Teenagers’ Worst Nightmare | Teen Ink

Teenagers’ Worst Nightmare

October 23, 2018
By lperniciaro BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
lperniciaro BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Being a teenager is hard, especially when it comes to having a social life, but having no time. Five days a week of soccer and not getting home until nine o’clock, having to do school work, and going to after-school activities leaves me with not a lot of time to hang out with my friends. Balancing my everyday life with my social life is a major problem because of many reasons. Not spending enough time with my friends can often make me feel left out and that I am missing out on something. My friends are my support system, which keeps me motivated and excited to do things. Also, having a balanced social life helps build relationships in my life, which helps me to be the best person I can be. Not having those relationships can affect me in more than one way. For example, not having relationships can a lack of communication skills and issues with ideal academic functioning. Although I deal with not having a lot of time for my own social life, many teenagers can relate because of the stress we are put under with homework, extracurriculars, and the activities in our daily lives.

There are many solutions to having a better balance in someone’s social life, which is a common problem among teenagers. Firstly, a calendar to organize my week will be a great organization tool. It will have all my events listed for each day and the time listed next to it. Having the time listed will allow me to know the exact amount of time it will take me to do something and when I have free time to do what I chose. Another solution is finishing all my homework during the week, so I have as much free time on the weekends as possible. Finishing my homework during the week would work because on the nights I have less homework, I will start homework for the days in the future. I will use my mornings, IS time, and free time in class to get any work done that I might still have. Also, I will make my study time more enjoyable so I get a lot done in a short amount of time because I am focused and having fun while doing it. For example, instead of writing my notes in pencil, I will make my notes colorful and fun to keep me more engaged while I am studying. I will also take short breaks in between each subject I am studying to keep my brain at maximum capacity. Lastly, it is important to inform my friends when I have free time and the best times to be able to hang out. After I have planned out my week with my calendar and see when I have the most free time, I will let my friends know so we can make plans ahead of time. There are many compromises that can be made in my daily life that will allow me to have a better and balanced social life.

Although balancing my social life is an issue, many solutions help to emphasize the importance of a well-balanced social life. Firstly, having a calendar listing all the events and times for each day will keep my days organized and as efficient as possible. A calendar will keep me aware of how much free time I have and help me plan ahead. Also, finishing my homework during the week will keep me focused throughout the day, but will also allow me to have more time on the weekends to hang out with friends. This will ultimately help take the stress of waiting until the last minute and turning that stress into exciting, enjoyable memories and having fun. Moreover, making my study time more enjoyable will be a big key to success. Allowing myself to have a little fun while studying not only prevents it from being miserable but will shorten the time it takes to do a task. If I study the same way every time, I will get bored, and my brain will start to shut off, so to prevent that, breaks would be a good tool to keep my brain at maximum capacity. Lastly, keeping my friends informed about when I have free time will help me plan ahead and will ultimately allow me to spend more time with them. All teenagers deal with issues in their daily lives, but not having time for a social life can be solved with reasonable solutions that will ultimately eliminate the problem.

The author's comments:

I am involved in a lot of school activities and a lot of out of school activities, so this piece will help me solve the problem of not having enough time for a social life. This essay's main purpose is to pose a problem and explain what I can do better to help the problem. 

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