Vice and Virtue | Teen Ink

Vice and Virtue

May 17, 2019
By Anonymous

The virtue that I choose for myself is bravery. I choose bravery because I am very open to trying new things. I try many new things, even though it might be scary because I want to be able to experience the things. As a singer, I have to be extremely brave because singing in front of an audience can be very scary. I use my bravery throughout my daily life because I face many obstacles that I have to overcome.

My vice is how I can be bossy. I can be bossy when it comes to group projects, or when I’m put in a “leader” role. I sometimes act controlling and bossy when I want things my way. For example when we split off for sectionals in chorale I tend to control the group. I can also be bossy in my daily life when it comes to my lunch group and my family.

The author's comments:

Its important for us to see, not only the good details about ourselves, but also the ones that need some work.

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