alien girl | Teen Ink

alien girl

July 11, 2019
By Kirabiserova, New York, New York
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Kirabiserova, New York, New York
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Author's note:

i just moved to the united states last year. Apologies for any typos or mistakes.

It’s morning. The time when all teenage girls brush their hair, teeth, dress, put on their makeup and head to school. But not for me. What I do is lay in bed, at my house. Not anything else. I don’t put on makeup or go to school, or eat breakfast. I just lay there. And stare at the stone white wall.


In third grade, I was just like all the other girls in my school. I liked Barbie Movies and I loved unicorns. The only thing was that I had trouble with school, which was okay, I didn’t like it, and wasn’t the only girl in my grade that didn’t do well in school. In fourth grade everything changed. I had zero friends and most people who looked at me, pretended that I wasn’t there. Everyone found new friends, and the ones that didn’t, tried very hard to get rid of me. In fourth grade all the girls had interests, hobbies, thing they were good at. I was like a robot. I didn’t want to do anything, everything was boring for me. I was bad at all subjects. I also didn’t understand how I was supposed to act in front of people, and that was the main reason I didn’t have friends. I acted with my old friends like with parents, and with parents like with friends. I had no good relationships with anyone and the worst part of it was that I knew that if anyone was in my place, they would be lonely and sad, but I couldn’t care less. I understood that I didn’t care from the very beginning. It was just nice to have someone around sometimes. But I don’t know why, I didn’t need company.


 In fifth grade it got serious. It was when I understood that people not noticing me, is ten times better than people noticing me. When they didn’t care at least I could rest in peace, but now, that I was a school joke, known as “The weird girl,” I couldn’t rest for a second without getting bullied. After half of fifth grade, I had a mental breakdown right in front of my parents, which was the most embarrassing moment of my life, since I was trying to keep everything to myself. With the kind of relationship I had with my parents, you wouldn’t really love to tell them everything about your life. They finally decided to change schools. I was really surprised that they cared about me so much, to move to New York, but then, I figured that we moved to New York not because of me, but because of my dad’s work. Anyway, sixth grade was even worse. A new school didn’t help. For the first few weeks I had a couple of friends, but then, they, like everybody else, left me. It wasn’t any better than my last school, but I got used to it.


In seventh grade something happened that left everybody shocked and was on the cover page of all magazines. In seventh grade we had woodshop, and by accident, I cut my finger off. That’s not even that surprising, but the thing that was surprising was that all my body turned purple, my face stretched out into a alien-shaped face, my hands didn’t have fingers. Everyone ran, including the woodshop teacher. Then he of course came back. My voice has changed to a weird squeaky voice. I looked at myself in the mirror and screamed. Then, an alien ship came down and got me. I always thought aliens weren’t real, and the worst discovery for me was always to find out that I am an alien myself. Which I just discovered. No one from Earth knew that I was an alien. All they knew is that I disappeared into air and was nowhere to be seen again. Little did they know that I was flying in space, as an alien, with other aliens. When I was five years old, I was adopted by my dad and mom, but before that I never had family. It’s a weird story, but now I understand. I was found by a person on a flat area covered with grass in the middle of a forest, near the little town we used to live in. I was lying in grass and wasn’t moving, the person thought that I was dead. But then, he took me to an orphan house in which after about an hour I woke up.


Everyone on the alien ship was talking in some weird voices and their own language. I listened closely and I knew what they were saying! I knew the language they were speaking on! As much as I didn’t like my schools, I didn’t want to be an alien. 


I looked around, trying not to panic. The ship was gray from the inside and had a lot of weird structures and devices, I didn’t even want to try to guess what they were, they were too weird. There were about seven aliens next to me, but around the whole alien ship, there were about thirty of them. The alien ship was very big, as big as a skyscraper. If you look up, you could see floors were aliens were doing all sorts of things. Most of the aliens were red, a few blue. There was a throne, on which a blue alien was sitting and giving orders to other aliens. He was probably, most likely their king.


I looked on myself and gasped! I was one of them, I was a purple alien! I was the only purple alien! I was sitting on the floor surrounded by aliens, watching their amazed, confused, and relieved faces. Finally, one of them reached to me and put some needles in my leg. I did not expect that, so I screamed, but then my vision started getting blurry and it was like in a dream. I don’t remember what happened after.


I don’t know how much time passed, all I know is that I woke up next to the blue alien king. I thought I was supposed to be scared,like the other aliens, since the king was watching me like he was a wolf and I was The Red Riding Hood.

- You shall now come with me, Norena.

- Excuse me, I am very confused. Can I go back to Earth please,? I asked.

- What do you mean”go back to Earth” You shall come with me Norena. You shall find your true powers and lead us into the light from the dark.”

- You must have made a mistake. My name is not Norena. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

- Oh, no, my child, The Ruebls couldn’t have made a mistake. We shall take you child, and raise you with power.

- Fine.

- Now, come with me child.

The blue creature stood up, and signaled me to follow.

- Where are we going?

- To the Hall of Zengilowskis

- Who are “Zengilowskis” and “Ruebls?”what are you talking about? I clearly don’t belong here.

- The time will come.

We kept walking higher, even though I thought the blue alien was on the top. We came to a hall that was yellow, the devices, walls, everything. In the middle of the room there was a chair in which there was another blue alien.

- Let’s start from the beginning, he said.

- In the beginning there was nothing. Then there appeared a planet. And another one. When they collapsed there was one weird planet on which life started growing. The first things on the planet were the plants. Then, their first started appearing yellow and purple Femias. They had a big war, known as “Zengilhabris War” it was the most massive war in the history of Femias, what we’re called. Your race is Zengilowski. The purple Femias were called The Zengilowskis. There are no more Yemias, which were the yellow Femias. Zengilowskis killed all of them, but were also almost all dead. The Zengilhabris war was the most deadliest war in the history of all Femias. In the end of war there were three Zengilowskis left in the end of the war. 100 years later, blue and red Femias were born, which we all are. We are called The Ruebls. With the help of devices we found out our history and promised to each other and to ourselves that if ever a Zengilowski returns, or we will find it, we will make him or her our leader. The thing is that in a month our planet will collapse again, and only Zengilowskis know the way out of the darkness that is covering us. You have to help us. You are us, from a 100 years ago.

- Ok let’s pretend all you say makes sense, but if I was one of you, how did I get on Earth?

- We think about 50 years before there were the Ruebls, our planet collapsed into Earth, and you were thrown there by forces of gravitation.


I didn’t know what to answer. I didn’t want to do anything, but inside me, I knew that I have to help. I don’t know why, I don’t know how.

- What do I have to do?

- You don’t have to do anything. You just tell us which way to go. You know the way.

I was very confused. I didn’t know what “way” they were talking about and I wanted to go back home. More than ever I wanted to go back. No matter what happened at home, this was a hundred times worse. Even when things were tough at school, and at home you can’t even compare it to this. If this doesn’t goes smoothly, I might be dead. DEAD. Not bullied, like in school, or screamed at, like at home. I might be dead. They think I know something that they don’t. But I barely know what they’re talking about. If what they were saying was true, I would have known. I would have tried to return to this weird planet. I would have remembered my life. But on the other side… I don’t have parents. I was found by a man in the middle of nowhere. And in a very weird place. I decided that the only way to find out is to find my real parents.


Then I realized I was still sitting in front of these weird aliens, and a few seconds ago, asked them what they want me to do.

- Fine. I’ll try to help you. But only if you let me go after we are finished and I will only start helping you when I find my true parents.

- Ok. But be quick. Two weeks should be enough for you.


Next second I knew I was on Earth. I was at my house. The aliens, as I could see had magical powers. They made everyone forget about the woodshop story. I was back to my normal self. Usually I thought that I was ugly, but now, I’m more than happy to look like this.


It was afternoon after school and I was sitting on my bed. I went to my parent’s room to ask them to take me to the orphan house.

- Why do you want to go to the orphan house??

- Because

- “Because” isn’t an answer

- Yes it is.

- No it isn’t.

- I want to talk to my real parents

- What do you mean we are your real parents.

- I meant that I want to find my biological parents. I was adopted, remember?

- Right. Ok.

In 10 minutes the family was driving to the gray and gloomy orphan house on the edge of the city. An old woman greeted them.

Hi… What did you come here for,? she said grinning.

- Ummm… Do you remember me?

- Oh yes! I remember you. You are that girl who was here for a long time. Yes, yes, I remember you. So what do you want?

- I came here to see if you have any idea of how to contact with the man who found me in the middle of the forest.

- Oh, yeah, of course we do. What do you need it for?

- You see, I’m trying to find my biological parents.

- Ohhh that’s understandable. Ok. Follow me.

I followed the old lady down the hall as I heard screams of pain coming out the doors of the rooms of orphans. Through the small circle window there was dim light coming out and it was the only source of light in the hallway. I looked through the small window in the door of one of the rooms and saw a room, that looked more like a cell, with a wooden bed in the corner and a small table in the other corner. That was it. There were no belongings in the room. There was a child, which looked like a 9 year old laying on a hard, wooden bed crying.


We went further and further down the hall until we came to a dead end, because in front of us was a door. We went through the door inside. We were in a room with a big table, a lot of papers on it, and a really big computer. The woman sat in the big chair and motioned me to sit down beside her on the couch. She then, logged in the big computer and started searching for something. After 10 minutes, she told me to come closer.

- Write down this phone number. That’s the guy that brought you here.

- Thank you so much!

- Your welcome sweetie, said the old woman smiling fakely.

- K bye!

I stood up and ran out of the room. I ran through the hall running faster and faster as I was hearing crying children and their screams.

Next morning I woke up with a headache. I slept at my house since my mom was away. I stood up and ate dry cereal with a small apple. I decided to call the number that the orphan house gave me. I was very uncertain, because, first of all, a lot of time has passed, I don’t know that phone number is still working, I didn’t know if the person will want to help me, he doesn’t know me. I also didn’t know anything about that person, and in the worst case, he might be dead. But I needed to know where he found me. So I called the number. After a pretty long time, a grumpy, old sounding guy answered the phone.

- What do you want?

- Umm… Hello, this is Marigold, and I think you might know me. When I was an infant you found me and took me to an orphan house. Do you remember?

- What? An orphan house? Child what you talking about?

- Uhh do you not remember? Hello? Hello?

The person, whoever they were dropped the phone. Uhhh. This is turning out to be way worse than I thought.


The only way this can work out is I have to find the place myself. The only thing I know right now is that the forest was near my old town. That means I have to go back to my old town. But I also know that it can’t be really deep in the forest, since the grumpy man has been passing through there, and I don’t think that he is able to go that deep in the forest.


I rented a car and I was driving on the boring, gray road. Around me were trees, trees, and trees. There was no sight of life anywhere, not in the forest, nor the road. The drive to my old town was five hours. I had to stop at McDonalds and get chicken Mnuggets and french fries, since I was hungry. And, by the way, you’re probably wondering where I get the money from and how I drive a car, if I’m in middle school. The aliens gave me money and made me older for those few weeks, so that I can drive. They’re so much more powerful than us, humans! Oh wait, I forgot I’m an alien myself. It feels very weird, but not as bad as the first time, when I found out. It feels almost normal, though it’s pretty cool to be grown up.


I was halfway through, when I saw, on the side of the road, a road sign, that didn’t look like a road sign, which had a skeleton on it, and it said STOP. I really didn’t pay attention, ‘cause I thought that it was a joke. I was driving for 15 minutes since I saw the sign, and now there was a fallen tree in the middle of the road. I was so mad! I was so desperate, and I was very close to my town, that I parked the car near the tree, off the road and started walking. I know it sounds crazy, but I couldn’t give up now, when I was so close. So I walked. And walked. I walked for like, 2 hours and was relieved when I was in my hometown. And then I saw her. The most popular girl from my old school.

- OMG! What are you doing here, robot?

- Said the girl with a ton of makeup on her face.

The face of the girl, omg it was hilarious! She didn’t expect that I would answer, but I did.


I flipped my hair and sashayed away. When she was out of sight I started laughing. I felt good even after walking for 2 hours. I went to Google Maps on my phone, and looked around the area of the town. There was one forest closest to the town, but there were other. I decided to start there. I needed to rest though. I went to the park and sat on the bench. After about 15 minutes, I thought that it was time to get to work.


After searching the forest for 3 hours I decided to take a break. I was wrong. I don’t think I can find the place. Around me were trees, trees, and trees. I was starting to feel frustrated. I sat on a wet log that was stretched on the ground. I looked around and tried to notice something other than trees. The ground was brown, because of dirt, there was small chunks of grass peeking out of the ground. There was a fallen tree about five ten feet away from me. I stood up, and went closer. The tree was like a small bridge over a little river. I decided that it was time for me to get moving, so I went across the river on the bridge. When I was in the middle of the bridge, the bridge cracked. Even though the river was pretty shallow, it was pretty high above. I was scared, since I’m afraid of heights.


I crossed the bridge safely right on time, when the bridge snapped in half and fell in the river with a loud sound, the water carrying the piece of wood far away from me in seconds. Looks like I’ll have to swim on the way back, unless I find another “bridge”. 


When I was safe on the other side I looked around and went in a random direction. The trees were so still and it was so silent in the forest, except for leaves crunching under my feet. It was so quiet it was getting creepy. Finally, I decided to make a turn in the other direction. I was walking east now, according to my calculations. As I was walking I finally noticed, to my relief, life. I never thought I would see life again, but seeing birds, butterflies, rabbits and other creatures was making me hopeful again. I looked at my phone. I had 46 percent. That wasn’t that bad. It’s good that I can always look at myself on the map. I decided to put my phone off, not to waste my battery, you know.


I was walking for 4 hours now. I thought that I have to cancel this, when I suddenly walked into a small circle with no trees. This is where I was thrown away like garbage by my real parents. This is where I was found by the grumpy man, who brought me to the orphanage. This is the place I was looking for. I thought that I would never find it, but this, gave me hope that I can find my parents. Ask them if it’s true. Hopefully, they’ll say it is. Then, I will be able to help the aliens to their true home! And then, they’ll let me go, and I’ll go to school, be the school meme again, be bullied again, but still, safe. I will be as happy as I never was, if this will all end. Just end. I don’t care to get bullied, or having a bad relationship with my parents. All I care about is to go back to my old, safe, normal life.


I found a bunch of objects here: a blanket, a note, a water bottle, something I can’t even tell what it is, and a piece of paper with something that looked like a phone number. I put all of that in my bag and decided to rent a small apartment through Airbnb. I found two options in this town, and one was already taken. I rented the apartment for 1 night. I needed somewhere to sleep, and I couldn’t have walked all the way back to New York, since I walked at least for 5 hours today already, and I also had to get to the house. I decided to look on Google Maps where I should go to get back.


I still didn’t know how the things I took would help, but I think they were clues. When I got out of the forest, I decided to get a taxi to the Airbnb. When I got to the Airbnb, I decided to look at the clues. I took out everything from my backpack. First, I decided to look at the note. This is what it said: “If you want to find your real parents you need to go to the town that’s the closest town to New York.” I was confused. What is “The town closest to New York”? I didn’t know. Again, I looked on Google Maps. There were a few towns that were close to New York, but none of them were closer than the other. Finally, I found a town like, 20 minutes away, and I decided that that was what the person was talking about. I zoomed in more. I rented an apartment in that town for tomorrow, for 2 days. Next, I decided to look at the piece of paper with the number, that looked like a phone number. I was starting to feel like a real detective! I decided to call the “phone number” that was on the strip of paper. It said: “The number you dialed is out of order right now, please call later” I was hoping for someone to answer. I decided to text, and see if it will deliver the text. I also thought that some people don’t like to answer unknown phone numbers.


I finally decided to go to bed. It was 11;00 pm, and I was really tired of walking. Tomorrow, I will wake up, go to my favorite cafe, get a chocolate croissant and an Iced White Mocha. After that, I would walk back the way I went. Then, I would sit in my car and go get lunch to Panera, Five Guys, Burger King, or, whatever will be on the way. I will drive to the town, to the house I rented, and will start my search again.

I woke up feeling weak. Well, of course, I was feeling weak. I walked for like literally the whole day yesterday. I put on a pair of jeans and tye dye t-shirt. I put my hair in a messy bun with my favorite scrunchie and packed my red velvet backpack. I put on my bubble-gum pink checkered Vans,  locked the door of the apartment and put on my black clout goggles. I was walking. Again.


When I got to the cafe, my heart dropped. They were there. I ran back and hid behind a building. I knew I have to overcome my fear, that it’s not going to be like back in middle school. I had to tell myself that it’s going to be okay, and I just have to ignore whatever they say. But I still couldn’t chill. I walked briskly towards that cafe trying to make them not notice me. I really wanted my Iced White Mocha and my chocolate croissant, and wasn’t about to give up. I walked in the cafe and stood my back to the girls. After I ordered, I had to say my name, and when I said my name, the girls turned around. This is what I feared the most.

- Marigold?? What are you doing here?

Alyssa turned me around so that she could see my face. The other two girls started whispering and laughing.

- Um… I…

- Don’t tell me… you are NOT returning to Angelwood School! You do not belong there!

- I am not, and I don’t want to. I live in New York now, and have way more things to care about then some pathetic girls from my old school.

- Who do you call pathetic?

- You. Don’t think I have forgot. Even though you are the most popular girls in school… well, actually from what I see, not anymore, you guys don’t have an excuse to say anything mean or rude, and then act like I punched you in the face.

The girls looked at each other when I said that they don’t look like their popular. It was so obvious. They were wearing sweatshirts and leggins, not designer clothes, they weren’t wearing as much makeup, and acted, well… differently, less snobby. I loved seeing the looks on their faces, trying to act like nothing has changed since the moment we saw each other.


In elementary school me and Alyssa were best friends. We did everything together, and I still kinda missed that feeling, missed her, because she was my best friend, my only, ever real friend. But then, middle school happened. She found Arielle and Andrea. In middle school they were called the AAA, because all their names started with the letter A, and they were the most popular girls in middle school. Arielle and Andrea always disliked me, since I was friends with Alyssa before them. We had countless fights over Alyssa, but in the end she choose Arielle and Andrea, and the three of them became the most popular girls in school. Whatever Alyssa said, was a rule, and all the other girls always tried to embarrass Arielle and Andrea, because they were thirsty to take their spots next to Alyssa. When I had no friends, since Arielle and Andrea won Alyssa, I  was lonely, and since Alyssa actually liked being friends with me, she thought it was my fault that we weren’t friends anymore. She and her “friends” were always mean to me and that was the main reason I was bullied by everyone else.


The waitress called: “Marigold? Marigold??” I grabbed my chocolate croissant, a black, plastic straw and my Iced White Mocha. I walked quickly, almost running towards the road out of town. I had now, regretted going to the cafe. It brought back old memories, of being friends with Alyssa, something, the feeling of I miss a lot. It made me sad all over again, and also left me with a lot of questions that will never be answered. I wondered: “How did they become unpopular? Did someone embarrass them? What happened?” these are only a few questions coming across my mind.


I walked, and walked and walked. I ate my chocolate croissant a pretty long time ago, and I was starving now.


I finally came to my car and plopped my butt down on the soft seat made out of leather. I drove my car to a Panera nearby and I ordered a creamy tomato soup. When I finished eating, I got into my car and drove to the house. The apartment was nice and clean, and I unpacked some of my stuff. I decided to call the number again, and a clear, shiny voice answered: “Hello?” “Hi… It’s Marigold, do you know anything about me, or, perhaps, my parents? “Marigold! Marigold!!, is it really you?? Oh, Marigold we love you so much!” “I am hoping to meet with you, but right now, I don’t have time. I have one question to ask you for now.” “Yes hon, it could be anything!” “Are you guys aliens?” “Oh, poor child, I was hoping that if me and your dad left you, you would be normal, and not grow up to become an alien! This is what we’ve feared the most!” “I’m fine mom, just answer my question.” “Yes. Yes, me and you’re dad are both Zengilowskis. You are the third one.” “Okay, now, I believe them. Mom! They found me. They want me to help them!” “Honey, what are you talking about?” “They said that their planet is collapsing again, like when their planet first formed!” “Honey… you must know… that they’re lying. They are trying to trick you, to stay with them, because if you will stay with Femias for at least 12 hours, they can make us, Zengilowskis their slaves forever, until we die. However, they can’t make you stay with them. It has to be your decision. There was no war between The Zengilowskis and The Yemias. The Zengilowskis, Yemias, and Ruebls were all born at the same time. The Ruebls found out that they were the strongest, and dominated both the Yemias and the Zengilowskis. They made all of us their slaves. Me and your father managed to escape, and come up with a potion that makes them weaker. That’s why they can’t capture you, because it needs too be your decision to stay with them. Ever since they’ve been trying to find us. When we had you, we hoped that if we just gave you away, you would grow up as a human, and never discover you’re an alien. We hoped you wouldn’t attract their attention. “I’m speechless! They lied, and I believed them!” “It’s okay, you just have to look very carefully over all you stuff: car, backpack, clothes, jewelry, it could be anything that you carry with you. You have to do it quickly. They’re probably already suspicious. You have to look for a small, black ball that makes red signals at times. Faster! Go!”


I checked my whole backpack and all my clothes. Nothing. I checked my car, and all the seats. I was very tired, so I decided to continue my search tomorrow. I brushed my teeth, showered, and untied my hair. When I was untying my hair, I looked carefully at my favorite, sea-blue scrunchie. There was something weird about it. There was a small, black thingy attached to it. I looked at it, and a red light flashed in the dimly lit bathroom. I wonder why I haven’t noticed it before. I decided to call my mom, and ask her what I’m supposed to do with it. “Jump on it! Sit on it! Do anything that will destroy it! You have to do it quickly, because once you start ruining it, they will see and try to come down to Earth. That is going to be a disaster! Femias on Earth is your worst nightmare.”


I decided to throw the black ball at the wall of the house, and then sit on it. I didn’t have to do the sitting part. It broke very easily.


I drove to my mom’s Angelica’s house. I was not grown up anymore and couldn’t do that much anymore. I went to Riverside Middle School, which was again, a new school for me. It was better than the previous schools, but still, not the best. My parents understood me the most, and I was happy. For once, and forever.

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