I have left you alone.” he said.

“No you haven’t or else we wouldn’t be talking right now!” I said.

“You are so stubborn!” He yelled.

“Whatever Draco, get a life.” I said walking away.

“You really should grow up.” He said walking past me. I suddenly felt terrible, he turned the corner into the dungeons his cloak flying behind him. He was mad… real mad. I hurried and ran all the way to potions. I ran through the door. The smell of Bubbler Pus hit me as I took my seat next to the only open spot, Ron. Everyone was talking until Snape literally burst through the door slamming it behind him.

“There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don’t expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion making. However for those select few…” Snape said all very quickly and looked right at me. I smiled and looked over at Ron who had a disgusted look on his face.

“Who posses the predisposition,” And looked at me and Draco. I hadn’t realized I had sat right behind Draco until just then. Great, this was going to be a fun class… Snape folded his arms.

“I can teach you how to bewitch the mind, and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory, and even put a stopper in death.” He said. I stared at him fascinated, Snape was just pure cool. I heard him pause and he looked away. I followed Snape’s eyes and seen him staring at Harry who was writing in a notebook.

“Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel comfortable enough to not pay attention!” Snape said loudly. I seen Hermione elbow him hard and Harry jerked his head up and dropped his quill.

“Ah, Mr. Potter, our new celebrity. Tell me what would I get if I added root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?” Snape asked. I instantly knew the answer, Draught of the Living Death. Hermione threw her hand into the air, but I knew this was not a moment to also put my hand in the air… Harry shook his head and shrugged. Hermione waved her hand.

“You don’t know, let’s try again. Where would you look if I asked you to find a bezoar?” Snape asked. I knew this one too, Stomach of a goat. Hermione threw her hand into the air. Obviously Snape was never going to call on her, so she should put her hand down but she didn’t.

“I don’t know sir.” Harry said.

“And what’s the difference between Monkshood and Wolfsbane?” Snape asked. Nothing! I told myself, this was too easy, poor Harry, if only he would have read his book.

“I don’t know sir.” Harry said quietly. I heard Draco snicker and I kicked his stool. He turned and glared at me, and I glared right back.

“Pity. Clearly, fame isn’t everything is it Mr. Potter?” Snape asked. I swallowed, he was intimidating but I bet if I was on his good side he would be okay.

“Clearly Hermione knows, seems a pity to not ask her.” Harry said. I clapped my hand to my forehead.

“Harry what are you doing!” I whispered softly. Ron looked and nodded at me.

“Put your hand down you silly girl.” Snape said as he walked past out table and made a Hufflepuff stand up. He sat down on the stood in front of Harry and Hermione’s desk.

“For your information Potter. Asphodel and Wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the draft of the living dead. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and will save you from most poisons, as Monkshood and Wolfsbane they are the same plant which also goes by the name of aconite. Well, why aren’t you all copying this down?” Snape asked still staring at Harry who looked quite bored. Snape got up and walked to his desk.

“And Gryffindors note that five points will be taken from your house for your classmate’s cheek.” Snape said. I swallowed and tried not to glare at Harry like everyone else would. I wasn’t going to worry about points, I was more worried about spelling aconite right. Ron elbowed me and I looked up. Snape was looking at me and he smiled… kind of and went back to writing. Draco was turned in his seat laughing at Harry silently. I kicked his stool hard and it flew from under him. The stool flew under the desk clattering loudly and Draco fell to the floor. The whole room laughed and I hurried to write in my notebook as if nothing happened.

“Silence.” He yelled and everyone stopped laughing.

“Malfoy, if you can’t learn to sit on a stool properly you can learn how to in detention.” Snape said. Draco nodded and walked around his table and got his stool on the way back to his seat I looked up and we made eye contact. He glared and I smiled back. His face faltered slightly and I just kept smiling. I was done copying the stuff Snape had said and was now flipping through the book.

“Miss. Tanner, come here please.” Snape said. The whole class turned in their seats and looked at me. I walked up to Snape’s desk.

“Here is your placement test, if you could get it done for me this period that would be great.” Snape said giving me an odd smile. I nodded and walked back to my desk. I knew most of the questions on the test, and it was a breeze, but as it got closer to the bottom it was harder but I was confident I did well. I had just finished the essay question that was about Polyjuice Potion when the clock tower stuck again telling us it was time for lunch. I walked up to Snape and handed him the test. He glanced over it and nodded.

“I will let you know your score at dinner tonight, and I will place you in the class that I think is suitable for you. You will be able to test out of this class if it suits you later on.” He said. I nodded and walked back to my desk where Harry stood along with Remy and Ron and Hermione.

“So?” Remy asked.

“I don’t know yet.” I said as we walked out of the classroom and into the damp dungeon hallway.

“I don’t know, but I smell something amazing.” Remy said.

“I know! It smells like we’re having pizza.” I said as we walked up the dungeon stairs. The great hall doors were wide open and the smell of food and the sound of people talking were drifting through the doors.

“Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?” Harry asked. I stopped and the rest of them walked on into the Great Hall.

“There’s something I have to say.” Harry said licking his lips. His bangs were parted right over his scar.

“Okay, say it then.” I said smiling.

“I like you Hannah, I like you a lot.” He said putting his hands in his pockets and rocking on his heels. I looked down at my shoes.

“I like you a lot too Harry.” I said. He looked up and smiled at me.

“So, are we…” I paused.

“If you want.” He said smiling. I laughed softly.

“Yeah.” I said. We stood in silence for a minute. We walked into the Great Hall together.

“Eye of rabbit, Harp string hum, turn this water in to rum.” Seamus said flicking his wand at his goblet of water. I shook my head as Harry and I sat down.

“Eye of rabbit,” He started and then Harry began talking.

“What’s Seamus trying to do to that glass of water?” Harry asked. Ron smiled at me.

“Turn it to rum. Yesterday he managed to get a weak tea, before…” He was interrupted by the loud explosion that Seamus has caused. His eyebrows were gone when the smoke cleared and his hair and face was covered in smoke. Everyone began cracking up. I felt bad for him, he was always blowing things up… he was worse than Neville. Just as we all stopped laughing and went back to eating I heard the screech of an owl.

“Mail’s here!” Ron said. I was eating when Errol dropped the newspaper on my head. Ron looked at me apologetically.

“Sorry, he’s getting a bit worse.” He chuckled.

“Not funny.” I said and handed him the newspaper which Harry picked up.

“Can I borrow this?” Harry asked. Ron nodded as he opened a letter from Aunt Molly.

“Thanks.” He added. Harry unrolled the paper and stared at the first page.

“Hey look guys, Neville’s got a remembrall!” Lee Jordan said.

“I’ve read about those! The smoke turns red when you have forgotten something.” Hermione said. Neville took the remembrall off the table. The clear sphere filled with red smoke.

“The only problem is, I can’t remember what I’ve forgotten!” He said laughing. We all laughed and he handed it to me and the smoke disappeared.

“Cool.” I said and handed it back.

“Hey Ron, Somebody broke into Gringotts! Listen. ‘Believed to be the work of dark wizards or witches unknown. The Gringotts Goblins acknowledge the breach but insist nothing was taken. The vault in question, number seven one three, had been in fact been emptied earlier that day’ That’s odd, that’s the vault Hargid and I went to.” Harry said putting the paper down. The table fell silent after that. If Gringotts wasn’t safe anymore, where was? I wondered how my dad was handling all this. Voldemort might be in hiding, but his followers obviously wasn’t. I sighed and watched Dumbledore eat his soup. Some dribbled off his spoon into his beard making me laugh. Harry looked at me and I just shook my head.

“Flying Lesson are next, this is definitely going to be a disaster.” Hermione said. I laughed.

“Maybe for you, but Ron and I have been on a broom since birth.” I laughed. Ron and I gave each other a high-five and we laughed. Harry looked really nervous.

“It’s the best feeling in the world, don’t worry about it, you’ll be great.” I said smiling. He smiled and we all stood up from our seats and walked out of the Great Hall, and out the front doors.

Chapter 5

We got onto the grounds of Hogwarts and there were twenty-six brooms on the ground. There were two rows of thirteen. The Gryffindors were on one side and the Slytherins were on the other. I stood between Hermione who was on my left and Harry who was on my right, and to the right of Harry was Ron and then Remy, and then of course, on her right was Neville. I think he has a crush on her. In front of me was Draco Malfoy. I think he deliberately picked that spot just to make me mad. He glared at me and I smiled at Harry.

“Draco’s glaring at us.” I said quietly. Soon Madam Hooch came.

“Good afternoon, class.” She said slipping on leather gloves.

“Good afternoon, Madam Hooch.” We all said back Neville a little late at the end.

“Good afternoon Amanda, Good afternoon James.” She said to the two at the very end in her house.

“Welcome to your first flying lesson! Well what are you waiting for? Everyone step up to your left side of your broomstick. Come on now, hurry up.” She said as we all scrambled to remember which was our left sides. I hurridly stepped to my left side of the broom.

“Stick your right hand over your broom, and say “Up.”” Madam Hooch said. Harry said up and his broom zoomed right into his hand.

“Up.” I yelled and my broom followed right as Malfoy’s did. He glanced over at me and gloated. I rolled my eyes and smiled at Harry who looked shocked. Everyone was yelling up, but we were the only three to have the brooms in our hands. Hermione kept looking at Harry and I shocked, she was never bad at anything.

“Wow.” Harry said shocked trying to keep hold of the broom. I laughed and reached over and ran my finger down the handle and it fell still.

“Thanks,” He said.

“No problem.” I smiled back. Ron was stuggling. He was getting frustrated and was now basically begging the broom up.

“Up. Up!” He said.

“With feeling!” Madam Hooch said. People screamed at the broom and a few of them came up, but most didn’t. Ron looked around and screamed up and it came up and smacked him in the head with a loud ‘thwack!’ His hands flew to his face and he staggard backward a bit. We all laughed Harry was the loudest though.

“Shut up Harry!” Ron said laughing. Soon everyone had their boom in their hands.

“Now, once you’ve got hold of your broom, I want you to mount it. Grip it tight. You don’t wanna be sliding off the end. When I blow my whistle I want you to kick off from the ground. Hard. Keep your broom steady, hover for a moment, lean forward slightly and touch back down. On my whistle. Three. Two.” She said and blew her high pitched whistle. No one had a chance to move before Neville began to hover up.

“Neville!” I said shocked.

“Mr. Longbottom.” Madam Hooch said. He was going to high! He obviously didn’t know how to fly! He was going to start flying before he knew what he was doing and then he’ll fall off and die. Neville was whimpering.

“Down! Down!” He said.

“Mr. Longbottom!” Madam Hooch yelled. He shot off into the sky.

“Lean Neville!” Harry, Hermione and I all yelled. Ron was covering his mouth trying not to laugh. Neville shot into the sky higher yelling,

“Down! Down!” Neville screamed. Like that was going to help! I was terrified, I might see someone die today. Not that I knew Neville enough to grieve, but I mean he seemed like a good kid, and I didn’t want to see him die obviously. Of course, Draco though this was all hilarious and him, Crabbe, and Goyle were laughing their butts off.

“Come back down this instant!” Madam Hooch yelled. Neville was now just a small dot in the sky. I don’t think he’s coming down any time soon, I thought trying now not to laugh. Neville’s broom began to jerk and zigzag all over the place trying to buck him off. Neville kept hold and hung on for dear life until it began to fly toward the school. The handle hit the stone wall and bounce back and twirled around hitting the bristles of the broom only to bounce back and hit the handle again before it flew backward and turned around forward again! He took a nose dive for the ground only to straiten back out again so low to the ground his nose almost touched the ends of the blades of grass. Then he turned and began flying toward the group of us who stared at him horrified. Madam Hooch pulled out her wand and pointed it at him but she dived out of the way just as Neville crashed through the group of students barley missing me. I screamed and Harry grabbed me and pulled me out of the way. He flew through the doorway and into the small courtyard where he flew strait up back into the sky again. His broom took off in one direction getting Neville’s robes snagged on a statue of Gordric Gyffindor holding two swords above his head. His robe began to rip and I screamed and looked away and buried my head into Harry’s robes. I heard the tear and then Neville scream only to hear him stop, and then another tear and him screaming again. Then a loud thud.

“Ow!” He screamed.

“Everyone out of the way!” Madam Hooch said.

“He’s fine Hannah.” Harry said. I lifted my head and looked. Neville was on the ground but looked okay. Madam Hooch ran over and tried to help him up, but when she took his hand Neville cried out in pain.

“Oh, Oh, A broken wrist.” She said as she helped him up. I seen Draco bend down and pick something up from the grass. Madam Hooch had Neville up and was now walking with him.

“Everyone is to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take him to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they could say Qudditch.” Madam Hooch said. The group fell silent and Draco stepped forward snickering.

“Did you see his face?! Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze he would have remembered to fall on his fat arse.” Draco said tossing the remembrall into the air catching it again. The Slytherins all laughed. Before I could stop him Harry stepped forward.

“Give it here Malfoy!” Harry said loudly. Draco turned and laughed.

“No. I think I’ll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find.” Malfoy said. He stood on his broom. I knew Malfoy was probably a good flyer, but I didn’t think he was that good! He circled the group and crashed through the middle and flew into the air.

“How ‘bout on the roof?” He asked laughing as he flew into the air. Once he was up there he looked down.

“What’s the matter Potter? A bit beyond you reach?” Malfoy asked as the Slytherins laughed. Harry mounted his broom, but Hermione stopped him.

“Harry. No. You heard what Madam Hooch said! Besides you don‘t even know how to fly!” Hermione yelled but Harry kicked off from the ground anyway. I was terrified Harry had never flown before. He took off perfectly and came to a complete stop in front of Malfoy.

“What an idiot.” Hermione said looking at me. I laughed but Harry was doing amazing up there.

“Give it here Malfoy or I’ll knock you off your broom!” Harry yelled at Draco. Malfoy laughed.

“Is that so?” He asked laughing. Harry lunged at him but Malfoy had been flying for years and flipped upside down performing a famous Victor Krum move. Ron looked at me nervous.

“Have it you way then.” Draco said and threw the remembrall as hard as he could. It flew over everyone’s heads. Harry got a look of determination in his face and took off after the ball with such speed he almost knocked Draco off his broom with the forse of the wind flying back. The remembrall was flying toward a window of Gryffindor tower. Harry flew after it and copied Draco on the three sixty and caught the ball in mid-air before it could smash against the window or worse, smash the window. He took off toward us holding the remembrall up smiling. The Gryffindors burst into cheers. Draco was still smiling for some reason as he touched down. I ran over to Harry and hugged him.

“That was amazing!” I said shocked. Then I knew what Draco was smiling about. McGonagall had just walked out of the courtyard, clearly seeing everything. She didn’t look mad though, she looked… happy?

“Harry Potter!” She called. Harry and I broke from our hug and he walked over to her. She turned and Harry followed her looking back. Draco snickered and Harry and McGonagall disappeared. Malfoy began laughing once they were gone. I walked over to him.

“That was not funny, and you just made yourself look like a fool. So if Harry gets expelled, oh, I will make sure to make your life a living hell.” I said looking at him my face right in his.

“We’ll see about that.” He said. Madam Hooch came back after a bit and let us all leave, the lesson was cut short for today, no one told her of Draco and Harry’s short flight.

Harry ran up to us as we walked from our flying lesson to the great Hall for independent study.

“You guys! I’m not in trouble! I was just, named seeker of the Gryffindor Quidditch team!” He said. I screamed and we all dog piled him with hugs.

“Seeker? But First Years never make the house team!” Ron said.

“You must be the youngest seeker in…” Remy paused.

“A century! According to McGonagall.” Harry said. Fred and George came up beside us.

“Hey well done Harry!” Fred said.

“Wood’s just told us!” Geroge finished for Fred.

“Fred and George are on the team too, their beaters.” Ron explained. Fred pinched my waist making me squeal and jump. He laughed and I shoved him.

“Our job, is to make sure you don’t get bloodied up too bad.” Fred said.

“Can’t make any promises of course,” George began,

“Rough Game Qudditch.” Fred finished. I always loved when they did this, finished each other sentences or look at each other and have a whole conversation with out any words.

“Brutal, but, no one’s died in years.” George said.

“Someone vanishes occasionally,” Fred started,

“But they turn up in a month or two!” George yelled after us as we turned from them into the courtyard.

“Oh don’t listen to them!” I said.

“Oh, Go on Harry! Qudditch is great! Best game there is in my oppinion! You’ll be great!” Ron said.

“Not to mention how many chicks them seekers get…” Remy sighed as we walked past Cedric Diggory.

“Oh god, I know he’s gorgeous!” I whispered to her. We giggled but Ron and Harry looked at us as if we were aliens.

“But I’ve never ever played. What if I make a fool of myself?” He asked.

“You won’t make a fool of yourself, it’s in your blood.” Hermione said. Remy and I said goodbye and Hermione, Ron, and Harry walked off to the trophy room. I knew what Hermione was going to show Harry, I had seen it yesterday and forgot to tell him. His father had been a seeker too. Remy and I walked back to our dorms to get changed for dinner.

“Cedric really is cute though, you have good taste.” I laughed as we climbed the stairs.

“You too!” Remy giggled. We past a few third years as we walked up they were all talking about Harry become the new seeker.

“Your boyfriend’s a celebrity.” Remy said.

“He was a celebrity even before he became Gryffindor seeker.” I joked.

“Right, the boy who lived!” She said spooky. We laughed and walked up to the fat lady’s portrait.

“Dragon’s blood.” I said. The portrait swung open revealing the common room that was bare. Remy and I walked in and I took my place in a chair. It was really soft and comfortable.

“Dinners like in two minutes.” Remy said. We set our stuff on the table and ran down to the Great Hall. Once inside we took our seats. I looked around the table.

“Fred! Have you seen Ron?” I asked.

“Nope, why would I have seen him!? I don’t keep tabs on my little brother Hannah.” Fred said and went back to eating. Remy shrugged and the food appeared at the table and we began to eat. I was getting really worried. By the end of dinner they still hadn’t come. Remy and I left the Great Hall early and we ran all the way to the common room. Once inside I heard Hermione.

“Now If you two don’t mind, I’m going to bed, before either of you come up with another cleaver idea to get us killed. Or worse expelled.” Hermione said and slammed the girl’s dormitory’s door.

“Harry!” I called up to him but he didn’t hear me.

“She needs to sort our her prioities.” I heard Ron saying before they shut their dorm’s door.

“Killed? Hermione must have been kidding.” Remy said.

“Yeah, Hey tomorrow’s the weekend! I’m so excited, I’m going to go walk around Hogwarts or hang out by the lake tomorrow. Do you want to come?” I asked.

“Um, maybe if it’s after noon.” Remy said laughing as we climbed the stairs. Once we got to the top of the stairs we walked into the dorm where everyone including Hermione was getting ready for bed.

“Hey, Hermione where were you guys?” Remy asked.

“We just got lost.” Hermione said rolling her eyes. She was lying but it’s not a big deal so I ignored it. I climbed into bed. Tomorrow we had Double Charms, History of Magic, and a free period. The room was utterly silent, everyone was awake but they didn’t talk.

“I love you Hannah!!!!” Remy yelled. The dorm burst into laughter.

“I love you too.” I laughed before rolling over and falling asleep.

The author's comments:
This is the last chapter written in this particular Hannah Tanner book I Have other's for years 4 and 7 :) Check them out when I get them posted! Sorry if there are mistakes!

Chapter 3

“Swish and flick.” Remy repeated every time she moved her wand. I swished and flicked.

“Wingardium Leviosa.” I said. My feather shot into the air.

“Yes!” I screamed out of accomplishment catching Professor Flitwick’s attention.

“Brilliant! Five points to Gryffindor.” He said smiling as he watched my feather hover in the air. I had accomplished making my feather fly a little after Hermione’s. Suddenly the room flashed with light and a loud boom exploded. I screamed and Harry’s face was priceless. He was in shock staring at Seamus who had managed to blow up his feather.

“What in the world!” Professor Flitwick said.

“Professor, I think we’re going to need another feather.” Harry said dreamily. The room burst into laughter much to Seamus’s distaste. He had just started growing his eyebrow’s back. He stuck his wand in his robes and sat back the rest of the lesson in protest. Professor Flitwick however, didn’t even notice. I smiled at Harry from across the room. Ron was glaring at Hermione who had corrected him on a stupid mistake and he did not like the idea of a girl telling him what to do. The bell wrang and Remy and I skipped out of the classroom feeling as if we had been put on the Flying Charm.

“What a wonderful day! The sun is shining, the sky is blue! The day just can’t get any better!” I sighed taking in the fresh air from the courtyard. Hermione suddenly ran into me. She was crying and didn’t stop to apologize. I turned around to see Ron and Harry staring after her.

“What did you do?” I asked Ron once they caught up.

“Why do you assume it was me?” He asked.

“Because it’s always you!” I yelled shocked by him making Hermione cried.

“I only told her the truth! That she’s a nightmare and no wonder she doesn’t got friends. I wasn’t even talking to her, I was telling Harry and Seamus how I felt. She was a nosy prat listening in on our conversation.” Ron shrugged. Remy smacked him on one arm and I smacked him on the other at the exact same time.

“Wow, we got that down don’t we?” She asked smiling. Harry looked at us staying out of this.

“Ron you are so mean! It’s a wonder you have friends!” I said running of to find Hermione. Remy falling in step behind me.

“It’s supposed to be my day today!” I moaned.

“Let it be your day. I’m sure Hermione’s fine.” Remy said. I stopped walking and sighed.

“Ron really needs some manners. It’s hard enough for Hermione being as smart as she is, let alone being called a nightmare. She has friends, we’re her friends!” I said.

“Yes, and if she wants our help we will be there but Hannah I’m starving! I need food before I explode.” She said. I heard her stomach grumble right on cue and we stopped our search for Hermione and walked to the Great Hall.

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