Your Death is Mine | Teen Ink

Your Death is Mine

April 22, 2024
By Anonymous

In the middle of the street alley where the sun hardly ever reached, a boy with fuzzy hair and puffy eyes gave out a big yawn. He was lying flat on the dry and hard ground, comfortably, like someone who had just woken up from a fancy bed. One of his arms was holding a soft little plush with thick white fur and a horn, squishing it tightly to his body. He slowly pushed himself from the side. One of his knees twisted down to the ground before lifting his whole body up and his back rested against the crusty brick wall. His head was still dropping while his body was leaning against the wall. The sound of car honks was coming from every direction like a tornado around the boy's head. The boy ran his finger through his hair, fixing his fuzzy head before stepping out onto the main streets. 

“I’m in America now, huh?” The boy chuckled. “That was such a great nap.” He did a little stretch with his arms before putting his hood on and began walking, wandering the city.

As he strolled along, he caught the gaze of the bakery owner, who promptly nudged his wife. "Honey, isn't that the lad from the news? The one who just got run over by a lawnmower three days ago? It was on the first page of the news a couple of days ago! Plum, that was his name!" The baker exclaimed. His eyes widen with a hand gesture as he tells his wife. The bakery owner immediately decided to call the boy over. His face is full of curiosity with a bit of disturbance. 

“What’s your name, boy? Are you from here?” The boy looked at him blankly, before grabbing one of the freshly baked breads from the bakery. “Hey! That’s for sale-” before finishing his sentence, the baker was immediately interrupted by the boy who started munching on the bread without paying. 

”Plum, Plum Amarin. That’s my name,” the boy gave out a small grin, before walking away and blending in the crowd.

It was around three in the afternoon. The sun danced off the boy's hair in a beam. Trees beside the road were completely leafless with light wind swaying the afternoon air. Plum had been walking down the street with his white plush still in his arms. One of his hands was shoving into his pocket searching for his items. He pulled out a deck of black cards written “Fear death? Use this card.” There was a weird symbol in the middle of the card other than the confusing text he designed. Plum separated his cards into two decks and threw half of it in the sky high enough that it looked like it could distribute itself around the city. 

“Mm, that's good enough,” he said, before glancing around. The streets were not so crowded. His eyes were focused, staring straight at blobs of shadow above every person’s head he walked past. 

“Old age, again,” he signs. “A safe city comes with such a low death energy, huh?” The boy muttered while walking with his hands in his pocket, focused on sensing where his next “melatonin” might come from.

Unlike youngsters his age wishing for the lavish all-nighters held by their wealthy peers, Plum craved a good-night-sleep. Carrying this curse (though some might argue a superpower), the young boy releases one from their damning fate for a peaceful night. “Mother nature had never made quite an equal deal,” he chuckled to himself. Plum had found that in times of need, making a lark out of his misery is a natural painkiller.

A couple of hours passed by, the sun was falling off the horizon, and the rain had begun to shower down. Plum was still searching for his next target to collect death energy but the streets began to get more and more empty because of the pouring heavy rain. The cacophony of raindrops hitting the ground with thunder roaring above his head drowned out his fragile eardrum. The street light flickered like nerves in his sleepless body tingle. The longer he stayed awake, the weaker he got and his mission of getting death energy is harder. 

Plum decided to find a place to rest. He bent his knee forward as his body floated in the air and landed on a building that is over twenty floors high. He jumped from building to building, searching for a shade, each step is quiet and rapid. The scene is foggy from the thick rain. Suddenly, a faint glimmer caught his attention. Plum stopped at one of the tallest buildings, staring down at the little light that had stopped him. 

“I sense it, Death Energy.” His eyes widened and he began mumbling to himself. Plum stared straight at the light. His plush was twisted and flattened between his arm and body; the rainwater flowed out. Plum ran forward and leapt off the building leg down before he landed as lightly as a feather in front of that little light beam, “Shannon’s Cafe" as the sign read.

The front of the cafe was mostly built with cement and good wood. The condescending tone of the stained glass window gave out the tone that those pretenders like to call “quiet luxury.” Plum pushed the glass door open; the little bell rang. The cafe was quiet with a few customers thanks to the rain. The tables were mostly rounded, mostly good, each with its floral vase. The lights were bright, but dim enough to make one feel the tranquility that money breathes. The smell of coffee hit Plum's nose and he completely forgot what he was here for. Plum walked towards one of the shop corners before pulling out the chair and taking a seat. His clothes were dripping wet, making a trail of rain water across the cafe. He pulled down his hood and took out his gaming console. His upper body lays flat on the table with his arms stretched straight while holding his favorite item. Suddenly, after a few moments, he sensed the familiar feeling that reminded him what he was here for. Plum felt like his blood was a stream of hot syrup vibrating in his vein. He felt the huge death energy coming towards him. It was strong. 

“Hi, what can I get for you? Any drinks you want?” Shannon, the shop owner, came to greet him. 

She was pretty with long curly brown hair. Her lip was small but plump and her eyes as green as the emerald of May.  Plum could see her coffee-stained apron with her delicate finger clutched onto the paper and pen. But that is not what was important to Plum, his eyes were staring straight at Shannon’s dark blob swirling like furious ocean waves above her head. Plum can feel how powerful it was. His mind is getting dragged into the death energy hence his greed wanted it all for himself. 

“Wanna give me your death?” the boy blurted out his question. 

“Excuse me, what?” Shannon replied. She is confused and thinks that Plum is quite insane. Plum dropped his gaming console on the table, and sat straight up. 

“I’m collecting death energy, and yours is huge. I can help you if you keep this card,” Plum handed her the card blankly, before picking his console back up. Shannon inspected the card with the weird symbol.  Glancing at the boy with wet hair, Plum was so invested in the game that he did not even notice Shannon was picking up his favorite plush. She felt that something was off, but decided to let it go and introduced herself instead. 

“By the way, I’m Shannon, Shannon Bullara. I’m the owner of this Cafe. And you are?” The boy glanced at her before giving her a small grin. “Plum Amarin, nice to meet you.” They chatted for a while until the rain stopped. Plum decided to pack up his stuff and leave the cafe leaving Shannon a little note, “I’ll be back tmr. Got stuff to do.” She picked it up after cleaning and closing her shop and laughed. “What a guy,” she remarked while looking out the window.

The next morning is a bright day. The sparrows mingled under the floating cloud as cool air blew by. It was a great day for Shannon to open her cafe. She wiped down the windows and tables before the shop opened. The lilies in the floral vases were getting replaced with the new white and yellow tulips. At about ten in the morning, the bell in front of Shanon’s Cafe suddenly rang. It was Plum with his little plush in his arm.  His under eyes were dark and his other hand was holding out a black deck of cards. Walking toward the same table in the corner, he pulled out his console. Shannon gave him a light smile before serving him a cup of ice water. They both did not talk for hours and Shannon was just too busy running her shop. 

That afternoon when the sky was painted orange, Shannon was cleaning her shop, as always, while serving her customers. Plum was staring at her feeling uneasy. Her death energy was unstable today as if it could explode and devoured the young girl at any moment. He knew this was a sign of approaching death.                                                                                                                                While his leg was tapping the floor rapidly, the boy suddenly stood up aggressively walking towards Shannon. His chair was bounced to the back making a screeching sound with the floor. He shoved one of his black cards into her warm hand.

“Whoever you plan on meeting with this afternoon, be careful,” he whispered to Shannon while one of his hands was on her shoulder.

“What do you mean by that?” Shannon asked as the light flickered. The boy walked past her and she could feel his hand slowly sliding off her shoulder. The second she realized, the mystery boy had disappeared.

That evening, when the sun started falling and the streetlights began to brighten, Shannon closed down her shop as usual. She started by turning off the lights and locking the glass door of the Cafe with her key. The street alley she headed down to was dark and empty with broken streetlights. The path she took was a remote place with lots of abandoned apartments. Shannon headed toward one of the oldest apartments at the end of the alley. The red paint is all worn out and some small plants are growing out from the cracks of the building. She took the old crusty elevator to the thirteenth floor and headed left room 1309. 

“Knock-knock,” Shannon hit her knuckles against the aging wooden door. “It’s me, Mave.” She began calling the person behind the door.“Creak” the door makes a sound before revealing the person behind it. 

“Come in, Shanna. I’ve been waiting for you,” Her fiance came to greet her.

Maverick Ziegler, was a guy who is pretty tall compared to average American guys. He held the door from the inside for Shannon before letting her walk in. The room is fragrant with floral smells and food; it was warm and humid.  Shannon saw a light candle from the small double-seat table in the middle of the room. It is decorated with her favorite tulip in a glass vase. The candle is melting; she's pretty sure that he’s been waiting for a while. 

“Oh good god,” she remarked. “This is amazing, Mave. When did you prepare for all of this?”

Shannon could feel his arms from behind slowly sliding between her waist. 

“Surprise, ha-ha. Do you like it, Shanna?” 

“Yes,” She said while both of her hands were holding onto her breath. “This is..amazing. I love it. Thank you, Mave.” Her eyes smile. 

The couple slowly walks toward the small lovely dining table Maverick had prepared. The table was filled with fresh homely-cooked dishes. There were separate plates at the end of the table for the couple. The utensils were perfectly arranged.

”Did you cook all of these yourself!?” Shannon remarks. 

“Yeah, you like it?”

Shannon, with her eyes full of happiness, slowly walked toward one of the chairs before brushing it with the tip of her fingers. She suddenly looked back at her beloved fiance before giving him a tight hug around his neck.

”I love it, Mave. Thank you, you made my day.” 

“Come here Shanna, there’s one more.” Maverick pulled Shannon's arms, hurried, and brought her to see his biggest present. 

”I cooked you a roasted mutton,” he gives her a big smile while looking at her. “Isn’t it your favorite dish!” His eyes brightened as if he was waiting for her compliment.

”Yes, Mave.” She replied softly. “But, why is the oven not on? Doesn’t the mutton look like it’s raw?”

Maverick slowly opens the oven, “Oh, maybe I made a mistake somewhere during the process. Wanna help me check, Shan?”

Shannon slowly moves her body towards the oven. The smell of something uncooked hit her nostrils, and she could smell unprocessed seasoning.

”Mave, isn’t the mutton completely raw? Also, why did you use unprocessed seasonings? Are you sure-” Shannon couldn’t finish her sentence. The force on her arms was exerted onto her whole body hard enough that she couldn’t even stand. She fell into the small slots where the disturbing raw mutton is originally placed. The way out is completely shut by her fiance. Inhaling the burnt smells of smoke, and the slippery surface from the discarded oil, Shannon let out a horror scream.

“Aaaaaaaaah! Maverick, what do you think you’re doing?! Let me outta here!” She knocks on the glass oven door with her palms, staring into Maverick’s face.

“Sorry, Shanna, but I needed that successful café of yours.” Maverick began to talk before turning the heat on. “You can taste that mutton while you’re in there if you want. I made it myself, for you.” He smirks before walking away to the countertop and taking out his favorite wine glass. Shannon looked at him pouring the sparkling white champagne she brought, before walking towards the couch at the corner of the room and began laughing at his favorite show. 

In the oven, Shannon could feel the heat from every direction beginning to flow in and hugged her body. Sweat was dripping from her forehead down her chin and the only thing right now she could do was to stay focused and calm herself down. It was cramped inside. She thought of contacting for help but realized that she left her phone in her purse. Suddenly, the thought of Plum began pouring into Shannon’s head. With his warning, his card, and his prediction, Shannon now knew how to control the situation. She began searching for Plum’s name card. She pulled it out from one of her pockets before shouting for help. Her nose began to bleed and the drop of her blood fell onto the card. The glowing card in her hand begins to shake. The bright light shines bright enough like a light bomb.

“Contract completed,” Shannon could hear Plum's voice vividly. The second she realized it, she was on top of the building up high. She gazed at the stars and collapsed on her knees. The wind swayed her hair on her damp face. Her hands were shaking rapidly and she could not believe what had just happened. This shocking experience scarred her and was buried to her core beneath every single memory. She is scared, mad, traumatized, and shocked from everything Maverick had done to her. Shannon was heart broken on the ground, crying her heart out. She could not believe what the guy she loved for two years had done to her.

The night was quiet, Shannon held herself up and looked out from the building. The night is quiet with a starry sky. The city lights were pretty and she could see the little cars moving around on the busy night streets.

”Plum. That guy…I don’t know what happened, but thank you.” Shannon whispered before she began sobbing with both her hands collapsed against her face and falling on her knees.

 Meanwhile, back to Maverick’s apartment. The oven was scorching hot as if it could melt down metals. Plum, who just switched places with Shannon, is trapped. He still held onto his sheep plush tight before dropping his eyes down to relax. 

“Well, I guess it’s easier than I thought it would be,” said the boy who’s getting baked alive. 

His skin began to shrink as his tissue was burnt and mucus-like fluid flowed out every part of his body. His hair was giving off a fetid odor and his mouth wide opened. Plum started to lose his consciousness. His arms still hug his favorite items. The plush is burnt and oily. Plastic parts melted, adding on to the imperfect scene that Plum’s eyeballs were a part of. 

”Ha-ha-ha!” Plum could hear Mavericks laughing with clinking wine glass noise before falling asleep with his melted eyelids fusing from the heat.

Pleasant morning with a light breeze. The air is cool and chilly. The sky is cloudy and gray like the rain has just stopped. The blooming cherry blossom trees were as pretty as always with birds flying up high in the sky. Green hills and grass cover were built with stairs that lead to a nice freshwater place. Plum was lying under the oak tree on a hill. He slowly opened  his eyes, seeing pink flower petals all over him. The air was sweet with a hint of jasmine and gardenia. He gave out a big yawn with a satisfying stretch. 

“Mm. A nice long nap. Now where are we this time? The boy said while picking up his cute white clean plush walking deep into the field with cherry blossoms.

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