The 57 bus | Teen Ink

The 57 bus

December 18, 2020
By Anonymous

The 57 Bus 

The book 57 bus is a book that teaches an important lesson. It has a person that is A gender. It has both perspectives of the characters Sasha and Richard. It has the characters background information. In the beginning of the book, the reader is introduced to the characters background info and Sasha and Richard. Sasha is the person who gets in a very serious injury, while Richard is causing this whole situation that his friend told him to do. We soon find out that Richard had set fire to Sasha 's skirt. Then, Richard left the bus without taking care of the problem. Throughout the book, I saw the character of Sasha change from all shocked, suppressed, to positive and glad but also kinda aware. At the beginning, they said things like “Sasha sleeps as Richard and his companions goof around, play fighting. Sleeps as Richard’s cousin Lloyd bounds up and down the aisle flirting with a girl up front. Sleeps as Richard surreptitiously flicks a lighter and touches it to the hem of that gauzy white skirt.” However, by the end, Sasha was .This change makes me think the writer was trying to show us readers to not be rude and take bad decisions and not hurt others just by how they look. As I read this book, I felt like it was interesting but then when they were talking about sashas and Richard life it kinda got into oh wow (in a sad way). I even felt bad for them and also happy. This book gave me a lot of different emotions. I couldn’t really connect but there were some that I could relate to. As the conflict progressed and the book told both sides of how the characters felt during that time. I learned to watch out for any sus people and to not do things without thinking of the consequences. Anyone who is reading this review should most definitely read the 57 bus. It has a very valuable lesson in it. Also this book could help children and teens to think and not do something fast. The main topic in the book is how both of them felt how their life before this was.  Before I read this book, I had little/some knowledge about the topics of Sasha and Richard. I knew a little about this from the book by my Ela teachers. They introduced me to the book. I first thought it was gonna be like about a bus and what people did when they were on the bus. However, this book showed me a unique perspective on how people just go for things that friends tell them to do, from the point of view of Richard). There are people in the world who are going through similar experiences as Sasha, and who also feel so guilty and responsible for what happened to them. Having read this book, readers might be able to help others not to judge a person just by looking at them but at knowing how they are.

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