Kindness | Teen Ink


February 1, 2021
By Anonymous

“Kindness is more than deeds. It is an attitude. An expression. A look. A touch. It is anything that lifts another person.” That quote about kindness is the way that I view the different things that kindness can mean. The word kindness is more than just “to be nice” to me. Kindness is an attitude towards other people or events that happen in my life. Kindness is more than to just be nice to others. It is also to be kind to yourself by treating yourself correctly. Kindness can change your life and the others lives surrounding you. Those are the reasons why I chose to focus on the word kindness this year. 

Kindness is important to me because it means more than just being nice to everyone that I am around. This year I want to have a good attitude towards the people that surround me. Even if I  do get frustrated with someone having to keep a positive attitude towards that situation. Kindness is always having a good expression on my face no matter what is going on at the moment. Kindness has many other things included in it other than just being kind and doing things for other people daily. Taking these ideas of kindness into my daily life this year is going to make me a better person by next year. 

Kindness is also being kind to yourself every day. This means treating my body correctly by eating the right foods that are going to help me or getting enough exercise throughout the day to keep my heart healthy. This also means to be kind to myself mentally and not letting negativity get to me and staying positive. Staying kind to myself by knowing how I deserve to be treated by other people. I need to use this idea of being kind to myself and learn from it. This will help my mental and physical self. By doing this all year it is going to help me think of how I am treating myself in the years to come.

Kindness is my word I going to be working on getting better for next year. This word is going to help me all of this year and create a better habit for next year. I am going to be a better person if I truly focus on this and what it means. Kindness is a word everyone should focus on for a year and make this world a better place.

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