Walking...Walking... | Teen Ink


November 14, 2018
By jacketgirl BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
jacketgirl BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Class starts in two minutes and I have to make it across the school! I pick up my pace and power walk through the hallways. Uh oh, big group ahead. I continue my pace hoping that they’ll turn into one of the many classrooms that line this hallway before I reach them. They don’t. Of course.

As I come up behind them, I have to slow down in order to not run them over. My pace slows from a moderately fast power walk to slower than a stroll. They moved to the open hallway as if they were wearing cinder blocks on their feet. I’m going to be late!

Maybe I can try and scooch past. I see an opening between one of the girls and the wall. I charge. Last second, the girls laughs as her friend pushes her towards the wall and effectively blocks off my escape. Foiled. I try the other side of the group, but I still can’t pass because of the constant flow of on coming students rushing to class.

How on earth are they walking this slow?! My legs twitch, desiring to return to my quickened pace but forced to maintain these girls’ lackadaisical strides. AGH!

1:55 the clock boasts. One minute until class! There must be some way to get around these slowpokes. Like a mouse trapped by a cat, I look for my escape. I still have two more hallways to go through! I’m never going to make it at this insufferable pace.

That’s it. This is ridiculous. I take a deep breath and turn to my last resort.

“Excuse me,” I say. Nothing happens. Another breath. “ExCUSE ME,” I saw louder this time. Once again there’s no response. The girls continue chattering away. Ok that’s it. I’m done. My legs twitch even more. This sluggish pace feels so unnatural!

Suddenly I see me opening. I bolt past the girls and nearly sprint as my walking goes into overdrive. Ahhh, this pace is so much better.

I can make it, I can make it, I can’t make it! I’m five feet away from the door as the bell taunts me in it’s shrill tone.

“Lauren! Tardy!” My teacher says.

“OH COME ON. It wasn’t my fault! It was the slow walkers!”

The author's comments:

Everyone has pet peeves...

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