For Our Future Selves | Teen Ink

For Our Future Selves

December 18, 2018
By emmamhall BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
emmamhall BRONZE, Boulder, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Most often we think about how we can help other people, and take care of them, but in reality it is just as important to keep ourselves healthy as well. We as a young generation owe it to our future selves to keep our bodies and our minds healthy. In health class we here about the consequences of drug use but most people do it anyway. Sometimes I think it takes people a shocking experience to wake them up and realize how substances can actually ruin your life, even if it seems like they’re doing no harm. When we’re young, we all talk with our parents about things to be cautious of when you’re a teenager, but part of being a teenager is experimenting with things. What kids don’t understand is that it can sometimes reach a dangerous point, and even if it doesn’t, it’s still going to permanently damage your body and you’re brain. Ultimately it can affect you for the rest of your life. We shouldn’t jeopardize our lives for when we’re older, just because we want to have a little fun as a teenager. On a completely other note, we also owe ourselves to be happy with what we are doing in our lives. Sometimes you have to be selfish for your own good. An example of this could be if you feel stuck in an unhealthy relationship, then you should get out of it, for your own good. Another example of this could be if you play a sport only because someone in your life is pushing you to do it. Only do things that make you happy because if you waste time doing something you aren’t passionate about, you're going to kick yourself for it when you’re older. Just don’t be easily influenced by others for any reason unless you are 100% sure you want to go through with it.

Always do what’s right for you and no one can blame you for that.  

The author's comments:

With this piece of writing I wanted it to inform the reader about what they should be concerned with and thinking about for their future selves. The intended heartbeat I would say for this piece of writing is to follow your own heart and always do what you think is best for yourself. I plan to incorporate ideas that were discussed in our class discussion on this topic of “what do we owe ourselves?” Some of the ideas I would like to incorporate in my piece are to stay healthy for our future selves and stay happy regardless of what other people think or want us to do with our lives.

This piece I would say is a speech. To achieve my purpose I wrote my idea and then supported it with examples. I think I was successful with it. To achieve my intended heart beat I reinforced the message well through all of my ideas. Im proud of this draft because I used examples to support my reasoning and ideas and I thought I wrote it well and spent good time on it. If I could do anything differently I maybe would’ve added more ideas and examples to make the piece even more complete.

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