My Review on Armada By Ernest Cline | Teen Ink

My Review on Armada By Ernest Cline

June 20, 2018
By Anonymous

Written by: Ernest Cline

Published by: Broadway Books a subgroup in Crown Publishing Group

Copyright, 2015

Pages, 349

US $12 / CAN $19

ISBN: 0-8041-3725-0


Armada, a book filled with adventure and 80’s pop culture. This book was about this high school senior named Zack Lightman. He plays this very popular game called Armada, after a series of events Zack finds out the game might not just be a game after all. “I just stood there like a statue,unable to look away. The ship was identical to the troop shuttles I’d piloted while playing Armada” (85 Cline).The book had a very 80’s feel to it. In all of Clines books he makes multiple 80’s references to pop culture and tv shows. His most referenced group being Rush.

After reading Clines other book Ready Player One I had high hopes for this book and might I say those hopes have been filled. The book starts out with some backstory about the main character and his life but just like in Clines other book it takes a turn quite drastically. One moment the main character is at school and the next he's on some ship going to fight aliens. Clines moves fast in his books but in a good way.

The book is a great story of adventure. With its use of video game references and aliens its a story any nerd like myself would love. This book is also a great choice for those who love Sci-Fi fantasy. There are some unexpected twists that make it so you’re always on edge.

I would highly suggest reading Armada if you are looking for a good Sci-Fi fantasy or something that will keep you entertained for this book is never boring.

The author's comments:

I highly enjoyed this book and I think others will enjoy it as well. 

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