How to Stay Calm Behind Ugly Drivers | Teen Ink

How to Stay Calm Behind Ugly Drivers

October 21, 2021
By Sgsharkey BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
Sgsharkey BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When driving on the road we are often met with what some would call bad drivers. The folks that go the school zone speed limit on a saturday and the ones that cut you off on your way to work. There is a simple solution to keep your cool when these things happen. 

When first entering your car, begin by turning on music that makes you happy or feel good,the sad music may make you want to rear end the bad drivers and music too amped up may cause you to get too angry while behind the wheel. When you are driving initially you’ll be happy and calm then BOOM, you’re met by a “karen” that can’t drive. As she is cutting you off you see the hand go up as if an apology is being given, but you don't care because you also notice her eyes rolling back as if to mock you. 

By now you’re p***ed, you are wishing you had that angry music to go with how this driver is making you feel. As you reluctantly follow behind her you catch yourself tapping the brakes, 1..2..3 times and watch as your speed drops, 50...45...40. “FOURTY!” you will likely scream “ SHE IS GOING 40 RIGHT NOW YOU’VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME”. But no, no one is kidding you, you’re just stuck behind a bad driver. 

So now what? Now you are mad and watching as the time of arrival on maps slowly gets higher. You want to give her the finger and regret not laying on the horn. You’re ready to ride her a** and shout some inappropriate words the whole way. But then you must think, you must breathe and remember, pretty people don’t drive like a**holes. When this is remembered in your head you begin to calm down because she's struggling with her looks and her driving. 

If you find yourself still in a rage over the ugly driver (also known as bad drivers) this is when you begin to make terrible but likely accurate stories about how terrible their life must be to be such a bad driver. You may start with the classic “their marriage is loveless” or sometimes you'll even get so in depth that you throw out these accusations that she is definitely sleeping with her boss. As you spit out these stories with no evidence to the empty car you reside in you realize her brake lights are coming on and you’re getting closer and closer. As much as you want to keep going you brake hard and then realise she is taking a right, with no turn signal. “Only ugly people drive this bad” you mutter once more as the two of you part and your speed goes up once again, 40...45...50. You have done it, you’ve successfully stayed calm behind an ugly driver.

The author's comments:

When I was learning to drive I often caught myself frustrated by everyone else on the road so in an attempt to keep calm I began to refer to the terrible drivers as ugly driver. This embodies my thought process. 

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