What is Life? | Teen Ink

What is Life?

June 1, 2021
By natty_6157 BRONZE, New York, New York
natty_6157 BRONZE, New York, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

People always wonder what's the point of life. Life is just life. You live to die. There is no point in living if all you do is sacrifice.  Some people live to make a change in the world while others just live to become not as known.  All you get is more pain than happiness.  Life is just a big obstacle course but at the end all you win is memories and  trauma. In life all you get is chances, and sometimes you mess up and might not get that chance again. Life to me personally is just a waste of time but at the same time it would be one of the most precious things you could  ever have. 

        Life is a waste of time to me because it took so much from me at such a young age, and I'm not even an adult yet. But life also has a purpose, a very important one. Life gives you a chance to meet people who are going to change your life for the better. Life gives you opportunities to become successful. It gives you chances to learn and grow. Many of the obstacle courses in life don't have to be physical. Most of them can be mental issues such as depression, anxiety and many more. These are one of the most difficult obstacle courses in life because you try your best everyday to overcome it and be better. But there's always some upside in these situations. You can  meet people that are going to help you through this and make new memories with them. 

      One of the challenges that I went through that actually made me question life is all the people dying and depression combined. When i started to lose a lot of my family members i thought to myself “what's the point of all of this if all that's going to happen is you die?” All of this death around me makes me wonder what's to live for? What's the whole purpose of all of this if it's just a waste of time. Overcoming depression taught me there's always a purpose to everything. If I didn't reach out for help. I wouldn't have met these amazing people I call my friends. The people I'm with today are part of the reason why I'm getting better. They helped me realize that there's so much to live for. I realized that with them life is so much more than just death. It's about accomplishments, memories, new beginnings and adventure. You only live once which is why this time is so precious. You won't be able to make memories or spend time with the people you love. You have a life to live, you have to cherish every moment. 

           Things i could do to cherish my life is to not waste time. I'm a teenager and these are my golden years. I deserve to have fun before I enter the real world and face many adult problems. I can't spend time on irrelevant things like drama and people who are toxic, they aren't worth it. Wasting time on irrelevant things would become stressful and we have to live in the moment. I can't plan the future or stay stuck in the past. I have to live in the moment and just enjoy it. Death is very unexpected which means the last days you spend on this earth shouldn't be wasted into little things. Life goes on with or without you so we would have to worry about ourselves and the present. 

The author's comments:

My name is Natasha I am a latina 13 year old. I've been through alot of things in this short amount of time I have been on this earth and it has opened my eyes and taught me many things. 

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