Before the War Begins | Teen Ink

Before the War Begins

April 24, 2019
By Anonymous

I believe this world is a beautiful place. I believe this world is a selfish place. It is a foundation for life and prosperity. Through my clouded vision, I see vibrant petals and vast oceans. Through my focused vision, I see corruption and disappointment. This world is a beautiful, selfish place. In this world, there is so much war and animosity. I see children open their mouths to speak but silenced before a cry is heard. Every rotation of the world is another day of silence. Every day, we are on the verge of war. We fight against ourselves, against others, and against the unknown.

    You do not wait until the war starts in order to end it. You need to work towards solution before the war begins. You need to speak peace, speak right, and speak loudly until the war was never a thought to begin with. Focussing on the now is good. Wanting to change the future is also good. Every passing second becomes a future that we worried about. If we do not speak towards solution, how much damage can we take before our voices become a whisper in a crowd? Even if only one echo is heard, there will still be sound–still be the beginnings of a shout. Echos will be heard across an entire room. When that room listens, a fragment of war is chipped off. So please, we need to speak and listen or else the pleasure of relishing in the present will be ripped from our hands before we even have time to sit and breathe.

 The world is a ugly place, but it is also the most beautiful thing in existence–the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. The most beautiful thing I have ever known. To silence the world is to silence existence.

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