Staying True | Teen Ink

Staying True

October 2, 2018
By woodkayleighr BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
woodkayleighr BRONZE, Stafford, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Reader,

Everyone is different and that’s what makes us unique. Not everyone is going to follow a certain trend or dress a certain way to please others. That’s why teenagers should stay true to themselves, instead of following the “cool” thing to do. Sometimes teenagers can fall into the mess that high school can be and it won’t always end up the way they want it to. So, in order to stay true to yourself, you should always remember to fit in the crowd isn’t important and to be someone you aren’t can make you forget what is really important.

One reason high school students should stay true to themselves is because fitting in in high school should not be the most important thing to you in the grand scheme of life. If someone does not like who you truly are, it does not matter, what should matter is how you do in school, or your family.  It won’t matter when you get out of high school if Sharen or Melissa did not like your outfit, or if Johnny stole your girlfriend. I would rather people remember me as someone who was always real, and did not care what others thought then die feeling like i was always in need of other’s opinions, and this is important because you should want to be remembered in a positive way. Teenagers have looked for approval from people in the last few years more than ever. According to the Washington Post, “In a national study funded by the National Institutes of Mental Health, researchers founded that the prevelance of major depressive episodes in adolescent children in America have gone from 8.7 percent in 2005 to 11.3 in 2014” (Nicholls). These depressive episodes can and have been caused by the approval of friends and conflicts teenagers get into.

Another reason teenagers should stay true to themselves is because trying to be someone you’re not can make you lose sight of what’s really important. Not only do teenagers worry about the approval of others but there are many other things teenagers are responsible for and have to worry about. According to the Washington Post, “Teenagers sleep deprivation is real. Sending kids to school at 7 a.m. is the equivalent of sending an adult to work at 4 a.m.” (Nicholls). This lack of sleep can lead to bipolarness and depression so,  this can also lead to teenagers not being themselves. This is like a chain reaction, teenagers not getting sleep, to the causing bipolarness and depression, to them not being themselves, you can’t show your true colors or be yourself when is these types of situations. So its not only teenagers wanting to be cool that’s causing this, a teenagers life can be stressful. Teenagers should focus more on getting enough sleep at night or doing their homework, or just having fun. Some may say it is normal for students to try to fit in the crowd, which I can see, but I am trying to remind them they don’t have too because it is important for teenagers to find who they really are.

Teenagers should try to stay true to themselves instead of always trying to fit in because fitting in the crowds isn’t important and trying to be someone you aren’t could make you forget what’s really important. Being true is a personal choice, you choose how you want to live. Society will forever be affected if everyone just chose to be their natural self, I feel as if there would be way more positivity in this grand world. So, start learning yourself, your strengths, your passions, and your limitations. Figure out your purpose in life.



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