Vice and Virtue | Teen Ink

Vice and Virtue

November 12, 2019
By Anonymous

I believe that being timid is one of the qualities about me that is classified as a vice. Growing up, and still to this day, I am a shy person to people that I am not familiar with. I that I have trouble reaching out and trying to talk to new people or trying to do things that are outside of my comfort zone. This quality does hold me back from a few things in life and I wish that I was not this way. Being timid is something that I have always needed to work on because in the corporate world I will have to know how to communicate well with others. Being timid also makes me hesitant to do any type of public speaking or presentations. I have worked on and gotten better at my presentation skills and I believe that Mount Carmel has helped with that. Being timid is a quality about myself that I do not like, but it has made me work harder for things that I want in life. 

One quality that I believe is one of my strongest, is that I am a very trustworthy person. To me, trust is a very important quality to have in a friend and as a friend. I think that my friends should know that they can always trust me with anything, and I try to uphold that quality every day. I have been told that I am “the only person I can trust,” and that makes me feel good because I always try to be a good friend in every way possible. Trust is also something that can be easily broken. My parents and I have broken each other’s trust many times throughout the years. By breaking our trust, I have realized that it is very hard to regain trust with someone I love, let alone begin trust with someone I just met. I have learned that it is important to forgive and let others know that I can be trusted with anything. I believe that my friends would say “trustworthy” if asked the question of what my best quality is, and that makes me feel like a good friend.

The author's comments:

This paper represents 2 elements of my personality. One element is my vice and the other is my virtue.

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