I Can Almost See It … | Teen Ink

I Can Almost See It …

April 12, 2019
By raoareej BRONZE, Ashburn, Virginia
raoareej BRONZE, Ashburn, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I  chose this line from the song “It’s a Climb” by Miley Cyrus. When I was young I used to listen to this song all the time because the lyrics were really amazing, plus I was a Miley Cyrus fan. This song reminds me of how I can almost see my goals ahead of me and the steps I have to take for this journey, the climb before I  reach it .

Personally, I decided to take a really big goal, which is pretty much going to take my entire life, for becoming a surgeon, but finishing high school will let me know that I have completed one step and that I just need to finish the rest so I can reach my goal.

Sometimes it feels like what if all that studying and hard work doesn't pay off and I fail.Would I still be okay and get through things then I make myself remember that I'm probably gonna fail at some point of my life, that there will be points where things will be harsh and cruel but that shouldn’t make me lose hope and that I gotta keep trying and not lose my courage. Just like one of the other lines in the song “ That I gotta keep my head held high” (Miley Cyrus).

I can almost see it, my goal to become a surgeon, my future that I am not going to let myself down that I will keep trying until I reach it and be proud of it.

The author's comments:

I personally loved miley cyrus a lot but this piece I kinda connected to the how I can see the things ahead of me and that I just need to work a little hard to get to the goal

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