The Importance of Imagination | Teen Ink

The Importance of Imagination

December 4, 2018
By Anonymous

When I look back on my years as a toddler with no homework, projects, or really a sense of anything I can barely remember things that had happened to me during that time so when I look back on photos that my parents had took of me, I rarely can recognize most of those photos at all. So when I ask my parents of why I cant remember those moments they always say, “it was because you were a baby” but even when they say that I can never understand why I couldn’t remember anything at all.

When we are children we are never expected of anything and so at most times children often use their imagination to escape reality in order to go to an imaginary place that they had designed themselves but because of these actions they are often called as immature. However, as we grow older, people assume that we are supposed to mature and leave our imaginations behind but to me I believe that as people get older they should not lose their essence of creativity and imaginationbecause by losing your own sense of creativity it limits yourself to what you can possibly do and can have a major affect on you in the future.
So today I will be going to talk about the problems of trying to integrate creativity into everyone’s lives by how the world is advancing at a very fast rate and that the different economy that we have today is affecting the growth of the child.

Next I will talk about the causes of the problems that we have in today’s society which are that technology is now being integrated into children’s lives and that the children’s self control and reactions are being suppressed because of the economy that we live in.
Finally I will talk about the solutions to these problems that we have in todays society which are that people should just think differently or let go in a difficult situation and to also teach people not to over indulge themselves in technology.

This is very important to me because according to Dr. Stephanie Carlson, an expert on child brain development at the university of Minnesota, she states that imagination or pretending helps you to come up with alternative ways of being – and of seeing an issue – which results in more creativity and problem solving. This shows how we need to hardwire our brains in a different way and to keep our child like minds inside ourselves because in the future it will later help us develop our brains for the better.

However before we move on to hardwiring our brains for the future we have to recognize the problems that are occurring in our present day first. Today the main problem that I will be talking about is how quickly the world is advancing. The children in our generation are being forced to learn at a very early age instead of letting them use their imagination to play around.

Parents are now enrolling their own 3-year-old children into schools when the children may not even understand what they will go through or what they will be expected upon. According to U.S. department of education the enrollment of students that are applying to schools of the age 3 and 4 went up from 14.9 percent to 15.4 percent within 15 years. Now this is important because it is showing the percentage of people in millions and it shows the increasing rate of children under the age of 5 that are being enrolled into schools. From this information we can see how much we are limiting children under the age of 5 to use their own imagination for them to escape reality for the better. This is important for us to realize because according to Dr. Stephanie Carlson she states that children spend 2/3 of their time in a non-reality inside their imagination, which improves their creativity. So by sending children that are ages 3 and 4 off to school it limits their capability to spend their time in a non-reality, which will later affect their ability to solve difficult situations and more.

Next because of how the world is advancing the causes that come up from this problem that we have are that technology is now being integrated into children’s lives in a bad way and that children’s executive functions aren’t being developed in todays generation.

The first cause that comes up from the problem that we have in today’s society is that technology is now being integrated into our everyday lives because of how the world is advancing. According to Dr. Jim Taylor the new technology that we have in our everyday lives challenges children’s ability to think therefore imagine. This means that the technology we have in our present day is hardwiring and challenging our brain in a bad way from previous generations. It is also not that previous generations didn’t have technology but that technology now is being put into our everyday lives and that there are so many screens in front of any person now. People are now relying on these screens to do so much for them because of how much they are being inputted into peoples lives. This is a problem because according to the U.S. Department of education brain development is most significant from age 3 to 5 so when technology is being put into their lives at this age they aren’t learning how to use their brains and imagination to amplify their creativity for the future. The next cause of how the world is advancing at a fast rate is that the children’s brains aren’t learning how to control their executive functions and their reactions to difficult situations. According to Dr. Stephanie Carlson because children aren’t using their imagination or creativity in our current day they are losing focus on executive functions or reactions. She stated that the brain is not learning how to control the executive functions, which are the ability to hold things in mind, the ability to suppress an idea or action, and the ability to shift the focus on a certain topic in a difficult situation. She also states that these executive functions and imagination or creativity are in correlation with each other and they help both functions. This information is very important because it means that if one function is not working properly then the other function also cannot grow. And so in our current day because our imagination is being suppressed the executive functions cannot grow to learn how to handle these difficult situations.
Next because of how technology is being put into everyone’s lives and how children aren’t learning to use their executive functions the solutions to these problems that we have is that people should just think different or let go and that we should teach people not to over indulge themselves in anything but especially technology.

The first solution to the problems that we have in today’s society is that we truly just have to think differently or let go. According to Dr. Stephanie Carlson she states that the only real way to fix this problem in our modern day society is to let go and imagine. By releasing your child-like minds to a difficult situation it is much easier for you to show your executive functions in order for you to find the best result in a difficult situation. Also when you are an adult your executive functions and reactions are much more controlled due to age and experience so even though you do imagine like a child you are able to control the child like minds inside yourself. The next solution to the problem of how technology is affecting peoples brains today is that we can teach kids and adults to not over indulge themselves in truly anything but especially technology so that our brains wont be as greatly affected by technology.  By teaching them this method of not over indulging themselves in using technology it wouldn’t be so intergraded into their lives and it also wouldn’t hardwire their brains in a bad way for the future.
Today in this speech I have showed to you
How the problems of trying to integrate creativity into everyone’s lives are that the world is advancing at a very fast rate and that the different economy that we have today is affecting the growth of the child.
Second I talked how the causes of the problems that we have in today’s society which are that technology is now being integrated into children’s lives and that the children’s self control and reactions are being suppressed because of the economy that we live in.
And finally I talked about how the solutions to these problems that we have in today’s society are that people should just think differently or let go in a difficult situation and to also teach people not to over indulge themselves in technology.

So in the future I hope you will believe that as people get older they should not lose their essence of creativity just like me because in the future having creativity can help you exercise your executive functions, can help you control your reactions, and also help you problem solve in difficult situations.

So now when I think back upon what my parents had to say for the times where I couldn’t remember anything that happened to me as a baby I finally understand that in those situations I probably was just using my imagination to go off into a candy land that I created for myself and that in “non-reality” I really was just being a baby.

The author's comments:

This piece revolves around the growing world around us and the use of technology in our daily lives. As a child that is apart of this generation it is easy to realize that technology is taking over and that the use of our minds is declining. This is why i decided to write on the impotance of imagination and that we cant lose these thoughts for the future to come.

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