Pet Peeve | Teen Ink

Pet Peeve

March 1, 2021
By emmajathomas BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
emmajathomas BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!” Why is everyone always in such a hurry? Is it really that important if we are a few minutes late? It’s not like anyone is going to get hurt if we don’t go right this second. 

I like to do things on my own time. I have my routines that keep me sane, and when those are interrupted all hell might just break loose. First, it’s this. Then, it’s that. Sometimes it’s not the same thing for a specific time of day. But, everything has its place. Please don’t rush me, I just might go crazy.

I never thought I’d find myself so worked up over being rushed. I never thought that it could flip my whole mood upside down in just seconds. I never thought that I’d end up changing my mind about going. I say, “You can just go without me, I’ll stay home.”

Do I want to stay home? I’m not sure. Too irritated. Too frustrated. Too heated. I can’t think straight, and I still hear their voice echoing in my head, yelling at me that we have to leave right now!

They finally stop their egregious yelling, and come to my room, asking me what’s taking so long. I tell them it’s nothing and that I just need a couple more minutes, with tears welling up in my eyes. My cheeks start to flush and I become dizzy. Oh no. Here it comes.

Here comes the childish temper tantrum over something so little, yet so frustrating. Then with nausea, comes the worry, followed by the overwhelming thoughts of everything that could go wrong today. What if they go without me and never come back? What if I miss something life-changing and I’ll regret it for the rest of my life? What if something happens to them and I’m not there to help? What if I can’t give directions, leaving them to take their eyes off the road for just a few seconds? And then, BAM! Everything is gone in seconds. The people I care about, and the memories that would fade with them. 

You see, all this starts with the little “Let’s go! Let’s go! Let’s go!”. I get so worked up, and upset over someone telling me to put a little kick in my step. Why can’t I just take my time? Is it really that important? Yes, it really is that important, my mind flashes this through my head every time we go to leave the house. I better go with them, I’d rather go with them than have them leave and never come back home to me. 

I do understand why they rush me, even though I seem to forget for a moment of time whenever they are in a hurry. We have plans, and others have routines as well. The world doesn’t revolve around me and my routines. “Let’s go”, I say. And off we go, let’s see what we are greeted with today.

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