Whitechapel Stables part II | Teen Ink

Whitechapel Stables part II

February 2, 2019
By Anonymous

Author's note:

This is the second part of the story. If you want to read the first part just search for Whitechapel stables

The author's comments:

This is the second part of the story if you want to read the first part search for Whitechapel stables.

So this was it the most highly regarded, well established stables in the whole world. 100 people looked up at the huge golden gates featuring sculptures of horses doing dressage either side were two statues of horses rearing up. beyond that there were fields and fields and fields of horses. all with their rugs on zipped up tight. Dotted around there were cross country jumps and bushes marked for hunting. In the distance you could see the block of 6 barns. And the huge indoor arena beyond that lay the two outdoor arenas one for dressage one for showjumping. Elizabeth, Sophie and Annabel would fully be using all three. The people had started arriving an hour ago and Elizabeth and Sophie were starting to feel fairly intimidated by the number of people. Annabel was in her comfort zone. When the people had saw a Tesla drive up they had all immediately made it their mission to be friends with her. People were jostling to be up next to her and she was laughing cruelly at them and pushing them away. Just then the gates opened and three people walked through.
"Good afternoon everyone. And may we congratulate you on reaching this far. You are the most talented riders from all over the world, but only 34 of you will get through next week the other 63 will not be welcome here until next year if you wish to try again." The lady was stern and solemn faced. Next the man spoke up. "There will be 34 people admitted this year. 5 will be eventers. 5 will be dressage riders. 5 will be show jumpers. 5 will be cross country riders. 10 will be jockeys and 4 will be polo players. If you are admitted then you will be welcome to use all of the facilties." the woman started handing out leaflets. " On your leaflets there is a list of all the facilities, trainers and a map. Also the rules of the yard. Anything else you need to know you can ask us." The woman began handing out sheets of paper. " On these sheets of paper are the terms of entrance to audition you must be able to tick all of the boxes and please could you fill in the sheet attached. So that we know who to call and what you will be entering for. Those of you who will be doing dressage we will send you your test via email so please make sure it is stated clearly and correctly on that sheet. thank you. I will now pass over to the current runner of this wonderful place to give you your tour. Mrs Wintel."

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