Adopt, Don't Shop | Teen Ink

Adopt, Don't Shop

April 24, 2019
By bdyer1 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
bdyer1 BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There are seventy million homeless cats and dogs in the United States. However, people still continue to purchase pets when there are so many without homes. Breeders can sometimes exploit animals by breeding them to an unhealthy extent which can cause genetic mutations. Also, shelters are so overcrowded that many animals have to be euthanized to create more space. Many people do buy animals because they like the desirable traits that the breeding produces. Animals should be adopted rather than bought because some breeders breed animals incorrectly and shelters are severely overcrowded.

One reason to adopt is because breeders breed animals in incorrect and unhealthy ways. These breeders sometimes breed dogs just for certain looks which can cause genetic mutations. A bulldog is a perfect example: the dog is so inbred that it cannot get pregnant without being artificially inseminated, and it cannot give birth naturally. When people buy dogs from breeders, the unhealthy practices are encouraged more. Also some breeders use puppy mills or puppy farms. Puppy mills are large-scale commercial dog breeding facilities that contain unsanitary environments. Puppies bred using this practice are more likely to contract certain diseases. Since breeders sometimes breed animals using unethical practices, animals should be adopted rather than bought.

Another reason more animals should be adopted rather than bought is because shelters are severely overcrowded. Approximately one and a half million shelter animals are euthanized each year due to a lack of space. Some shelters have policies stating that they cannot turn away any animals. Therefore, to make room for the new animals, the shelter has to euthanize the older ones. Animals are also euthanized if they have a medical condition that makes them too hard to take care of. Also, some people are not spaying or neutering their pets which can result in overcrowded shelters. One female cat can have up to one hundred kittens in her lifetime, and the kittens usually end up in the shelter. As the shelters become more crowded,  more animals get euthanized. Because shelters can become so overcrowded, animals should be adopted rather than bought.

Some people like to purchase dogs or cats for a certain look or characteristic. People like certain breeds because they have favorable traits, and breeders breed purebreds of certain dogs and cats. Some people also find comfort in knowing exactly what kind of pet they are getting when they purchase. However, animals with these desirable traits can be found at the animal shelter too. Also, animals that are pure bread have more health problems than a shelter animal. Though many purchase animals for a favorable look or trait, these characteristics can be found in shelter animals.

One should adopt an animal opposed to buying one because breeders sometimes breed animals incorrectly and shelters are very overcrowded. Breeders sometimes breed their animals unethically and unhealthily which could result in health problems. Some breeders also use the practice of puppy mills which are very unsanitary for the dogs. Also, shelters are so overcrowded that over a million animals are put down every year. Some people are not spaying or neutering their pet which also contributes to the overcrowded shelters. Some argue that they want to buy a specific breed of animal, but these breeds can be found at the shelter. If society adopts rather than buys, then millions of animals can find a family and home.

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