A Couple Prompts | Teen Ink

A Couple Prompts

November 30, 2020
By Anonymous

Author's note:

These writings have moved around a lot, it's basically my starting point for any new writing sharing platform, from here I might dump some of my other things but for the most part this is the main thing you're getting so hope you enjoy. These writings have a bit of a history of me writing in between classes on a old program called Writer's Cafe 2 not to be confused with Writer's Cafe a smaller website that contains many writings, possibly including this one, either way these are all their own product. I might do this again sometime though I'm currently working on bigger things, that is all I will say for now.

The author's comments:

this is the first of my prompt works, I don’t know when exactly that is, but I know I did multiple the same day around May 8th 2019 as my date created date suggests, I may or may not be including the original prompts word for word in these. in summary the scenario in this first writing is that our main Character Hwa Grimes, a school aged female with the best name any of these prompts have ever given me, and as you can see with some of my later entries there is some crazy stuff, and she has the goal to overcome a great embarrassment, her name apparently not enough of a big one I wrote something else, now on with the show:

Hwa Grimes was a normal girl for a while but one day… She was walking to her school Cline High, but when she walked to the door there they were, Lia and Chuck, the school bullies. Now Hwa was sadly known as the class nerd and was therefore bullied a lot and today was no exception. They walked up to Hwa and started teasing her “ ‘ay where ya’ books? Ya’ got som’ books? We kno’ ya’ do.” They started grabbing at her backpack, she tries to push them off of her “Hey, stop it! It isn’t funny!” “What you don’t want us to see them ya’ nerd!” They managed hit it off her and it falls open spilling out all her textbooks all over, she tries to hide and put them away, but everyone saw them, to her dismay. “So ya’ do have som’?” Chuck said with a grin so big and devious it might’ve been mistaken for barbed wire curled around the prisoner preventing their escape. “Knew it Books, ya’ know what? That’s what I’ll call ya’ Books, fits ya’ egghead!” “My name is not Books, or egghead! It’s Hwa Grimes that’s my name and I like it!” Hwa said. “Yeah only a Egghead like you would like such a’ stupid name! “Lia sound bouncing the comment back like a Tennis player and it was obviously match point. Hwa taken back by Lia’s comment was fired up and said with her own grin "Well as least I’ll pass High school! See you two in a homeless shelter!” She said as she walked off the crowd that steadily grew around her gasped. Chuck tried to comeback with a “I don’t even know what that is! Probably from one of your… Dumb nerd books…. Ya’ egghead” but it was too late they lost and Hwa walked off triumphant maybe and just maybe sometimes being a nerd has its perks.

The author's comments:

Welcome back to the wonderful on my own writings a magical place of awkward writings and future embarrassment in the now, this time we have ourselves set in the world of Blair Faircloth the Anne Cuthbert inspired character in co-op with a certain Wayne Legault the ‘villain’ or so we think in the primary school unrelated to the high-school of the last one, to get a passing passing grade and slightly referenced to the first writing in this series (I’m not this big of a egotistical maniac don’t worry I just liked the idea of tying my writings in or making a world out of it, I gave up on it exactly after this so you know.) and yes that reference to a Canadian classic is drenched throughout this piece I absolutely love the the style and writing of a certain L.M. Montgomery but this is enough of a foreword for not being written by anybody of any influence whatsoever. On to the show:

Blair Faircloth was an ordinary girl with an ordinary family… For the most part. But like most families they pushed grades a lot and Blair’s grades were slipping, hard… From A to B to C and just etching on a full on D! No way! She knew if it slipped any further there would be trouble and she didn’t want to find out what…. There was only one chance… She had to ace the next test, but it was Mr. Legault’s class! That guy hated her, he hated her, she heard him say just that! Or at least she imagined that, she, I will stress was normal, for the most part… But either way she had to be so good that he couldn’t even pretend giving her anything less than an A+, she knew the next test was a writing prompt! She stunk at those and she knew it, but she couldn’t afford to stink at it this time. She really had to step up her game as she said blankly to her Mom when she got home the day it was assigned. Her Mom then told her with the same stereotypical (For her anyways.) blankness “Then go do that then.” Blair took those words to heart. The prompt was writing about a young girl trying to get over humiliation and of all things Blair knew that very well. She recited a time she was bullied when she arrived at school though changing the names to some fanciful ones she could think of. She thought it was great but it was up to her teacher not her-though if it was up to do she would honestly grade herself a F and just get it over with… She handed it to Mr. Legault and just as she did and he looked it over she felt her bones shiver and entire body turn to ice on a cold January morning without your coat. But when she looked at the man and saw him smile brightly at her she felt the sun crash through and thaw her out on a nice September morning with the curtains open. Legault or Wayne as she later learned he preferred to be referred by said to her “This is the best prompt I’ve ever read! I really misjudged you.” She asked him why he had been so cold to her before he responded “Oh, my child-you don’t need to think about it I was all wrong! Oh my child I thought you were nothing but a slouch and a good for nothin’ but turns out I was completely of kilter! I’m sorry I just thought you wouldn’t ever do anything without a switch and a rod! But life has a funny way of misguiding you, you know?” He chuckled his expression completely flipped from the grimace he showed when she handed it in-she replied, “Yeah I guess I do I always thought you were just a very angry hateful man but, I got that all wrong myself. Looks like we’ve both been wrong about each other before?” “Guess so.” Wayne chuckled again, Blaire very much liked his laugh it sounded like honey all over a rainbow-she will of course become very much accustomed to his deep belly laughs since they both became great friends after that. Turned out the only thing she’d been missing was her confidence in herself.

The author's comments:

This is the last of the first batch of my writings completed by May 2019, this one is of a much more humorous variety, with a british narrator and a 4th wall that is just the back of the auditorium.

Julene Boney was a person- no she wasn’t she doesn’t exist! But either way in this universe a person named Julene Boney did exist she was a person who existed okay? Okay. Now where was I? Yeah a named Julene Boney existed she was a quite clever person as I the author says she was so she was obviously just so you know she was, but there was quite a few mistake on her part- no there isn’t I haven’t written any other and she can’t do anything I didn’t write! Okay well I say she did Julene Boney did many many things before this story happened they were all mistakes…. Guess she isn’t as clever as I made her out to be, but none the less she is clever I said so, so she is I am the author and what I say goes but it may not show but anyways. Julene Boney was a person a very good person but she makes a lot of mistakes as I previously stated tons, tons! Tons before I even created her or found the program I’m using to be specific but anyways she did many things all mistakes but either way today has to be the biggest mistake she ever made: messing with the author, yeah me. I remember it clearly she walked out in the rain without a coat so I wrote in a rain coat around her to keep her warm and you know what she does? She takes off the coat and goes “Nhhh” sticking her tongue out right in my face! So I wrote in a bunch of raincoat to all pile on top of her and she just threw them all off! She knew I was being nice before didn’t she? But, I knew this type of behavior couldn’t be approved. So I suddenly took her out and wrote her into Jurassic park and have her chomped and killed by a humongous T-Rex!! -Don’t worry she’s all better now and now she does not scoff when I write her raincoats!

The author's comments:

This one is honestly just not that good and marks the end of serious writing of the first batch, a writing where I had no vision on, and no real skill, I don’t really even want to acknowledge this one

Narcisa Thomsen was a Jew and all the Nazis knew-it didn’t matter that she took off her star in protest everyone still knew. And she had a family the young boy Chas Thomsen her only son after her husband Jeremiah (Spelling probably improper sorry) was shot down and carried away to a nearby camp she lived with him and her child was the only bit of family she had left she wasn’t about to give him up. She had a plan to ride all way to France undercover and after months she was almost there. After bunches of undercover deals assaults and an unlucky run in with a serial [Bad person] there last ride they were finally there she knew if she could her child over that border he would be safe, only a toddler she could luckily still carry him but she saw a man running towards her and her baby she knew it was too late to get them both over so she took a shot bolting forward throwing her child other the border. He was safe She watched there as she slowly faded from consciousness her kid her pride and joy take her hand sitting down obviously having no idea what’s going on and crying as she was being pulled away by the man with a gun…. It was over she knew it. But, she smiled. her mission was complete and as she saw her child confused walking towards the nearest town behind him she was happy her work was done…

The author's comments:

Preface: Part 3 to my daring writings, the undercover mission of a certain Hung Graffis, (I mentioned these name are weird) an underground snoop with a fascination in secret organizations, with the opposition being a Norman Abernethy, but that’s all I want to add, this message will not self destruct so take your time reading it:

Part 3 to my daring writings,

the undercover mission of a certain Hung Graffis, (I mentioned these name are weird) an underground snoop with a fascination in secret organizations, with the opposition being a Norman Abernethy, but that’s all I want to add, this message will not self destruct so take your time reading it: 

‘Hung Griffis may seem like any normal person on the surface, but in reality she was a spy! Not for the government of course, no nothing like that a personal spy, more commonly known as a snoop but this time it might not work out entirely. Though she has a good track record breaking into similar places, who could forget when she broke in to the post offices secret Free Mason’s room and stole all their documents? Or when she found a copy of “Illuminati” documents under a floorboard of a popular doughnut place she used to frequent. Not anymore she is no fan of these societies and would do anything she could after uncovering these evil papers. But this time she knew it! The Pizza place she frequented was no pizza place at all but, a secret hideout for the Jawies a well-known cult responsible for many weird occurrences around town and She Hung Griffis was going to get to the bottom of it. But she knew one thing was going to stop her, Norman Abernethy her rival and cult leader she knew he was behind all these weird occurrences! What could she do but find a way around him but soon as she thought about that well casing the joint something passes by! It’s Norman Abernethy curse her luck, it never had been that good but this time it most surely got her killed, what’ll it be? Stabbing, fire, melting, m-m-magic?!?!? No one knew except him and in the instant she panicked so hard (Hung wasn’t exactly known for her bravery in all of this undercover spying.) She spurted out “P-p-please don’t kill me I’m sorry I didn’t mean to barge in on your evil awful cult meetings! It was accident promise!!” She looked at the man expecting daggers shooting from his eyes but all he did was laugh, and laugh, and laugh some more… She was frightened still though “W-w-what are you laughing at!!“ "You! Haha You’re so funny!” he responded “N-no I’m not! But I mean w-what are you going to do to me? Please I can’t take the suspense!” “Take you home you, paranoid spy!” He said chuckling at the end of every sentence, “By house you mea-” “Your home, your address, your place of living.” He said blankly before she could try to misconstrue the helpful act he was going for, “But why aren’t you the evil mastermind of the IllumiMasoWies! Why would you help me A SPY walk back home after seeing so much of his misdeeds!” She said “What the heck do you mean? I’m not-” “Yes you are! I know you are you’re the one leaving all those cursed documents around here!! You will not get away you Devil of Huntersville!” Hung pounced at the man but he nonchalantly moves to the side as the power ranger zooms by screaming with the fury of the sun. Once again The man laughed at Hung’s rebuttal he said with a chuckle “Hahaha those! I know what you mean yeah those are min-” “I knew it!-” “Hold on, Hang not quite. I’m an archivist a historian on these societies, I hate these things but I mean I just collect them to spread their things so people can know about what they do.” “So all those papers I found-” “I already did and uploaded them all to my blog on the internet, really Hung you think (he says in air quotes) ‘A REAL’ cultist would just leave those documents laying around?-” “Well uhm……. (She pauses a second wondering what the man wanted) Yeah? I thought it would be a place they would hide it-” “You really aren’t that omega spy after all. Well the Illuminati documents would’ve put you off right? That thing has been dead for centuries-” “You don’t know that! -” “Really you are an idiot” The man smirked as Hang crossed her arms being annoyed though secretly knowing the truth of that claim. “Well anyways I’m driving you home here my car is right ove-” “I’d rather starve!!” “You sure?” “No I’m not” she finally says as she resigns herself to go home with him “But don’t let anyone think this is voluntary this is just because I don’t have a car!” “Not if you don’t-” “I’d never” they walked to the car and after a lot of coldness they talked, and talked, and talked, and talked some more they soon became friends and maybe something else -Oh but that’s, for another day.’

The author's comments:

but anyways Sam, Boss, important call while going to work (Another specialty of this one is that it’s prompt isn't from Writers Cafe, but, instead my little sister, by the way if you ever read this you’re the best!)

Character 1: Sam

Character 2: Brandon/Boss

Goal: A person gets ready for work and gets an important call

(This is the standard format of my prompts I changed it to make it fit with the rest of my writings, as well added the boss label for the Brandon character as I realized in the entirety of the prompt I don’t once ever refer to him as Brandon and only call him boss so I do it to fix the confusion.))

Just waking up Sam stretches turning off his noisy alarm clock. The

Thing beeping crazily displays the time in ruby red faucets “3:50 AM”

It says whirling before instantaneously stopping like a dragon

Returning to its mountain just as quickly as it arrived. Now for all

It noise Sam knew it to be a lie, as for it was so old it forgot to

Account for Daylight Saving Time, making it about an hour off,

Whatever the alarm was for, it was late an hour, not that Sam minded, 45 and

Alone working a dead-end job. He cared less for his job as a legless

Person cares about shoes, cause, though he had a job, and he did it

Adequately enough barring his inability to show up on time, he was no

More a worker of Bubo & Fred Inc. as a worker to the plants, as in not

At all besides his reliance on them to survive, but, within him though

A bit far down is a desire, a pulsing desire within him to be more

Than just a pawn within Capitalism’s big turning machine, Slaves to

Their basic necessities and made to churn out whatever the higher-ups

Would want of him, no matter the cost on him, being replaceable. But,

Instead breaking away from the machine to make his own life away from

The slavery of modern life. But again, he pushes the notion away, not

Wanting the trouble of building his own path instead settling for the

Casual wrongness of life, to stay in the rut he so precisely carved for

Himself the last 20 years. Not wanting to be late, he popped some

Instant Oatmeal in the microwave and hastily grabbed his coat, he’d

Have to eat in the car again, something he did with surprising

Regularity. 'He hadn’t died yet.’ he thought himself getting both him

In addition, his steaming bowl of oatmeal to his car in one piece. 'Maybe today

I will get lucky’ He thought in response. As he reached to turn the

Ignition his phone rang, his boss. He goes to answer it as he chows on

His affordable nutrients, he swallows saying “Hello.” the boss replies “Hello, Sam you know what? This is it, I

Tried my best to keep you despite your tardiness, but, this is it, you

Failed me one too many times. You’re fired.” and as Sam sits there,

His boss hangs up. Sam sitting there the words still ringing through

His head. Grinned, turned the ignition and headed toward the Charity

Hall. His sign-up sheet and his book of jokes ready, he finally did

It, he broke away.

The author's comments:

Preface: As you can see this is another one of my many prompts I’ve done over the years, this one is rather special, a one of a kind in a period of drought (It reports itself July 20th 2019 midnight), this is a single one made on a weird format: Gmail emails, I did this on a under-powered device and used Gmail like word to make this thing, this is a rather neat thing as I kept the original emails allowing me to show it versus the Word final version I have, so compare the two and see how much for a editing monster of Lucas fame I am, anyways here is the original 2 email spanning manuscript:

prompt: A person gets ready for work and gets an important call

Person A: Sam
Person B: Brandon

Just waking up Sam streches turning off his noisy alarm clock. The
thing beeping crazely displays the time in ruby red foucerts “3:50 AM”
it says whirlling before istantaneously stopping like a dragon
returining to it’s mountain just as quickly as it arrived. Now for all
it noise Sam knew it to be a lie, as for it was so old it forgot to
account for Daylight Saving Time, making it about a hour off, whatever
the alarm was for, it was late a hour, not that Sam minded, 45 and
alone working a dead-end job. He cared less for his job as a legless
person cares about shoes, cause, though he had a job, and he did it
adequetly enough barring his inability to show up on time, he was no
more a worker of Bubu & Fred Inc. as a worker to the plants, as in not
at all besides his reliance on them to survive, but, within him though
a bit far down is a desire, a pulsing desire within him to be more
than just a pawn within Capitalism’s big turning machine, Slaves to
their basic neccesities and made to churn out whatever the higher-ups
would want of him, no matter the cost on him, being replacable. But,
instead breaking away from the machine to make his own life away from
the slavery of modern life. But again he pushes the notion away, not
wanting the trouble of building his own path instead settling for the
casual wrongness of life, to stay in the rut he so presicly carved for
himself the last 20 years. Not wanting to be late he popped some
instant Oatmeal in the microwave and hastly grabbed his coat, he’d
have to eat in the car again, something he did with suprising
regularoty. ‘He hadn’t died yet.’ he thought himself getting both him
and his steaming bowl of oatmeal to his car in one piece. 'Maybe today
I’ll get lucky’ He thought in response. As he reached to turn the
ignition his phone rang, his boss. He goes to answer it as he chows on
his affordable neutrients, he swallows sayin
Alwsomex Studios <alwsomex0@gmail.com>
Jul 20, 2019, 12:32 AM
to me

g “Hello.” the boss replies “Hello, Sam you know what? This is it, I
tried my best to keep you despite your tardiness, but, this is it, you
failed me one too many times. You’re fired.” and as Sam sits there,
his boss hangs up. Sam sitting there the words still ringing through
his head. Grinned, turned the ignition and headed toward the Charity
Hall. His sign-up sheet and his book of jokes ready, he finally did
it, he broke away.

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