My Modest Proposal for Making Sure that All Animals are Cared For and Loved | Teen Ink

My Modest Proposal for Making Sure that All Animals are Cared For and Loved

January 31, 2019
By annabrou1 BRONZE, Spring, Texas
annabrou1 BRONZE, Spring, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As you may know, there are many poor creatures that are neglected and even abused by humans without the proper care and treatment that they require. Our pets love us deeply, but some of us don’t show that love back and even hurt our pets when they do something wrong. How can anyone be so heartless that they look into a poor dog’s sweet eyes while hitting the dog until it is crying out in pain? Some families rapidly decide to adopt a pet without thinking about the responsibilities and proper care a pet requires to stay happy and healthy. This process typically happens around Christmastime. Therefore, the animal ends up neglected and sad without proper care from its owners and not enough love to keep it going. Sometimes, the families take the pet to an animal shelter where it is most likely to be euthanized because there is not enough space or resources to care for it. 

 So what is my suggestion for solving this problem? Well, as for the crisis of people neglecting their pets, my suggestion is to spend all the government’s money from taxes to build hundreds of millions of robots with artificial intelligence technology that are able to attend to every animal’s individual needs. These robots will not only provide basic needs for pets such as food, water, and exercise, but with artificial intelligence they will also be able to give the animals as much love as people can. But how would we solve the problem of animal abuse? My solution for that is to eradicate all human beings from this earth. Sure, it may seem a bit extreme, but the only thing people do on this earth anyway is cause wars and spread hatred. Caring for the animals of course won’t be a problem because the robots will take care of that. After robots are built for taking care of animals, humans will be useless on this earth, so there is no good reason to not get rid of them. 

There are many reasons that I know this would work. Firstly, without human intervention in animal relations, animals will be able to live peacefully, the way they were meant to live. The only thing people do is disrupt the natural order of how things are supposed to be, so removing them will bring order to the food chain. Secondly, the robots will be programmed to not abuse, but love animals, so there will not be a problem with the abuse of animals. The robots will never forget to attend to their needs and will keep everything in order. Thirdly, government tax money is never used for anything useful. It’s constantly wasted on unnecessary things such as ridiculously fancy schools. Using tax money to build robots that are actually useful will be beneficial to the world, but not just humans. For once we will be selfless and help creatures besides ourselves. 

How can anyone disagree with this proposal when there are hundreds of millions of abandoned, abused, and neglected animals all around the world? Killing off humans will do so much more good for the world, much beyond ourselves. Think of all the happy animals that won’t have to worry about humans abusing them. Running around, playing, not a care in the world. Isn’t their happiness worth so much more than ours? They have no say in what we do to them. They have no voice. The only way they can express what they feel is by making certain sounds that we don’t even fully understand. Think about these statements and contemplate this question, why should we matter more than animals?  

Hopefully you will consider my ideas and continue to contemplate them. One thing I can assure you is that if my solution goes through, the lives of animals will improve greatly. As you can probably tell by my ideas, I value the lives of animals much more than people and hopefully there are other people who agree. Animals are worth so much more than the way people treat them, and this is the only logical way I can come up with to solve the problem of neglected and abused animals. 

The author's comments:

This article is a satirical piece largely based off of Jonathan Swift's, "My Modest Proposal." I decided to write this essay based on my love of animals and intolerance for animal cruelty. I've always deeply cared about animals, especially dogs and cats, and would like to help raise awareness of animal abuse and neglect. Of course, I do not actually value animals more than people, or want to use our tax money to build animals that care for robots. This was the most irrational solution I could think of to solve the problems of animal cruelty and neglection. There are many ways to help solve the issue of animal abuse

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