Finding Me | Teen Ink

Finding Me

January 17, 2011
By Krystn23 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
Krystn23 BRONZE, San Antonio, Texas
1 article 2 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Yours Psychotically"
-Fallen by Lauren Kate
"It rhymed with something that sounded a lot like 'ducking glass mole.'"
-City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

"Writing isn't a hobby, it's a necessity."
-Quoted by me


Myka Shock has everything you could ever dream of having, but doesn't like her life. Now she is a Undercover Special Agent of the FBI at the age of fifteen. She is keeping a close eye on her neighborhood, because they believe her neighbor, Mr. Bone, is a cold blooded killer.
They don't have proof to convict him, but when does get proof she goes missing. Will they ever find her?

Tags: Death/loss

Krystn P.

Finding Me

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