Why Is Dystopian Literature Experiencing Such a Rise in Popularity Today? | Teen Ink

Why Is Dystopian Literature Experiencing Such a Rise in Popularity Today?

January 25, 2019
By jvoyles16 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
jvoyles16 BRONZE, Lowell, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Think you would like to live in a perfect world? Have you ever thought what  living in a perfect world might be like? Dystopias are stories that show us of what others thought would be perfect worlds. Rebellions, futuristic settings, and escaping reality are just three reasons why these stories continue to rise in popularity with readers.

A dystopia is a futuristic, imagined universe in which oppressive societal control and the illusion of a perfect society are maintained through corporate, bureaucratic, technological, moral, or totalitarian control.

So do you really want to live in this type of world?

In the story Harrison Bergeron we know that this is a “perfect utopian city” by their ways of making everyone the same by giving people handicaps. Harrison Bergeron is the person in which rebels on their societal norms knowing that it is too harsh to live in a world where you are handicapped for you specialties.

“They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General”.

This is saying that people’s lives are controlled based on what they have. If the were more handsome than the average person then they'd be made ugly by the by the government.

    “They were equal every which way. Nobody was smarter than anybody else. Nobody was better looking than anybody else. Nobody was stronger or quicker than anybody else. All this equality was due to the 211th, 212th, and 213th Amendments to the Constitution, and to the unceasing vigilance of agents of the United States Handicapper General”.

This is showing how their world is “perfect” by making everyone equal.

In The Veldt we are set in a point in time where people can buy houses for $30k. The reason why this house is so expensive is because this house literally does almost everything for the people that own the house. It also has a room that has such a realistic virtual reality that even the tiniest pebble seems to be real.

 “The room was silent and empty. The walls were white and two dimensional. Now, as George and Lydia Hadley stood in the center of the room, the walls made a quiet noise and seemed to fall away into the distance. Soon an African veldt appeared, in three dimensions, on all sides, in color. It looked real to the smallest stone and bit of yellow summer grass. The ceiling above them became a deep sky with a hot yellow sun”.

      This gives us insight on technological control. The children in The Veldt are able to go into this room and shape their reality around them into the way their minds think. This room is able to make smells, feeling, and even make the tiniest pebble look as realistic as if you were really there.

“That sounds terrible! Would I have to tie my own shoes instead of letting the machine do it? And brush my own teeth and comb my hair and give myself a bath?

     People are basically using machines as their slaves making them basically a robot themselves. There are no human work whatsoever making people spoiled in the sense of the use of technological control.

Citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance and Technological control.

     In the story Ten With a Flag we notice that there is a use of propaganda to control they way citizens make their decisions and in this story they use and example of this with the decision of johnny and and his wife’s decision of their baby. We also notice the use of Technological control in their society.

    “We rushed  along at speeds of over 2 hundred kilometers with no more than a meter separating our vehicles, our safety in the control of the central traffic computer”.

   We see in this moment of the story that Johnny and his wife were redirected by a computer system to a place where they would end up a human services.

Johnnie  didn’t answer. He punched up the navigation screen and sighed.

‘What the hell?’


‘We’ve been redirected. We have an appointment with Human services. Now’”

This shows that the couple are being watched. The people that needed to meet with them knew they we driving somewhere and decided to redirect them to Human services to speak with them on their “Big News”.

So would you like to live in a “perfect world”? With all of this within your society? With all of this bad and controlling governments?

See this is what we would all despise.

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