Corruption | Teen Ink


October 25, 2018
By Anonymous

Life is so unpredictable that people try to make it better by doing things that others say is wrong, but is it? I don’t think so. I think the world has put such a standard on everyone and if anyone does anything wrong, then they’re messed up and need help. No, people make mistakes. People get into things that maybe they shouldn’t. But that’s part of the life that we’re all trying to figure out. We’re all trying to figure all this out and it’s hard and others judge people, strangers, their friends, it doesn’t matter to them, just because everyone’s trying to figure their lives out.
It doesn’t make sense to me because why ruin someone else’s life just because their trying to figure it out. But then there’s the controversy that well what if ruining another’s life helps that other person in a way. It sounds messed up, but it’s true. What if leading a bad, horrible, maybe criminal life leads to someone getting what they’ve always wanted, or what they need for their lives to be somewhat fulfilled. We punish people for doing bad things, but as a nation, the people that made these laws are the first ones that are going to break them.
People don’t understand that laws are just stupid words on a sheet of paper that make the “hierarchy” feel better about all the corrupt things they’re doing. Laws give police officers a job, because without laws, then police officers wouldn’t have a job. Laws make police officers lives better because they get to catch the “corrupt” people that are breaking the laws. But, these laws can make a police officer go mad because they might be so invested into a case that they go crazy whilst trying to find the criminal. But, that makes the police officer happy, but maybe the crime makes the criminal happy. It sounds sick and twisted, but if you think about it, it makes sense. Everyone says that we need world peace, but if we really wanted to try that I think it’d be done already. This world is capable of so much and the fact that world peace is not one of them is crazy to me.

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