How to stop worrying about what others think | Teen Ink

How to stop worrying about what others think

June 11, 2021
By Adi24 BRONZE, Muscat, Other
Adi24 BRONZE, Muscat, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Whether we accept it or not, we all have felt insecure at some point in our lives. Each one of us has felt those subtle pokes inside ourselves when we face criticism. All those rare and impactful people we meet in our lives know the value of originality and are aware of the inexistence of perfectionism. Those people don't try to alter their personalities to receive social validation and instead just be themselves. The embarrassment comes from trying to change the way other beings perceive you. Fear of criticism is one of the biggest obstacles holding people back from reaching their true potential in life as mentioned in the great book "Think and Grow Rich".  No matter how slim you get, no matter how smart you get, no matter how attractive you look, there's always going to be someone willing to criticize you and pull you down. 

When people criticize others, they try to put their insecurities on the other person. They feel a sense of superiority when they make others feel degraded about themselves. Everyone has different opinions and criticism is always going to be there. So it is always better to face criticism for doing something you want to rather than facing criticism for doing something you forced yourself to in order to make yourself look good.  

None of us are perfect. We have to accept the fact that each one of us has our own flaws and strengths. Denying imperfection and chasing perfection will just waste our life. You need to learn the skill of embracing your flaws and welcomingly live with them.

When someone criticizes you, he/she is making assumptions based on what he knows and thinks about you, and his past experiences in life with people who possess similar characteristics that he believes you to have. His opinion is formed by the mix of those two factors. Most people don't even know 90%  of the person who you are and what you are going through. So it logically doesn't make sense to believe the judgment of others about you as they don't know the whole story and are judging you only based on what they perceive you to be. When you start to believe in this truth, the next time someone says negative stuff about you, the negative energy will not get into you as the rule of not caring about others and being free has been planted in your subconscious brain.

Individuals who hover around social media excessively tend to be mentally weaker. This is because social media programs your brain to seek social validation. When someone likes our post on Instagram we feel a diminutive sense of satisfaction because it makes us feel that we are given attention. When we don't get enough likes or comments, it makes us feel a little dull and lowers our self-worth.  In our next post, we try to be more "perfect" so that we get more likes and attention. Decreasing the time you spend on social media during the day can make you phenomenally tougher and less reactive to the perspective of others.

Buying into positive appreciation may also sometimes cause this major problem. Our subconscious isn't aware of the difference between the negative and the positive. It plants in whatever message you radiate to yourself. So when you choose to raise your self-worth because other people praise you, you're training yourself to allow your self-worth to fluctuate rapidly based on others' perceptions and points of view. As I have mentioned earlier, no matter how great heights you achieve, there will always be haters willing to pull you down, and if you dwell on the good sayings of others it will make you equally disappointed when they utter unkind words. That's just the bitter truth. The key to consistent happiness and unshakable confidence is not overvaluing what people say. Yes, express your gratitude when someone appreciates you from their heart, but don't dwell on their comments and learn to move on.

As Hugh Hefner said, "Life is too short to live someone else's dream". Just do what you feel is right and live with no regrets. See ya!💓

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