Revolutionary War | Teen Ink

Revolutionary War

May 6, 2019
By XanderPerson, Bristol, Pennsylvania
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XanderPerson, Bristol, Pennsylvania
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I was in the battle of Harlem Heights. Until I had to be dragged out. As I was running a dead soldiers bayonet dug a giant gash right into my skin. Ugh, now I can’t even stand,probably, hurts to bad. The troops I was leading stopped and started to drag me across the ridget and rocky wet ground. Once they dragged me behind cover they took a bandage and started to wrap it around my leg. One of them said I could get an infection. Great. Now that I can’t lead my troops they don’t know what to do. Right now we are behind a big rock. I don’t know what to do. We might be stranded here for a while.

(1 week later)

My leg is getting better, especially since I have got medical treatment for it. We have a few weeks until the next time either we attack or they attack. The fire cake we are living off of right now is harsh. The cabin is almost built. George Washington wanted it big enough to fit 12.(2 weeks later)So we took some time off after a week of bare feet in the snow building a cabin. It felt good just sitting down for a little. Some people wanted to build chairs as they took their time off but me, I think I’ll just relax in my tent for a little.(the next day) We had to go in for a meeting in order to find out what we have to do. Lets just say, we are getting more tools to build the cabin! (only a little more)We had finished the cabin two days ago. And man does it feel good to be inside with a fire.

We have arrived in Trenton, NJ. After we moved here we had got pre built cabins to last us a little until we had to go again. John, Mark, Bob, and I all got into the same cabin with some other people. They were all playing cards so I decided to take a nap since we get an hour break. Suddenly, I woke up to the sound of yelling and screaming! We are in a war now! I quickly grab my gun and head out of the cabin. I saw the Hessians! Mark said to get back inside. After we were all inside the Hessians tried breaking down the door. Then, just as they broke down the door they all fell to the ground dead! Apparently General Washington set up troops here to secretly guard just in case this happened! We all filed out of the cabin and started to get into positions. After that… We blasted them away!

We have gone to a place called monmouth. We are there for two days and then we saw the British! But they didn’t see us! So we snuck up behind them and then we fired! After that most of the British dropped, but the few that remained still turned around and fired back some of their bullets hit a couple of us but didn’t even dent our army. Eventually we both lost a lot of soldiers but we won! We sent the British running! We all cheered. After that we went back to our camp.

We went to a place called Charlestown. As we we arrived the British shot at us while yelling FIRE! We barely even had a chance but we shot back. Most of us either dropped dead or tried to shoot with a bullet in us. We tried and tried but it felt as though we got nowhere near a dent into their soldier wall, but they put such a big dent in ours. After about ten minutes of firing we had to stop the battle and run back to camp! It was every man for himself! Once most of the people that were left arrived we had to get medical treatment. I can’t believe those lobster backs were their waiting for us!

FINALLY! We won the war! The British surrendered! They are going to have a meeting with the British soon. Also, the British recognized us as an independent state now as well!

After all of those battle and we somehow came on top of one of the biggest armies! We now call ourselves The United States of America.

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