My Vice to Virtue | Teen Ink

My Vice to Virtue

December 7, 2018
By mgmelerine BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
mgmelerine BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I have a tendency to be moody a lot of the time, which can be considered as a vice of mine, although I notice when I am being moody and embrace it. Being moody is a huge flaw of mine that I strive to work on. When my friends or family members are not having a good day I try to help them, although their bad mood tends to rub off on me, which makes me moody. I am proud of being moody because it is who I am and it shapes my personality. I choose the word moody for my vice because I am usually moody and I do not mind embracing it.

I believe that a virtue of mine is memorable because I make a different impact on the world than anyone else. Every individual in the world makes a difference in a unique way, and I think that I make an impact on the world that is memorable. Although, my small impact may not be worldly memorable, the people that know me in my life will remember me. I think this word fits me best for a virtue because not only am I memorable by physical things, but I also try to make others around me feel loved and feel like they always have a friend.

Wearing the letter “M” on my shirt all day gave me strange looks, but also impressed remarks. My homeroom teacher, Ms. Delbert, noticed my letter and asked out of curiosity what my words were. Also, as I got stuck in traffic in the stairwells many girls gave me strange looks and tried to figure out why I would describe myself with these words. I think many people are too afraid to put their hidden qualities on display in fear that someone might judge them. Although, this experience made me feel more confident in using my vices and virtues to my advantage before someone else can.

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