Sunny Side Down | Teen Ink

Sunny Side Down

October 7, 2021
By Anonymous

On October 4, 1989 a young girl named Sunny woke up from her alarm which was as loud as a train horn. . AS she woke up from her alarm early that morning, Sunny was very exhausted from her long night before, but little did she know yesterday was her last day of seeing the sun. Sunny walked downstairs to go wake up her parents Mr, and Mrs Plant. Sunny woke her parents up by slightly tapping them each one the shoulder 3 times, as her mom the her dad woke up they looked at eachother and Mrs. Plant said “why are we awake this early we never wake up this early” Mr. Plant replies “i'm not too sure honey, Sunny woke us up”. So Mr. and Mrs. Plant looks at Sunny and says “WHY WOULD YOU WAKE US UP THIS EARLY, THE SUN ISN’T EVEN UP YET’. Sunny looks her parents dead in the face and goes “ 

It’s 7:30 am and no sun has risen! DON'T YOU ALL SEE THE PROBLEM HERE”! So the whole family gets dressed in pitch black, due to the fact that the family’s house runs off of solar panels, they had no way to get light on in the house because the sun had not yet risen. After awhile, the Sunny and her parents are dressed and ready to go with their day as normal as possible, so they go down and in to the kitchen to eat breakfast they each grab a bowl and cereal. As, Sunny goes to open the fridge to get the milk it is super hot and gross because the fridge was off all night. So then the family chooses they are just going to grab a quick snack and eat in the car as they are on their way to school and work. Sunny of course is still upset she has to go to school even though it is pitch black outside. So Sunny feeds the dog’s because the dogs were singing all night long.  After feeding the dogs Sunny went and got in her mothers car.  On her way to school, Sunny noticed a little white light in the glare of her window. Sunny points out the white light to her mom because it is so unsettling. As her mom looks into the light she realizes it is slowly getting bigger and bigger, after a while the light started to get brighter and Mrs. Plant looks towards Sunny and goes “Oh no it's a big illumination headed our way about to hit the car” So of course  Sunny is scared for her life, balling her eyes out, turns out it was just a lamppost falling in the middle of the road they were driving on. After a while Sunny finally makes it to school where all the kids are inside watching  the small screen. They all are observing the news about how the sun has yet to rise and the whole world is scared. 

The author's comments:

My article is about a little family who was oh so worried about the sun not coming back up.

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